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Everything posted by Quincy

  1. We are in such a similar situation!! I saw her for the first time in August and it was life changing. I feel spoiled that I got to see her two more times, but I couldn’t bring myself to buy pit tickets yesterday. It didn’t feel right. I’m already going broke from all these shows and I didn’t feel like I was part of the Stan crowd. Idk I’d love, literally die to be at the barricade, but all these people who go to her every show, have endless time and money. I just can’t. Plus I’m short and I’m not great with crowds. Maybe one day for the experience I will do pit, but I already have no business complaining. I saw her three times this year and that’s more than probably 90% of her fans. I don’t want to become an entitled snobby Stan. But I totally feel you. I was slipping into a very dark place this summer, but seeing her and being able to share my obsession with all of you has really helped uplift me from the shadows. It went from the blackest day and summertime sadness to something I can’t even begin to explain with words. You are going to have the time of your life!
  2. Maybe after the writer’s strike is over, since Covid is essentially over, she’d be willing to do a few one off TV appearances to promote Ocean Blvd? I miss her occasional TV spots, even if they were only a song or two.
  3. Quincy

    Instagram Updates

    This seems very possible. She has roots in Upstate New York, which borders Vermont. She has to know people from there. Maybe old friends. That would make the most sense, otherwise it’s a very random state to single out haha
  4. Ugh. I watched the first two seasons when I had a free Hulu trial. Then the ads got too much and I stopped watching. Definitely thought it was a fun show, the mix of young talent and older (Martin and Short) worked together surprisingly well.
  5. Quincy

    Instagram Updates

    She did grow up in Upstate New York, which is close to Vermont, so maybe she was taking a playful jab at them. Or maybe I should stop guessing
  6. Quincy

    Instagram Updates

    Is she saying she’s played in every state except Vermont?
  7. Really mixed. It depends on the venue, section and your perspective. I’ve been to three shows and had three different experiences. The two smaller venues generally had better crowds, but that’s just my opinion. Arkansas: The crowd was very tame and wasn’t overly loud. Of the three venues, it probably had the most polite crowd. It’s a small venue and I think the demographic (rural South) may have played a role. Dallas: The crowd was out of control, at times. When the gates opened, people ran, screamed and pushed everyone out of the way. Security had zero control. Once in the seated sections, many (not all) were very rude, loud and disrespectful. Several of the songs felt like screaming kareoke. It was my least favorite of the three crowds. Keep in mind it was a larger venue, in a larger city, and stormy weather may have played a role in riling people up. Mississippi: The crowd was fairly well behaved, but the security was also very strict. A few people were sneaking into other sections, standing in aisles and vaping, but got kicked out really quick. I posted on Reddit that the crowd seemed polite and respectful, but someone in the pit said it was total chaos in there. I didn’t see that, but then again I’ve never been in the pit because I have low tolerance for pushing and shoving, and I like my personal space. Other things I noticed at all three shows: 1. Many attendees don’t seem to know a lot of her songs. I’m not sure if it’s age or what (large percentage of the crowds were teenagers) but it’s a little sad when people don’t know the songs. 2. People show up late, but many people also leave early. I get it, traffic is bad, but last night even Lana made a comment about having to try extra hard because people were leaving early. 3. Going back to #1, a lot of people at these shows seem to be TikTok teens who may not have the incentive to be as attentive or respectful, simply because they may not have listened to her for long and/or they’re just there for a concert experience As opposed to a Lana experience. In summary, it depends on venue size/location, personal preference and where you’re sitting.
  8. Beer. I’m not a big drinker, but I had my drinking days. Beer makes me sick, I don’t think I’ve ever finished a whole beer. I’ve tried my share of different types. Not for me. We could get high on some pink champagne though.
  9. Thank you so much. It was such an important day for me and an experience I’ll never forget. Maybe one day we’ll go to a show together! I’ve gone alone each time, but have made some special connections along the way 🖤 It would be a whole new level to go with another fan 🍒 Mostly for sneaking into the wrong section. This one couple was blocking my view, I was in an aisle seat just behind the pit and they were standing right in the aisle at the gate. Karma! Someone else was kicked for vaping. They announced before they let anyone in that you can’t do that. It doesn’t bother me as much as the other stuff, but it’s still annoying. I have a few more songs to share! I didn’t want to record the whole show this time. That took away from my experience at Dallas. It gave me the opportunity to take more pictures and most importantly, just enjoy the show. I’ll have more pics later, time for the long, but very much worth it, ride back to Oklahoma.
  10. Quick review: Great show. I’ve seen her three times now (sadly this will be the last for a while) and this was my favorite show. The crowd was awesome. Only a few minor issues and security was not F*ing around. At least a few people in our area got escorted out. The dress SLAYED. Honestly, the fashion side of the shows usually doesn’t get my attention, but her dress tonight sure did. Vocals and audio were fantastic. The crowd sang along, but did not get out of hand. We got a full playlist. I was talking to someone before the show and we both thought there was no shot she played Summertime and Hope, but she did. This pushed the set to just over 90 minutes. A full 20 songs I believe. The venue was in control. Security was very strict with everything and honestly, it kept fans in check. Close to 90% of the seats filled, in my estimation. I don’t know what else to say. It’s the last time I’ll see her this year and it went out with a bang. Small venues are where it’s at with Lana. I’d rather skip the larger venues and stick to small ones. Here are a couple of songs I uploaded. More pics and songs to come later Thursday. I think NFR was uploaded in lower quality, but the rest should be a bit better.
  11. Not me getting noticed from here and Reddit. I can’t handle the spotlight
  12. What a show. Full setlist, didn’t get over until almost 11. Too bad internet is terrible, I can’t upload anything
  13. Cell reception is terrible here, otherwise I’d be doing more lives
  14. “Are you the guy from LanaBoards???” It was nice meeting you!!
  15. We’re in the deep Bible Belt, I’ll take that or TJF any night
  16. I know it means nothing, but during the soundcheck, the piano player was definitely playing bits of it.
  17. I tried to chant Tulsa in Arkansas and people around me were like wtf
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