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  1. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    There are many protests around the nation, and Donald Trump is already showing his authoritarian ways- calling the protesters "professional" and unfair and starting to call what they are doing "riots".
    they would like nothing more than to arrest people and make these more than just a protest arrest, and create a situation where they will be felonies and take away the protesters voting rights if convicted.
    Also watch out when Trump calls someone something, usually he is projecting, so what will happen is Trump will send out professional
    agitators and instigators (goons and thugs) and create a situation that leads to deaths of the protesters against Trump, who are constitutionally allowed to protest in the USA.
    Please be careful.
  2. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by knoxavel in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    dis girl needs to make a statement soon. 
  3. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    If one day I meet her, I swear:
    "I've got things to tell you, like 'I know that you're a liar'!" 
    Well, if she lied, then maybe could be:
    1. Just to protect the infos of the new album, since it's not ready to drop yet.
    2. Or she just likes to lie. ("You're careless con, you're a crazy liar"   )
  4. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Rem in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    So yall believe a troll account who (probably not even a lana fan or has nothing to do with Lana) joined a forum just to post about trump?   It literally joined today and its first post was about trump.     Next thing you know a troll with Lana avi posting scat gif and yall think Lana loves scat?  
  5. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    omfg mess I actually thought she tweeted that. only now did I realize y'all are just fucking around     
  6. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Leonard Cohen has passed away.   
    It truly breaks my heart to hear that Leonard Cohen has passed away. Leonard has always been such an influential artist for me as a poet; he and his music were my solace, my confidants, and two of the most prized treasures I have come upon in my lifetime.
    I am left emotional and beside myself.
    Leonard's humility, compassion, and candor in his work have truly touched me during my experience with the human condition, and in times of emotional distress, certainly made it bearable; I really wish that I had the opportunity to meet him personally, to tell him how much it meant to me to have that.
    Thank you, Leonard. For the music. For you. For everything. You will never be forgotten.
  7. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by BeautifulAnywhere in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Blake posted an audio on his story clearly a start of a song. Could it be something of Lana's? I don't really pay attention to what he posts but I could be wrong. Although the few seconds of it sound nice and I'd be interested to here whatever song or thing it is!
  8. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Lust in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    This is what makes us Lana stansLooking for rumors but we don't find shit
    Fighting for over 30 fukin pages
    Don't cry about it don't cry about it

  9. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by newemotion in Alexx Mack   
    Here for it! & thanks for the info...excited af!
    She's performing at Orlando Pride on the 12th   I can't wait
  10. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Constantine in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Closeted racists/sexists/bigots are already getting brave with their words. So many people have been racistly attacked/ been victims of hate crimes since the election..
    I, myself, have completely lost faith in humanity
  11. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Inb4 Lana releases her upcoming album as "Lizzy Grant and the Phenomena". 
  12. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by SissyReed in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    TFJ is Marina's Lizzy Grant era
  13. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Limelight in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I'd actually welcome this change, but it's probably going to be the album's title than a new stage name
  14. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Elle in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    It's been speculated that Marina might drop "and The Diamonds" for her next project, and her Twitter bio is now "MARINA" and of course, the other day she posted a picture of her MARINA necklace, so maybe it could be true. I'd be a little sad if it was tbh.
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Homogenic in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Unfathomable. I really can't handle this.
  16. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by drewby in Lady Gaga   
    after crying in her car following the unfortunate announcement of the end of every America stands for
    She served

  17. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by Homogenic in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Woke up today and just sat feeling so empty and numb. Eventually I just skipped class to cry. Then I went to my art class and everyone was devastated. You could feel it in the room. It was unlike anything that I've felt before in my life, honestly. Today has been the absolute worst.
  18. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Don't try to gaslight people's fears. There are very real threats to a lot of our safety. In 2 months we're going to have a government run by people who are anti-gay, anti-trans anti-choice anti-Islam anti-Latinx anti-Black anti-Native  anti-women, pro-pipeline, pro-conversion, pro-war, pro-racial profiling...
    We were just starting to make progress and all of that could be taken away. Just because something isn't going to personally effect you or your country doesn't mean these aren't real threats. Trump preaches an anti-Islam rhetoric extremely similar to the anti-Jewish rhetoric that nearly killed my entire family. Don't try to tell me with the full power of the government he can't cause a lot of harm. 
  19. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    people literally took the time out of their day to go to the polls and write in Harambe for president. imagine having this privelege to joke around while other people are fearing deportation, gay marriage getting annulled, police force getting stronger while innocent african americans are getting killed, etc. truly tragic
  20. PolaroidWhore liked a post in a topic by Homogenic in Alexx Mack   
    Queen of Alexx Mack unreleased 
  21. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by PolaroidWhore in Alexx Mack   
  22. Elle liked a post in a topic by Homogenic in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Unfathomable. I really can't handle this.
  23. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by Rem in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Lana Del Rey 2020.
  24. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    My daughter Lizzy literally fears Trump. I've never persuaded her to feel that and have tried everything I could to keep her in the dark about the world as much as possible; she expressed that fear on her own the first time she saw his face. But the last few months she's heard kids at daycare repeat things Trump has said and I've had to explain them to her, each time she was really angry and confused why in her words "a stinky bully" had friends.  I had to tell her he won this morning and she cried... I didn't take her to daycare because we live in an ultra-conservative area and idk what could be said to her. She just wants to be home and cry... This is breaking my heart y'all. She's been awake since 5am and only stopped crying because she started to fall asleep.. It baffles me that an almost 3 year old has more common sense than America. 
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