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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. Ufb i collapse during the end of the song every time
  2. It’s so pathetic for them to finally decide to acknowledge its excellence after mocking the music and the artist for several years …
  3. He stood up and paused staring silently under the stars He is a nocturnalist , chasing dreams is just the price he pays ( i tried )
  4. I didn't know this song existed It's really good
  5. I want a magazine photoshoot for this era , is that too much to ask?
  6. she has to post something now that she is back
  7. In Arcadia : and my lips like the phallic the bay that doesn't even make any sense ( I think that someone else has also misheard the lyric but i am not sure )
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