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Everything posted by Asserina

  1. I'm glad we finally have news and Henry is still coming I'm hoping we have a confirmation from her team soon because I absolutely don't trust Lana to give accurate release dates
  2. I feel nervous about the results and I'm not even American
  3. I finally found time to watch it and it was really cute! It kinda reminds me of Lady Gaga and her Gagavison vlogs but more intimate.
  4. I think so because it only happens when the bass is too loud
  5. Ok now I have hope for a slight setlist change
  6. They're talking about olympic games now, they don't really know what to say anymore lol
  7. David Kahne - 18 Emile Haynie - 13 Dan Heath - 17 Dan Auerbach - 17 Blake Stranathan - 10 Rick Nowels - 20 Barrie-James O’Neill - 11
  8. White Dress - 103 Chemtrails Over The Country Club - 39 Tulsa Jesus Freak - 34 Dark But Just A Game - 40 Wild At Heart - 2
  9. Ultraviolence - 38 Honeymoon - 46 Chemtrails Over The Country Club - 42 Ocean Blvd - 17
  10. Cruel World - 40 Shades of Cool - 68 West Coast - 85 Pretty When You Cry - 45
  11. Asserina

    NFR! survivor

    Mariners Apartment Complex - 22 Venice Bitch - 28 Fuck it I love you - 7 Cinnamon Girl - 13 How to disappear - 15 California - 19 The greatest - 23 hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it - 12
  12. Ultraviolence AKA NFR Chemtrails Ocean Blvd Born to Die Honeymoon Paradise Lust for Life Blue Banisters
  13. I really like the song, the video is cute. I hope there's more ethereal bridges like this on Lasso.
  14. At least july 4th is not that far, so we don't have to wait too much to see if it's true
  15. I found Lollapalooza Brazil and Glastonbury 2014 audio albums links: Lollapalooza : https://www.mediafire.com/file/470fbvj7sftbpel/Lana+Del+Rey+-+Live+@+Lollapalooza+Festival,+Brazil,+25-03-2018.rar/file Glastonbury: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qlnocwea8jfnvrw/Lana+Del+Rey+-+Live+@+Glastonbury+Festival,+England,+28-06-2014.rar/file I'm pretty sure the Planeta Terra shows and the 2014 show were on The Miss Daytona Collection but they aren't in the MEGA backup. Maybe someone has them
  16. Sure Planeta Terra Brazil : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-9qPuB3CY0&pp=ygUacGxhbmV0YSB0ZXJyYSBsYW5hIGRlbCByZXk%3D Planeta Terra Argentina : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8ZDxdSmoBA&pp=ygUacGxhbmV0YSB0ZXJyYSBsYW5hIGRlbCByZXk%3D (I can't find the audio) The 2014 shows are here https://soundcloud.com/ldrbr From the recent shows there's: 2023 MITA Festival 2023 Glastonbury 2024 Coachella 2024 Primavera Sound Barcelona 2024 Primaver Sound Porto
  17. You forgot : 2013 Planeta Terra Argentina 2013 Planeta Terra Brazil 2014 Bravalla Festival 2014 Olympia 2014 Vida Festival (Partial) 2014 Rock en Seine (Partial) 2018 Lollapallooza Argentina 2018 Lollapallooza Brazil 2019 NFR tour in Sacramento That's the ones I can think of
  18. Can't believe that they interviewed her solely to ask questions about Taylor, without asking any questions about her own music.
  19. Chemtrails, the whole album is very peaceful
  20. UV is still my favourite Lana album after all these years. I probably would never get tired of it.
  21. I think at this point it's just better to wait and see what happens. I just hope Henry, Come on, isn't scrapped because I don't want another Roses Bloom for You moment.
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