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About lanathelazygal

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  • Birthday May 17

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  1. LANA DEL REY and BLAKE LEE Lana Del Rey leaning on Blake Lee’s shoulder is my favourite thing to watch her doing on stage
  2. LANA DEL REY x JAMES BOND After hearing Lana Del Rey saying that 24 from Honeymoon was written for a James Bond movie, it blew my mind. I have always been dreaming, since I found out about her, her singing the theme on the opening title of a James Bond film. 24 always seemed to me so great for that before I heard her saying it. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lwMKyjtuVM8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkIYYpAjsjo&pp=ygUPbGFuYSBkZWwgcmV5IDI0 Lana Del Rey has a beautiful, angelic voice. She can reach high notes but also can make it more dark and deep which is perfect for the James Bond theme. I feel like she could be as good as Nancy and Shirley. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTiDKcFGpCQ&pp=ygUheW91IG9ubHkgbGl2ZSB0d2ljZSBuYW5jeSBzaW5hdHJh I name these two women because they sing for Sean Connery’s James Bond films. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs8uYxTJ530&pp=ygUheW91IG9ubHkgbGl2ZSB0d2ljZSBuYW5jeSBzaW5hdHJh The 1960s match Lana Del Rey more than anything. The whole image and feeling of those years connect really nice with her. Honeymoon gives me that vibe sometimes. Old money people hanging at country club, golfing, going at lounge parties, martini parties, summer vacations at Italy, the French Riviera, Saint Tropez, Monaco and exotic places like Hawaii. Lana Del Rey talked about Nancy Sinatra herself. I can imagine her singing You Only Live Twice and Diamonds andForever (Shirley Bassey) acapella style and I get goosebumps. Lana Del Rey can carry with her voice and appearance that classy style the Bond girls have in Sean Connery’s films (like Ursula Andress, Eunice Gayson, Zena Marshall, Daniela Bianchi, Honor Blackman, Shirley Eaton, Claudine Auger, Martine Beswick, Luciana Paluzzi, Molly Peters, Karin Dor, Diana Rigg, Jill St. John, Lana Wood, Denise Perrier) and of course I believe that Lana could design a great sequence for the opening titles of the movie. So unique, erotic, sensual and beautiful as From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice and Diamonds Are Forever. Lana Del Rey has such a great mind and really beautiful ideas about how to visualise her songs with music videos and photoshoots. I just can’t believe Lana Del Rey wrote a song for a James Bond film and they rejected her, it would have been legendary having Lana among so great artists like John Barry, Shirley Bassey, Nancy Sinatra, Tom Jones, Paul McCartney, Lulu, Tina Turner and other great voices.
  3. LANA DEL REY LYRICS PUT ME IN A MOVIE x HIGH BY THE BEACH “Lights Camera Acción. You know I can’t make it on my own.” (Put Me In A Movie) Put Me In A Movie - Lizzy Grant “Lights Camera Acción. I’ll do it on my own. Don’t need your money. To get me what I want.” (High By The Beach) High By The Beach - Lana Del Rey The lyrics changed because Lana Del Rey herself has changed. The ideas of a young woman developed to the ideas of a mature woman with other stuff in her mind about her own self. She does not rely anymore to someone about succeeding. If we wanna see literally the meaning of “Don’t need you money. To get me what I want.” I have this little thought, Lana Del Rey used to shoot her own video clips, took clips from videos on YouTube and created something new. Now she can afford to pay someone to shoot her video, anything in her current videos is totally unique. And not only about her videos, but in anything she might desires or feels like she needs it to be part of her she can get it for herself. On the lyric from Put Me In A Movie, it feels to me like she already knows, without even trying, that she will not be able to make it. I think that someone made her believe, that she is not ready, and maybe she might never be, to stand on her own feet. She is reassuring the person and maybe mostly herself with an idea that someone else made her believe. She takes it for granted that she can not make it on her own. She feels weak or uncapable of her own strengths because, I think, she has not managed yet to know how strong she is. Time goes by and people, most of the times, move on from some situations in their lives. Lana moved too. She bloomed into a stronger and more independent woman who trusts her own strength and abilities as a person. Failure does not seem to mind her anymore, which I think, she found out when she tried for the first time to do something on her own and something new happened. Something she did not know till that moment. Failure might be better sometimes instead of success, because people can become more sure and strong about themselves on curtain things. Lana Del Rey is always evolving. Her personas helped me to see that and understand better her music. Her sounds are also showing progress, the themes she chooses to sing about too. In the past she liked to write about her relationships or some bad moments she had lived, now she sounds more free talking about family and future plans. She is not running to the past as much as she used to. She looks ahead. More optimistically. Lana Del Rey understood, as she matured, that she must rely more to herself and not to anyone else. Have her own thoughts about herself, believe to her own ideals. As I previously said, those posts are just my thoughts, nothing more than that. I do not try to discover or figure out who Lana Del Rey is through this analysis, like some other people do. I do it with all my respect for Lana. I admire and love her so much and I would never do or say anything bad, mean, hurmful for this woman. She just inspires me to do it, to share my thoughts with you openly. I said it again, I really wanna know what is your true opinion on those things I am saying here. Thank you for letting me do it for free, you know, share and spread my ideas since Instagram closed my account (letmeloveulikeawoman). I had some people there for who I was really happy that I started talking with. I was just trying once again to reach Lana and just let her see and know what I think of her. Live High By The Beach at Belgium Lana Del Rey is a really great artist and she will remembered!
