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Everything posted by blackenedrussianpoetry

  1. Made sense but i was searching for crooked cop on ldr wiki and it says the original file is called 05 crooked cop and it belongs to an album named pods 2007… made me wonder
  2. Journal de femmes July 23, 2017 So you don’t know what your next project will be?
 There are so many leaked songs that I was thinking of making a CD with my favorites, but I wouldn’t want that to distract. I also left out five planned songs on ‘Lust for Life’ for a specific reason. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to leave them for the future. And I had started a mixtape with duets, a hip-hop thing, but I think I’ll mostly focus on touring for now, since I’m already on the road. I prefer to let myself be carried away! I like to act at the last minute. I can’t stand the pressure of things planned in advance. It’s so much easier when someone says “Why not tomorrow?” and I answer yes. comment: before the amoeba show on the 26, lana herself had already thoughts of releasing an unreleased songs album but had disagreements as well within… a hip hop thing? That “get dark” snippets sound fittingly into that description if that was indeed recorded after lust KROQ July 31, 2017 Is that a conscious choice? No, I feel like the melodies and the production were just following what I had been thinking about for the last-year-and-a-half. I kind of thought I knew where the record was going, and then 14 months into it, it took a turn for me stylistically, so I wasn’t really sure where we were going to end up. Does it scare you a little bit when the process takes a turn? Yeah. Actually, it’s never really done that so much. Quite so much for me as I did with this one. Are you easily open that kind of thing? I don’t think I was before, but I was with this one.
  3. Beats 1 July 12, 2017 It feels like this [Bummer and Groupie], it’s a very centerpiece of the tracklisting. It goes to this moment when both these songs are kind of a brother and sister or whatever, it’s hard to say, and then, it kind of takes you somewhere else. Is that very deliberately? Yeah, definitely. My tracklisting changed a lot in the last three months. There’s a couple songs, ‘White Mustang’, ‘Cherry’, ‘Summer Bummer’, and ‘Groupie Love’, and then, even ‘Coachella’ a little bit. And I feel like that middle section has a lot of fire in it even though it’s not that fast. But the beats are pretty hard. How did you feel when you heard that finished? When you knew it was done and whether it was Emile or Rick or someone played you the final mix? Well, to be completely honest, final, final mix was not that long ago, because it changed right before we started printing it to vinyl. It actually changed a lot in the mix. So I was actually kind of nervous. But that’s one of the ones I felt changed last minute for the better. Are you getting ready for all to kick off? The road and all that stuff? Do you feel the momentum building now? Because I know you have festivals lined up throughout the summer, but has it been necessarily a world tour announced now or anything? No. I wasn’t really planning to start everything in April. POPLINE July 14, 2017 How do you differentiate ‘Lust for Life’ from ‘Ultraviolence’, ‘Honeymoon’, and ‘Born to Die’? I think my main influence on ‘Lust for Life’ began with the concept of the word “lust”, but in a more complete way. Not just the concept of desire as for example with a boyfriend, but something more malleable and romantic. Like vibrations. That would be so much more comfortable than anything I’ve done so far. When I started producing ‘Lust for Life’, I wanted the album to be quieter in nature. I still have some harder things in some songs. As for example, in the bands with A$AP Rocky, I feel that there is still a bit of aggression and this caught me by surprise. I’m fine, but it still reflects a lot of what I feel and how I am.
