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Greta Bowie

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  1. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  2. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    i would love this so much. But Sky is the patron saint of missed opportunities so…
  3. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Sky Ferreira   
    charli is at primavera what are the odds sky brings her onstage for cross you out
  4. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by godsmonster in Sky Ferreira   
    no offense but what the fuck does this say
    like is it me or is this impossible to read and comprehend
  5. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Lonely Planet in Sky Ferreira   
    Why does her mom always have to be the one to break the news. Pull up your socks Sky your a big girl.
  6. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by moondrunk in Sky Ferreira   
    The way this whole era has just died on arrival. Had she dropped the song in early April things would be looking very different right now, but instead this was the most underwhelming release ever. 
  7. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Sky Ferreira   
    we never getting this music video huh
  8. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  9. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by 111 in Sky Ferreira   
    l word descending so we can move on from this nightmare 
  10. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Air in Sky Ferreira   
    The 1-8 PUNCHHH if she played the smashes (I DON'T wanna hear DHL! It's not even a singy kind of song. Keep it for masochism tour and let's put smiles on the locals faces at these festivals please!)
    1, 24 Hours
    2, Don't Forget
    3, You're Not The One
    4, All My Lovers Die
    5, I Blame Myself
    6, Descending
    7, I Will
    8, Everything is Embarrassing
  11. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by sack in Sky Ferreira   
    i adore don’t forget but i’m so disappointed that she dropped an audio video instead of a music video to reveal the song. the music video would’ve got way more attention and probably double the amount of views by now
  12. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Sky Ferreira   
    Good evening, “Sky Ferreira” was a 12 year sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.
  13. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Sky Ferreira   
    i think Descending should be in my ears playing right now 
  14. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Glitter Boy in Sky Ferreira   
    I think Descending should be the next single. Then I Pray for Rain, then Guardian, and then the album. It would be great.
  15. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    Yes I really hope that Guardian, IPFR and Descending all receive proper releases, but if she had chosen any of those instead of DF, then we would all be bitching that she just released something that we have already heard. I respect that she gave us something where we could be surprised because we hadn’t heard it. Descending should def be next tho I pray 
  16. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
    I understand that she wants to do a great, fresh and consistent record, but scrapping  Guardian and I Pray For Rain would be such a dumb move
    Don't Forget is really good, I only wish it was more explosive and a little bit faster just like in the first snippets, but I still think it was a solid choice, specially because that showed that Sky is trying her best to keep with her original plans, she hinted DF as the next single even before DL being released
  17. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by KimKaDAB in Sky Ferreira   
  18. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Mountain in Sky Ferreira   
    Indie Stage girl.

  19. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by 2internetghosts in Sky Ferreira   
    From what we heard Descending is the superior song... the production is dark fuzzy noisy and alternative but very captivating, the chorus is great, it's sounds perfect... She literally starts the song saying "They missed their tortured little girl" like imagine emerging after 9 years this being the first words of your lead single it would be so iconic.
    When you're not the one dropped i didn't liked it, thought it was too indiepop 2013 for me, but in like a week i was obsessed, i still think it pales in comparison with other commercial songs on the album like i blame myself and love in stereo. 24 hours should've been the lead single and it probably would have been bigger... in the end we can ask what could've been but it's not our decision to make, heck i don't even know if the decision is in her hands.
  20. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Sky Ferreira   
    I blame i blame i blame myself  
  21. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by xenomorphqueer in Sky Ferreira   
    I think releasing Descending would have made more of a statement and mitigated some of these reactions. But we have to also acknowledge anything she does will be anticlimactic considering there's such a huge mystique that surrounds her and this album. She's been in too deep for 5 years
  22. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by lonely lonely night in Sky Ferreira   
    this is what pisses me off about stan culture, people who share any critique of the artist’s work are automatically labelled as haters. like i’ve been listening to sky since she released one, i’ve been a fan for over a decade. i support her and want her to succeed, and i like don’t forget. do i need to lie and say the 9 year wait hasn’t been a little bit anticlimactic? as long as people aren’t attacking her character, because obviously nobody has the right, then there’s nothing wrong with having an opinion. i’ve said this previously but as much as i do really enjoy don’t forget, it is admittedly a bit bland for a comeback single. she had years to work out this release and it was still a nightmare. i really hope after this vulture interview that she can get this album done and release it within the next 12 months
  23. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by DownhillLullaby in Sky Ferreira   
    Don't Forget
    #14 Ireland
    #15 Brazil
    #55 United Kingdom
    #88 Italy
    #89 Canada

  24. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by Glitter Boy in Sky Ferreira   
    Then someone leak the album - or at least Descending and All My Lovers Die  
  25. Greta Bowie liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
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