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About robertenglandgrant

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    Lana's Dad

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  1. I kind of get what Lana meant when she said that she didn't recognize herself in a pure country sound. Lana is known for being a trailblazer, and I interpret what she says as her realizing that while she admires her country friends like Nikki, along with her new country surroundings, she let herself become too influenced by them creatively for her own projects. She could love what her new influencers do, but at the end of the day it's what they do and not what she does. And I think that Lana realized that she needs to follow her own path and put more of herself into the record. PS: If she's considering unreleased tracks I'm hoping for Lake Placid and Dragon Slayer
  2. I think that the soft launch could be for Neil Krug's Lana photography book. I feel like that would make the most sense as a soft launch item for Lana's store. Could be wrong, but I feel like her label wouldn't want to soft launch actual music sales
  3. With the status of Lasso being seemingly up in the air, I've been appreciating Ocean Blvd a little extra recently. The album itself is not only so beautiful, and some of her best work, but this era has been so rewarding for Lana and for fans. From concerts, to interviews, to public engagements, and literal rewards. When Taylor Swift said that Lana has not yet hit her peak at the Grammy's, she was totally right. While I'm excited for whatever comes next, I'm just so happy with where Lana is right now at this moment, because of Ocean Blvd and her previous works.
  4. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue <3
  5. You can see the order here https://cdn.qr-code-generator.com/account22973716/43537749_1.pdf?Expires=1707167561&Signature=IFPZIyzz0Z6t56yexHPnBk1oBIDLcmLbRLbwdXn8~FngeLAiPmmf6dwvGGnrLDU1tKZtfM7bJERgaj~yg8dHfzvOvNKQ5TLVdN4IHj5AgQeC-cwrTIxOjUTFgMWjs4wprcn23tLdz4P0FrzL0KbCEjbB9q9TV8mKV5pxhk067BUL5k5OqJzhbhqZYPjdjJ8GEdO2n4GO-lXUqwmiOCDcnAR-v2e0UdzQ2BT0bPy3yTWtqcJ8kKX0BKR9-SVzJ9REZNg~~E28CSGrWch75KMF0iPouGhQm7EWJenCKiNepQqmFwVY00FheiPyGnvEjrcuXSxFJeZh1h4OzWBsxean2Q__&Key-Pair-Id=KKMPOJU8AYATR
  6. Not sure if anyone shared this, but here's the link to be program: https://cdn.qr-code-generator.com/account22973716/43537749_1.pdf?Expires=1707167561&Signature=IFPZIyzz0Z6t56yexHPnBk1oBIDLcmLbRLbwdXn8~FngeLAiPmmf6dwvGGnrLDU1tKZtfM7bJERgaj~yg8dHfzvOvNKQ5TLVdN4IHj5AgQeC-cwrTIxOjUTFgMWjs4wprcn23tLdz4P0FrzL0KbCEjbB9q9TV8mKV5pxhk067BUL5k5OqJzhbhqZYPjdjJ8GEdO2n4GO-lXUqwmiOCDcnAR-v2e0UdzQ2BT0bPy3yTWtqcJ8kKX0BKR9-SVzJ9REZNg~~E28CSGrWch75KMF0iPouGhQm7EWJenCKiNepQqmFwVY00FheiPyGnvEjrcuXSxFJeZh1h4OzWBsxean2Q__&Key-Pair-Id=KKMPOJU8AYATR
  7. Adding Lake Placid to this list since that can totally be stretched as Country. Hoping it makes the tracklist if any unreleased make an appearance
  8. Manifesting an album with songs like Yayo, Ride, and Video Games. Since she considers songs like that "Country." I also feel like I talk to Jesus and Unidentified Flying Bill would fit well
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