  4. LANA DEL REY x DENNIS HOPPER I see that Lana Del Rey likes to use colours in her lyrics. Black is very common, she even used it for the name of her songs “Black Beauty” and “Black Bathing Suit”. Blue is also a very common colour in her lyrics and sometimes she sing red, blue, white (the colours of the American flag) which I think is part of the patriotic feeling she has. But, when blue stands alone in her music sometimes it gives a sad, melancholic or nostalgic sense but most of the times it sounds like a happy colour. Lana Del Rey had talked on an interview about blue in “Black Beauty”. Lana says “In that song that’s a girl who is still seeing the blue sky and a putting on a pop of colour just for herself. But this other person it was all black for them.” She paints everything black but keeps her lips red and a sparrow blue. “Darling, you can’t let everything seem so dark blue” this lyrics feels to me like a complain to the moody person because she has managed to see some colour, some hope in life and maybe tries to change their mind or help them see it too. So, blue here feels like it can free her from a tough situation. Blue changes really as a meaning in her music. I believe that it used to be really dark and sad but as the years pass, blue tends to sound more warm. Blue becomes a happy colour. She feels blue and has a smile on her face. On Norman Fucking Rockwell she has a lyric that says “Paint me happy and blue” but in Blue Banisters blue is connected with dark moments of the past, a man promised some things to do for her “Paint my banisters blue” but he didn’t keep his word, so now when it turns to May all of her sisters come to paint her banisters green and gray. She changes her mind and doesn’t wait from the past anything. In Lust For Life, Lana has a track named Get Free. She says “I never really noticed that I had to decide. To play someone’s game or live my own life. And now I do. I wanna move.” She is more mature from Honeymoon’s Black Beauty. She finally understands that she is the commander of her life, she is the one who takes the decisions for her own life and doesn’t need to wait for anyone to tell her if it’s right or wrong. The song fades as she sings repeatedly “Out of the black, into the blue” Blue has helped her get free from the bounds of her tough past moments. At Coachella Week 2 on April the 20th she opened the show with Neil Young’s “Hey Hey, My My” a song which Dennis Hopper also used in his film called Out Of The Blue (1980) staring Linda Manz. Linda’s character, Cebe is a teenage girl whose father is an ex-convicted (because of a car accident) and her mother is a junkie. She has a dark mood, it’s difficult for her to conform and tries to find comfort through Elvis Presley and the punk scene. I think there is a connection between Lana Del Rey and this movie by Dennis Hopper, since Lana Del Rey had told in a couple interviews and her own songs about having some difficulties as a teenager. In the film Cebe experiences some really rough moments just like Lana Del Rey. This time blue is not a happy colour because it turns to black. I feel like it slowly turns worse, more and more it gets darker. Even though Lana Del Rey hasn’t sung this song earlier but chose now, after all of that change in the mood of her songs and especially the colour blue. I feel like the lyric “Out of the blue, into the black” means that she will enter a new era. Maybe she wanted to warn us of something big that she is creating. When she finished the show she wore some country clothes (I think she did the same thing to her clothes with the colours, the first week she wore blue and then the second week full black) and since she has made an announce about a new album called Lasso, she might be meaning that a new persona is on the way. So, Lana is stepping out of the blue to become black, she might even give a new definition to that colour just like she did with blue. The connection between Lana Del Rey and Dennis Hopper is not only about the colour blue. I see that Lana likes the era and years of the 60s and 70s. A lot of the artists she admires and even gets inspired by them are from those years, she has also covered quite a lot songs from the 60s and 70s. Easy Rider (1969) another film directed by Dennis Hopper is a second connection I found between them. This film is considered very important for the film industry and history. The characters of the film have different ideas about life from the general image most people have at those years. A more peculiar mind. They don’t seem to be very likeable from the locals. They leave the big city with all those big revolutions and the fast way