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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by larina in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    have you heard My Bitch (Ridin')?
    EDIT: oops, already mentioned
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by iwasborntodie in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    For the sake of touring and live performances, I appreciate that Lana doesn't feature others in her songs. I like that Lana can deliver 100% of the song live than have 50% of the live performance lost to a recording from the other artist who would not be available to perform live on Lana's tour.
    Hope that made sense.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    ((((i think it was a joke))))
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by iwasborntodie in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Iggy Azalea - 'Fancy' ft Charli XCX, 'Black Widow' ft Rita Ora. 
    Edit: Quoted post was a joke - my bad.
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    i am the worst but i want all the messy deluxes and exclusives with this album, so hopefully we end up with 5+ in different bonus songs released through various means.. and atleast 11 tracks
    literally all her songs on this album could be terrible and i'd still love them i just want more tracks lmfao
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    As much as I love BtD, I don't want to see Emile on Honeymoon. If WFL has teached us anything, then it is that he won't ever do something new with Lana. We would get the same stuff again, but this time it would get boring because it would show how Lana isn't progressing.
    I like it if artists try out different styles during each era, you may not like one of them, but in the end it's much more fun this way. Different style doesn't have to mean different producer, but Emile seems to be stuck with this one style he produces.
    I would love to see an album full of OTTR, YCBTB, Florida Kilos, Kill Kill, Hawaiian Tropic, In The Sun and Because Of You's. But if she REALLY goes for a jazz style this time, that would be intetesting too.
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Anthem in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    Tangent, but why can't everyone on LB respond this way whenever they are talking to someone they disagree with, regardless of the subject. Really people, take note here because this is how you have intelligent debates and not flaming teenage drama that adds nothing to the discussion. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can't be friends with someone or be respectful of them.
    Okay off the soap box, sorry.
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by kik in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    My post was directed to people who judge her because they don't understand her. I don't need him to tell me who is Lana either, but somehow I'm glad she found a friend who understand her and with whom she can probably be totally herself. Is it real, meaningful and deep friendship? I don't know. It's not really possible to know. We live in an individualistic society. Everybody use everybody all the time with different level of genuineness in their feelings. If some people judge my friend negatively because of his/her awkwardness, you can be sure I won't stay quiet. I'll try to make people understand why this friend is like that so they become at least more tolerant.
    Lana is a grown up girl, she can choose whoever she wants to hang out with and she's not naive. Creating bonds with people is always risky. A risk of being disappointed in the future. I think by her tattoo, she knows she gotta be careful with whom she gets emotionally attached with. What's important is that she enjoys the present moment with him, that she has fun doing that movie project and not expect this friendship to necessarily last forever. Friendship starts, friendship ends. I've been disappointed by friends and vice versa. C'est la vie!
    You didn't offend my sensibility at all and I absolutely don't think you are one of her pathetic fans btw What I find nice about what Franco said is that it is useful for people who try to understand Lana, but are a bit confused with her complex personality. Girl, you're entitled to your opinion and I don't appreciate you less because we disagree. I'm not here to tell you how you should feel about their friendship, but I'm expressing my point of view. We're discussing, that's all
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    Well, you all can think whatever you want about me but I think Franco is being an opportunist whenever he mentions or links his name to Lana.
    He craves the attention too much IMHO.
    I am acquainted with his body of work since his early films and some of his directorial stuff is among my all time faves. I am not one to judge his talent. But I am over this Lana/Franco intellectual masturbation and ego feeding.
    I don't need Franco to explain Lana to me. I love and respect Lana and have a particular view regarding her creative endeavours and aesthetic choices.
    Lana is a beautiful soul.
    Feeling is understanding too. Art is subjective after all...
    Sorry if I offended anyone's sensibilities. I am socially inept.
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by worm in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    I've found James Franco to be pretty obnoxious lately, but this was a surprisingly great read. He seems to be pretty spot-on about Lana. I feel like this explains a lot about her and it gives me a much better understanding of her. This part in particular is really beautiful:
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    You took the words straight out of my mouth... :clap:
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    Well, what he's saying is right. I think it was directed more at her critics than to naive fans, though.
  13. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    I also truly believe that some Lana fans overthink her way too much.
    She wanted fame, she got it, it maybe wasn't exactly what she wanted, but she seems to have grown into it.
  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by kik in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    I don't know James Franco. I've never heard of him before he became friend with Lana. I don't know his personality, I don't know his attitude, so I can't tell about his condescending tone, but I think he's goddamn right about her. I also think most of her fans are clueless and a bunch of them are seriously pathetic. I mean, how dumb can one be to think that her writing is 100% autobiographical. Music journalists asking her to explain her poetry. I mean, seriously?! Way to go if you want to kill the magic. Just reading the amount of stupid comments on her Twitter/FB/Instagram accounts confirms that. When I read comments on posts made by some indy artists, like local ones who chose not to go mainstream, I find them way more spot on and relevant. There's more of a genuine exchange between the artist and his fans.
    Going mainstream when you're so marginal must be very difficult. I personally don't see many things positive about it.
  15. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    I don't have any particular opinion on Franco but, DAMN, do I relate to the idea that Lana created her own world to escape from the disappointment of this one.  That's basically what I have done all my life in my writing.
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by CarcrashBandicoot in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    This fits Lana so fucking perfectly, it's kind of scary. Have they been friends for like 10 years? Holy fuck. The way he understands her... God, I wish they'd get together... ugh.
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Greenwich in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    They would be the perfect Hollywood couple, honestly. He seems to understand her so well, and she really deserves someone that does.    Carrozzini watch out...
  18. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by ruined peaches in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    This is a nice read, hope the movie will happen. I really want her to play this woman, I'm curious about her acting. But even the idea is carried out the way she wants it and not her playing just writing etc. that would be still great.
    On another note, am I the only one who thinks her SNL performance wasn't bad at all? Yeah it had some flaws but look at Iggy... She didn't have half of the backlash Lana received for months if not more than a year, yet everyone's forgotten Iggy's 'performance'.
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LolitaE in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    This is why I was fascinated by and related to Lana, because just like James said, 'it's about her and it's not about her. Just like her music.'... That's what Lana's music is for me. She spoke to me through her music more than any other artist has before, especially through 'ride' and its hard to do that to me... She's incredible <3333
  20. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Trinity in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    I think James is very good for her. I feel like Lana needs to have someone who understands her on a personal and creative level. He is the exact kind of person I imagine Lana surrounding herself with. 
  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by strange weather in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    this is perfect, honestly, & pretty much confirms what i've felt about the questions of who the "authentic" lana is. the lyrics she writes are about her & they aren't. they are completely her emotionally--but maybe not 100% factually. that's okay. i love the world she has created for herself (& for us). she wrote herself into existence, into notoriety, for better & for worse. it's kinda incredible/completely lucky.
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    It's so personal and deep. I love this poem/essay.
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    Yes! It's obnoxious, almost ridiculous, cute, amazing. I want to fuck James Franco, I want to fuck his words and his brain while listening to American. James gets her because only someone as loudly obnoxious as JF can understand someone as quietly obnoxious as Lana. I love them both 
  24. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    This is obnoxious in a way that only a piece written by James Franco could be (no shade, I love him), but I think it's really sweet. He seems to really get her.
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