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About SinclairKills23

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  1. SPOILER RANT That Snatch Game episode was I would confidently say the WORST episode of the season. Lexie being in the top made no sense (love her, but how?), Onya did well but Jewels seemed to edge her over a tiny bit more, and Arrietty should’ve been lip syncing with Lana. Crystal should’ve been low, did not deserve to go home and I’m kinda shocked she did. She was a pretty good front-runner up until that point, but it was also clear as day tho that production (and Ru) did not give her her deserved flowers (as she should’ve won that commercial episode). END OF RANT
  2. I legit had to scroll back to my post 2 years ago to try and find it, but from what I remember, this was the rumored track list for CY1 (which has likely changed at this point)
  3. I was gonna ask that too cos I haven’t seen or heard that song anywhere besides hearing that it was considered for the CY1 tracklist
  4. To be fair, the fires in LA has really messed up ALOT of things in the industry lately. I wouldn’t be getting mad at Sky for giving this as a reason for still no music video to a song I barely even remember 😭
  5. The internet just hates women. Whether or not whoever is in the right, there’s so much hate towards Blake right now that some of it gives very misogynistic. This just gives very Depp v Heard all over again 🙄
  6. Killer Love deserved better, Poison is horribly underrated….
  7. Legit the first thing he says when he’s sworn in is already threatening LGBT people with the whole “there’s only 2 genders” bs, we are so screwed…
  8. I think it’s interesting everyone is saying Trump is a savior for wanting to save this app, but first off, isn’t he to blame for why the app was banned in the first place? Also don’t forget: Just because he wants to save this app, doesn’t mean we should forget he wants to strip away rights from people who aren’t white, straight Christian men.
  9. Lucky deserved to go further, her looks were freaking incredible in her episodes (except that last one 😭). And Joella lost that lip sync in my opinion. In other news, Lexi giving top 4 and Sasha Colby like vibes. I am so rooting for her!
  10. Claws should’ve been a main single, we were robbed 😭
  11. lol you could’ve gave it to me 😂
  12. Like the Republicans are any better… 🙄 As in what I think about all of this, I’m not surprised at all. The healthcare in the US is HORRIBLE. You have to basically pay for air, while you get free care almost anywhere else like Canada and the UK.
  13. I could totally see this album finally come out in 2025. It would kinda make sense. I’ve always seen next year as a possibility. Am I crazy? Probably, but we’ll have to come back to this post in a year’s time to see if I shall eat my words 😂
  14. So, harassing somebody for years and years on end is justified over a singer who lies about releasing pop songs? Give me a break 🙄. There’s way worse things to be angry about right now.
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