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About Nectar

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    ✰✰✰ the brightest star on Hollywood and Vine ✰✰✰
  • Birthday September 3

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    September, 2015

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  1. Can't wait for her to gag us all when she releases a country album on December 17th 2035 after many delays!
  2. if the album does actually end up being a country album I have a slight feeling that it wouldn't be a great success. I just have a feeling that the album would be another COCC: a great album (some absolute bops) but overall ignored by majority of people. And I'm not hating on COCC, it is one of my favorite albums and neither am I saying that she should be chasing charts but I just wanted to give my prediction on the success of the album. I would love to be proven wrong tho.
  3. Commented on soundcloud under a Zodiac snippet:
  4. What if she just scraps the album? Like what do we do then?
  5. OMG CONGRATZ!!!! How does it feel to live the dream of many?
  6. OMG! Are we thinking of the same video? https://www.tiktok.com/@monsterki1289pl3/video/7367805331369381153 It showed up on my FYP while I was drunk and I thought I was just imagining things
  7. Nectar

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    Why is her finger inside the trigger guard? Like girl, work on the trigger discipline
  8. Does anyone know from where she got that intro (the first 4-5 seconds) in the Paradise (2011) unreleased song?
  9. Oh God, not this... The worst has come to pass. A country album?
  10. I cannot express how much I would've liked the whole album to have the same vibe as LFL demo 1. Also: 2nd version of Wayamaya Carmen (Demo 1) National Anthem demo Demo of Beautiful People Tomorrow Never Came demo
  11. If Lana kept LFL's original "witchy" / mysterious vibe, the album would've been 100x better.
  12. Her best album, still unmatched! Every time I listen to it, it gets even better. Happy birthday AKA!
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