  4. Complex June 26, 2017 This is the first one where you’re smiling. But this was definitely in an even more lighter space altogether. My sister Chuck shot it, but we shot it in the parking lot behind the scenes of my ‘Love’ video. We didn’t know if we were going to get the cover, but we definitely knew I was going to smile. We took a couple frames, and we developed it that week, and I felt like that was the one. comment: i remember not too long ago i saw an interview saying that in january 2016 lana already had thoughts of the album cover being her smiling… lust has always been “wanting to be better/positive” record it seems like it
  5. BBC NEWS May 27, 2017 (sorry it was 27 not 28 *earlier post*) - The new record is completed. How long did it take you to make this record? It took me two years to make this record. - It’s a really long record. I couldn’t leave anything out. It’s currently 18 tracks long. Around late may 2017 ben confirmed to fan that lana still need to place more songs/figure out the songs (along the lines of that) *a fan asked why lust didnt drop on may 26 as it was promised*
  6. Dazed March 2017 I love this new song. Thank you. It doesn’t sound that retro. The last 16 months, things were kind of crazy in the US and in London when I was there. I was just feeling like I wanted a song that made me feel a little more positive when I sang it. And there’s an album that’s going to come out in the spring called “Lust for Life”. (Earliest known mention of the sentence “Lust tor Life”.) I do. I like him. [Tomorrow Never Came] I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way, but when I wrote it, I felt like it wasn’t really for me. I kept on thinking about who this song was for or who could do it with me. And then, I realized that he would be a good person. Actually, I had listened to his records over the years and I did think it was his vibe, so I played it for him, and he liked it. He rewrote his verse and had extensive notes, down to the mix. And that was the last thing I did, decision-wise. I haven’t mixed the record, but the fact that ‘Love’ just came out and Sean kind of finished up the record, it felt very meant-to-be. No. I’ve always wanted to work with Max Martin. [LFL title track] I felt like it was a big song, but it wasn’t right. I really liked the title. I liked the verse. John Janick was like, “Why don’t we just go over and see what Max Martin thinks?” So, I flew to Sweden and showed him the song. He said that he felt really strongly that the best part was the verse and that he wanted to hear it more than once, so I should think about making it the chorus. So I went back to Rick Nowels’s place the next day and I was like, “Let’s try and make the verse the chorus”, and we did, and it sounded perfect. That’s when I felt like I really wanted to hear Abel sing the chorus. So he came down and he rewrote a little bit of it. But then I was feeling like it was missing a little bit of The Shangri-Las element, so I went back for a fourth time and layered it up with harmonies. Now I’m finally happy with it. [Laughs] But we should do something, soon.
  7. Les Inrockuptibles March 28-June 2017 How do you know or feel when you’re ready for a new album? If I’m not occupied with mixing in the end of the creation of an album, I continue to write. For example, two songs from the new album were composed during the finalizing of the predecessor. How about ‘Lust for Life’? Four songs on the album reference Los Angeles, but the mood and aesthetic are definitely not West Coast-like. Songs like ‘Tomorrow Never Came’ and ‘Yosemite’ pick up the sounds of 70s folk. And if I would have to create an album concept in a day, it would surround the legendary Laurel Canyon particularly. comment: life imitates art! Lanz was still working on lust while unconsciously erected her vision of norman… wonder what “get dark” means… that’s a very lust/pop sounding song and was said to be recorded on sept 2017 - 2 months after lust’s release
  8. Radio 1 February 25, 2017 Tell me about the new record. As the climate kept on getting more heated politically, I found, lyrically, everything was just directed towards that. So because of that, the sound just got really updated, and I felt like it was more wanting to talk to the younger side of the audience I have. That’s kind of a global feeling. comment: before this date lana has teased political views on lust - but i think sept 2016 was when she truly wants to really speak out of that topic. 19 feb 2016 - elle uk event where lanz talked about having to learn more about the new candidates 27 sep 2016 - she encouraged her fans to watch the debate nov 2016-jan 2017 - recorded gba and world at war throughout late 2016 and early 2017 lanz posted various photos of the new US presidency on insta
  9. Billboard February 14, 2016 (Red hair Sharon Tate style) Is it a different direction from the last one? Yeah. But I don’t know if you’d really know, because it has more to do with a clarity of inner dialogue that I feel like is coming through better. How about the music? It's kind of in the same aesthetic. comment: I’m certainly pessimist about lfl originally being dark as this was one of the earliest mention of a future record which she talks of moving forward positively… maybe the right word is “quiet” not “dark”… as lanz herself said
  10. NME November 2015 Your three Lana Del Rey album have been very Californian in sound and imagery. But Lana Del Rey is from New York. Will you ever make a record like that again? I feel like ‘Born to Die’ had a lot of New York feel in it because I was in New York leading up to the time that the record came out and while I was working on it. I find it very easy to go back and forth between a New York state of mind and a California way of being, so I could see me making another New York record. I think it would be different, just because it would be a little harder, faster, more upbeat, and less dreamy. How long do you think you’ll wait until the next record? Any early thoughts on where you’d like to go with it? I do have early thoughts about what I’d like to do with it. My label Interscope is pretty flexible and open to my records coming out at any time, so I don’t have that pressure. I’m just happy to be able to keep on making music I can stand behind. That’s enough for me.
