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Everything posted by fl0r1dakil0s

  1. Is it not bird noises he recorded in Brazil 😭
  2. I can't get over the lyric "I drool like white liquid marble"
  3. Like what ? Ur post is giving cracked out babe.. Who listens to a song and thinks Hmmmmm "if someone presented this to me, I'd be like alrite can you make it feel a bit warmer, cus I appreciate it, but I'd be like. what does it really mean to you, can you explain to me in a way I can understand a bit more forward" and "if I had a boyfriend and he presented me this I'd absolutely be freaked out, maybe a bit less if it was his weird offering to ask for some freaky time but i'd be like, babe. I appreciate what you're feeling, let's unpack that, can you tell me how you really feel in a way I can understand. simply cus thank you, but what?" Cracked all the way out
  4. Queen of guns πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  5. When it's just him slapping his cock against the microphone and reciting his bizarre poems in different accents
  6. His poems are trash but maybe Lana had something to do with this / maybe he's musically gifted like her but I highly doubt it - Chuck and Charlie are already nepo photographers LMFAO we don't need nepo artists too Hope it's good tho x
  7. It's not even about the planes be fr nobody cares about the carbon it's the suing like 😭 she's sick for doing that to a STUDENT
  8. Yeah no.. flights are public information and Taylor needs to deal with it, hope she loses the lawsuit
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