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  1. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by Lake Placid in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    watch this not be released 😭
  2. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    Bad news guys, I just received this email from the record store I had ordered from. Apparently the pressing has been canceled for the time being :/

  3. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    any insider info on the potential repress like i need to get my wallet prepared for this 
  4. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    something has probably just happened behind the scenes with choked up vinyl manufacturing/too many orders waiting to be fulfilled for the other variants (lfl and uv)…
    record hub probably were waiting to announce alongside lanas stores and then they got the notif that there would be a manufacting delay and it would be best to hold off the announcement for now to save people waiting upwards of 8+ months to recieve the product and not have constant emails saying the dates been pushed back. record hub must have thought they would announce it before to get the orders in on their side before people order on lanas store instead but didnt realise the announcement would be postponed indefinitely 
    they wouldnt cancel a release that will make hundreds of thousands of $$$ just because people found out about it, it’s probably just a case of waiting for the manufacting plants to give them a firm date for when they will be done
    dont worry ladies, she will come and there will be plently of stock for everyone 
  5. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by bluegirl in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    i'm so sad i need those represses bad 
  6. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by TayLanaHoe in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    We literally got her that VMA… mother better drop NFR and honeymoon ASAP 
  7. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by nectarofthegodss in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    Any news about the honeymoon repress at least @hotshot2am i know i’m boring you 
  8. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    In the beginning of August there were still plans for Honeymoon UO Red repress. I don't know the current status until they add it to the store, which should be in the next days.
  9. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by nectarofthegodss in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    Let’s hope they add them  and thank youu
  10. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    I highly doubt anyone was pissed off and pulled it out of spite.
    The best most likely scenario is there’s probably production delays and they pushed back the announcement until they get a release date, since this is probably what happened with Candy Necklace 7in since it was also added to the store in early June, taken off, and then put up for sale later on. 
  11. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by wildflowerwildfire in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    fr im scared because i'll never be able to afford the uo honeymoon from scalpers (nor do i want to give my money to scalpers anymore, done with that shit)
  12. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by Olympia in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    Doesn't sound like them to me, though. After the other releases, everyone was expecting it so the shop didn't really ruin a surprise. And even if, that wouldn't really be a reason to scrap it.
    It's likely that it was planned indeed because this official shop put it up, but for what reason it was delayed... That's a mystery. Maybe a problem with the repress or the files...? Or not finding a pressing factory in time? Technical issues would sound more likely to me than they getting emotional for a ruined surprise. 
  13. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by Olympia in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    Usually companies don't care though if we pay shipping once or 5 times, so this might not necessarily be the case. I'd wish, though. 
  14. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by wildflowerwildfire in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    i really don't get why they would delay it since it's gonna be a preorder anyways and we'll have to wait like a year 
  15. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    I had a dream last night she finally put this up for sale
    The way this repress has infected my dreams
  16. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in Lana’s Newsletter Updates   
    Lana made two posts on her openstage profile with photos from Instagram.
  17. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by thegrant in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    Ugh so I literally sold my standard black NFR so I'd have money to put towards a re-press instead, I'm considering whether it is still worth waiting for a re-press or whether to just re-purchase the standard black because I miss it  
    ALSO not sure if this is helpful but I ordered from the Irish record store & they didn't automatically cancel orders when they pulled it from their site last Sunday, I asked to cancel last Tuesday. They processed my refund quickly though and they seem legit so I don't think they'd mess around and hold onto everyone's money - my thoughts are either A. They're in the dark too, B. They've been told not to do anything/have decided to keep quiet for a bit to make up for leaking, C. hopeful thinking that it is still coming and just delayed 
  18. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by nectarofthegodss in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    I’m still hoping @hotshot2am comes with some wonderful news these days 
  19. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by TayLanaHoe in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    The fact it wasn’t repressed makes me want to cry kill & die 
  20. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by Black to Blue in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    I mean it is Labor Day here in the US so it makes sense there would be no plans for it to drop today. Let’s just hope this wasn’t scratched entirely lol. I have the UO exclusive but I’m missing this green variant 
  21. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by nectarofthegodss in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    Sooo, we definitely aren’t getting this one anymore 
  22. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by Topanga in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    it’s gonna come on the 18th with uo honeymoon
  23. hopeisadangerousthing liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in [Delayed] NFR! Anniversary Lime Green Vinyl Repress   
    For the 5-year anniversary of Venice Bitch which is the same day
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