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Andre Lamoglia

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  1. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Andre Lamoglia in Ariana Grande   
    the short film had me crying 
  2. Lanaparadiserey liked a post in a topic by Andre Lamoglia in Ethel Cain   
    dont speak on godwerline valley

  3. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by Blue Rev in Ethel Cain   
    then why post about it? 
  4. riina liked a post in a topic by Andre Lamoglia in A&W   
    its crazy that some people prefer the second part when the first part has the best lyricism ever in her career… 
    i also have to thank jack antonoff for making this track.. just this time 
  5. inthezodiac liked a post in a topic by Andre Lamoglia in Ethel Cain   
    this video of CDS reaching 1 million views.. oh crying during sex the hit that u are.. 
  6. Nicolas377 liked a post in a topic by Andre Lamoglia in Ethel Cain   
    this video of CDS reaching 1 million views.. oh crying during sex the hit that u are.. 
  7. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by Eternal Sunshine in Songs that disappointed you when they first leaked/released   
    Title, if there's another similar thread feel free to delete
    My answer: Jada by Ari or star lux
  8. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by Nightcall in Songs that disappointed you when they first leaked/released   
    Don’t Stop and Queen of Hearts just being hooks 
  9. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Ethel Cain   
    Even if you don't like Melanie Martinez, saying that storybook with nothing remotely sexual in it is "worse" than explicitly pornographic wank-intended content (clearly meant to resemble a child) is a reach and a half.
    But nobody was talking about / defending her on this thread in the first place. I've never seen Veinsineon defend her at all. You were the first to bring her up and it sounds like deflection from Ethel's drawing being, from your own words, weird.
  10. Rita Hayworth liked a post in a topic by Andre Lamoglia in Remy Bond   
    sped up snippet: https://m.soundcloud.com/jack-kershaw-209142332/all-in-my-head-remy-bond
    live: https://m.soundcloud.com/ivy-thomas-638313981/simple-girl-remy-bond
    there’s also countless of snippets of it on her tiktok promoting the song before its release
  11. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Ethel Cain   
    does she play roblox with them too or?
  12. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by stupidapartmentcomplex in Ethel Cain   
    leaker drama featuring ego tripping people in private discord servers again

  13. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by kingk in Ethel Cain   
    why would she even send unreleased stuff that she didn’t want to leak to a stan groupchat  once out there forever out there

    the songs r cute tho lets keep this streak going 
  14. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by kingk in Ethel Cain   
    what do they even gain from doxxing random people (no shade to u but like we aint celebrities just randoms in music forums)
    like i dont get it whats the point what do they think will happen 
  15. Andre Lamoglia liked a post in a topic by Dralw in Ethel Cain   
    that was me, here's proof that it's the real cover : )
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