  11. How do i dictate the dates these interviews were taken is by from (only month) 1. the issue - usually magazines had finished everything a month before the next issue drops The ones with a date 1. the day of the photoshoots for those magazine were taken (photoshoot and interview done on the same day) 2. if it’s a website i’d assume it was done the day before that interview was released factual: 1. Lanz wearing same outfit for various interviews 2. It was said by the writer/interviewer when was the chat taken place (so for example the below interview has a photoshoot done on july 15, 2015 so i could assume the interview was taken on the same day - but the magazine a september issue so i can assume it was taken on august - the usual a month prior to release interviews)👍 V Magazine July-August 2015 (Earliest mention of an another newer record) Tell me about your recording process. Now I’m in a great position where I can conceptualize something else if I want to. You’re already thinking about the next one? I’m always thinking about the next one.
  12. Had a lovely talk hours ago with @lanaismamom that resulted me to wanting to share interviews rare not i’ve collected particularly the timeline of lust for life… but to help their confusion yes lana intended to start the lust for life campaign on april 2017–but i’ve also read somewhere not long ago that if a lead single ever comes it’ll be out on feb 28, 2017 or march 6, 2017… this quiet ponders my mind: bar - the supposedly and rumoredly lead single off the record leaked on feb 26-28, 2017… could it leak because love has already leaked earlier and it caused to lana to disband bar from being released officially (not like how she intended it to be) love on the radio - i need someone to answer… we know lust campaign came out earlier of leak but was love ever on the radio (not digital) till march 6, 2017? Because that day lana posted on her honey account she was listening to love on her car radio on that date (mar 6)… this could double down the first theory that bar was the supposedly lead single … addition: i forgot to answer the earliest 18-songs lfl tracklist could be found from lanz’s interview w bbc on may 28, 2017… i’d have to listen to that 2 hour length of audio abt that 20 songs
  13. I wonder is that all there is to violet… more unpublished poems ?
  14. Lfl is a 16-track album and if you divide it you get 8… so i’ve been told that- track 1 (love) till track 8 (in my feelings) is “lust” track 9 (coachella) till track 16 (get free) is “life” but my take- i’d say there was never a clarity of narrative throughout the tracklist… the album just divides itself and connecting only w the songs on that segment… for example love until coachella has a modern alternative sound to it sonically but thematically you have this middle part of the album that is agressive in nature (cherry, wm, imf, summer bummer, groupie) then it shows it’s political side in compositions like Coachella, gba, world at war right- and then it gets folky in beautiful people and tomorrow never came now that’s what I thought Lana thought of when she made the tracklisting (at least the aggressive middle songs is a fact) next is what i think is what Lanz absolutely thought about… the last three tracks heroin - she reminisces of the past (she said it herself) change - her current/present desire for life get free - her future (manifesto)/elements in self she wanted that she wishes to incorporate.
  15. Very tropico/ultraviolence… there are times where i think lana reminisces dusty more than nancy… style wise lana’s more of a nancy but her music— has always been more dusty’s to me…
  16. What a moment it was… reflecting/looking back of people ridiculing this song was hilarious…! i still love it regardless- sorry for bumping an awkwardly old thread…
  17. Ocean Blvd title track sounds very great with the additional instruments at the end and her background singers belting each melodies that makes up an even more beautiful composition of a song… something about the way the song is perform makes me feel like- walking out of an epic play at a theatre with colorful lights beaming the roof or simply… i remember playing a part of a middle school play and all of the cast come upon the stage with our hands tied to each other and bowing down and the choirs sounding crazy and crashing with the faux lights purple and blue shining on the audience’s faces as they slowly leave the venue… eight grade
  18. Honeymoon title track would’ve been ethereal performed w that look/dress👍
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