of living your life and now they try to find some peace by connecting with mother nature again. Lana Del Rey changes too in a similar way. Her first album was called Born To Die and she managed to release years later an album called Lust For Life. Also in Born to Die the music video resembles a lot to Easy Rider, since she made this character who is part in a group of motorcyclists. From Ride’s lyrics and monologue, “I have a war in mind. I just ride.” and “I am fucking crazy. But I am free.” She has things to say but they might bring a bad ending so instead of a war she chooses to ride out free and wild, near nature where she is more welcome than anywhere else. When you are out in the wild, the unknown, you can be whoever you feel like being. Lana Del Rey is such a great artist because she can manage to give a whole new definition to a word or feeling and even change it on her next albums. She has quite a few film references in her music and can make it fit perfectly with what she wants to tell us through an album. She knows how to tell a beautiful story while sharing with us some of her most precious and personal stuff of her life. Lana Del Rey has a unique talent, an extraordinary mind. I really admire and respect this woman, honestly from the depths of my heart. Whatever I share here is just some ideas and opinions I have for her music, I don’t really know what she feels or thinks for those things since I am not in her mind. I only try to figure out or just give my own version of what I think about certain things in her songs. We are very lucky that she lets us have access to such great art, both lyrics and music. Lana Del Rey will be remembered and will keep influencing the artists of the future with her lovely art.
  5. LANA DEL REY x ROMEO AND JULIET The instrumental version of Old Money, from Ultraviolence released in 2014, sounds similar to ‘Their First Meeting’ composed by Nino Rota for Romeo and Juliet (1968) a film by Franco Zeffirelli. Lana Del Rey is a very romantic artist. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most, if not the one, beautiful love stories of all time. Lana begins the song with some very specific words which creat a very clear image of what she wants to tell us and make us feel. It has a nostalgic feeling, the way she sings “And i you send for me, you know I’ll come. And if you call for me, you know I’ll run” makes me think that she is a bit desperate, the tone in her singing voice sounds like a hopeless cry for the love she is losing. Romeo and Juliet can not be together, they tried but it was meant for them. They died for their love, the chose that instead of being alive but apart from each other. Lana’s song connects not only with Nino Rota’s music but Shakespeare’s story too. I have seen both in her lyrics and video clips that the love stories she choose to show or write are not the most optimistic or good ones. The relationships she shares with us are dark and a bit violent, so I think Lana understood and connected a lot with the doomed romantic story of Romeo and Juliet. Lana Del Rey has many film references in her music. In her lyrics and music videos, the sound and tone of her songs, the aesthetic and the personas she creates for each album. Lana Del Rey is a very cinematic artist. Romeo and Juliet - Their First Meeting (Nino Rota) Old Money - Ultraviolence Lana Del Rey singing Old Money live for the first time
  6. Hello there dears, I wanted to start a new topic about Lana’s musics and lyrics because I recently found a video where a person was talking about the song she chose to close her performance at Coachella and I thought about some stuff for her beautiful art and felt like wanting to share my ideas with you and see what you have to say. I found some references in her music from films and other musicians she admires or might get inspired by them. I also created an account on Instagram where I made a couple posts, if you want take a look to see what I am talking about. It’s called letmeloveulikelana I will share the same things here too, since Instagram has been acting a little bit strange lately and deletes fan accounts for Lana. I would really love to talk about Lana’s special art with you.
  7. Thanks to the inspiration from Lana’s second performance at the Coachella Stage, you can visit YouTube and check out an edit for Paradise; a dark fanfiction by GangstersMoll. Paradise - Mary Also, if anyone wants the videos from Lana’s shows at Coachella, can contact with me.
  8. When Lana makes an appearance we get something that looks like Old Hollywood Moving Pictures red carpet.
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