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  1. stillrun liked a post in a topic by SoftwareUpgrade in Sky Ferreira   
    Companies hate having to make statements, especially if people KEEP annoying Capitol AFTER a "joint statement" is made. It could be a fun cycle, if Sky keeps "spilling" on IG, reporters make articles, we click all of the articles for web traffic, people keep posting Sky on places like tiktok for grifting engagement either with her aesthetics or drama, Capitol forced to reveal info. Repeat ad nauseum 
  2. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Sky Ferreira   
    i really do wonder how different sky’s career would be today if she released Cry Baby in 2010. i honestly think think she would still be making the same Masochism now but in much better circumstances. again, i respect her artistic integrity, but what if she cooperated with them, even just for one era at the very beginning? if the album did well, she’s on capitol’s good side. if it flopped, well maybe we would still be in this exact situation, but also then Masochism would be the last album in her contract and the end would be in sight
  3. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Steeqhen in Sky Ferreira   
    Truly she is just riding off the "1 album legend" status of NTMT and the buzz she can create by saying she will release an album this year, and then never release it. I'm sure she has some sort of label issues, but it's so obvious she is stuck in wanting to be that edgy alt girl who doesn't "sell out", but just do SOMETHING. I would not give a fuck if she released an album of filler pop songs if it led to Masochism (or at this rate a new 2nd album because the whole thing is basically leaked already)
  4. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Sky Ferreira   
    i really do respect her artistic integrity, but yeah that’s just not how things work on a major label and it never has been unfortunately
  5. stillrun liked a post in a topic by rancidgirl in Sky Ferreira   
    i feel like if sky ferreira told someone in her comments to kill themselves freeskyferreira would be like "she probably wasnt even the one who said that, it was most likely one of the big men from capitol taking control of her life and her music and not letting her release her sophomore album, check my account for more information about this" 
  6. stillrun liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  7. stillrun liked a post in a topic by SoftwareUpgrade in Sky Ferreira   
    She's too chained to the alleged need for integrity, it isn't the 90s, you shouldn't be scared of sell-out singles. People would understand as a "she did what she had to do for the album" situation. Look at Ava Max and her ridiculous sampled charters. She's probably rolling in dough (after the sampling percentages go through) because she doesn't HAVE integrity. Welcome to the industry, play or pay
  8. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Fetiche in Sky Ferreira   
    I was not attacking her lol
  9. stillrun liked a post in a topic by SoftwareUpgrade in Sky Ferreira   
    Time to contact Interview, Kerrang (she's grunge yall!1!1), revolver, and someone big like Elle. C'mon now, Sky mention something "political" or "sexist" about your situation for a grifting publication writer to drag on. GO ON GMA, lol. She doesn't have connections except for Interview, Dazed, and Pitchfork. It's time  #fighter #XTINA
  10. 111 liked a post in a topic by stillrun in Caroline Polachek   
    i don’t know any beautiful Caroline Polachek haters.
    people acting like she hasn’t been called Kate Bush-like are so fucking dumb. i have receipts sent to me from 2019. get a fucking grip and don’t speak on my motherS. plural. i love Kate and Caroline.
  11. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Fetiche in Sky Ferreira   
    if Descending isn’t a good single choice, then what the fuck is Downhill Lullaby?
    I think she’s just a liar and the album literally doesn’t exist. She said it herself, they said no until she turned in an ALBUM.
  12. stillrun liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    Omg hahaha 
    Serously, this whole freeskyferreira thing is absurd. 
    I can bet that if she's indie she would take as long as now to release stuff and now blaming not having a label to fund her. There's always someone else to blame but her. 
    Well yeah, I don't see any of those freeskyferreira guys doing something that will actually help. They are just wasting time. 
    The only thing that could benefit Sky is if she hires a good lawyer. 
  13. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Sky Ferreira   
    okay imo this really isn’t that hard to understand from capitol’s perspective and by “it’s about songs” surely they were talking about singles. imo Descending is a good single choice but also i kind of understand why it might not be that way from a major label exec pov. not to bring up halsey in here and start that discourse, but she’s the first example i can think of 🪦 halsey plays the major label game very well… she gives them good singles, even if they’re not necessarily good songs (like So Good and Closer), and in return they let her put out the albums she wants like IICHLIWP. sky just has to play the game, make a couple stand alone pop singles and get it over with. i think Capitol would be more excited and willing to promote something like that too possibly? idk
  14. stillrun liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Sky Ferreira   
    I mean she still has atleast a few supporters despite this thread turning into a circle jerk-she could milk the last remaining good faith she has and turn to a publication for a tell all.
  15. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Fetiche in Sky Ferreira   
    Her comments are kinda glitching. 15 braindead f*gs liked this comment according to my IG
  16. stillrun liked a post in a topic by SoftwareUpgrade in Sky Ferreira   
    Now some gay Lipster is gonna like it after seeing this to troll - or freeskyfererria
  17. stillrun liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  18. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Greta Bowie in Sky Ferreira   
    even what she is saying is true (I don't believe it) she never made a proper explanation and TRANSPARENT on the whole subject. If she hadn't been so empty and wide from the beginning, it would have already reached a huge buzz and who knows, maybe she would be free by now.
    she says she has never been vague in these 10 years but what we still see today is the complete opposite, if even "YOUR FANS" don't believe what you say, do me the favor of reviewing every publication and story of yours, because someone is wrong and it's not them.
    make a video explaining yourself and apologizing for the lack of communication and responsibility towards your fans and give the context of all this shit, after 10 years you have nothing left to lose girl, wake up!
  19. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Kristian Karlsson in Sky Ferreira   
    bombing her with hostile questions is way more effective than any method used in guantanamo 
  20. Pnin liked a post in a topic by stillrun in Caroline Polachek   
    i don’t know any beautiful Caroline Polachek haters.
    people acting like she hasn’t been called Kate Bush-like are so fucking dumb. i have receipts sent to me from 2019. get a fucking grip and don’t speak on my motherS. plural. i love Kate and Caroline.
  21. stillrun liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Sky Ferreira   
    She’s been doing this for 10 years, the most you can expect is a reflection on the label and how they have sabotaged her- the answer you’re looking for will never be gotten.
  22. stillrun liked a post in a topic by bonniewinterbottom in Sky Ferreira   
    you see how this woman debuted around the same time as Charli XCX and Marina yet those women have released multiple projects and she's just... 
  23. stillrun liked a post in a topic by theworldspins in Sky Ferreira   
  24. stillrun liked a post in a topic by Fetiche in Sky Ferreira   
    Free Sky Ferreira replying to every single comment, oh my god. Mental illness.
  25. stillrun liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Sky Ferreira   
    back when she actually had money & a job
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