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About ChicaSkas

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  • Birthday February 24

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  • Fan Since
    2011 (casually) 2024 (non casually)

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    chica skas
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    chica skas

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  1. You all do such a great job. From one mod to another I salute you all :hug:
  2. what happened? it still seems like a really nice thread
  3. probably because no one can really say no to Taylor Swift especially when she's tugging at your arm
  4. I'll never get over Taylor dragggggiiiinnngggg a reluctant Lana onstage at the Grammys this year, it was like getting a cat into a bathtub lol
  5. ChicaSkas

    Taylor Swift

    i felt like TS is trying very hard to be lana here.
  6. if there is a blog / personal experiences section. I can blog my way through as I go. I know i've been under a musical rock for a long long time. This will be fresh and new for me so I look forward to it!
  7. thank you, I really look forward to it. I mean what's not to like. She's laid back, cool, sexy, has great music, is a real poet. She's her own vibe. I'm glad to try everything here! But I realize that I'd tell people to start chronologically with Gaga as well if someone asked me, so I'll start there, and treat her early unreleased as a prequel, and the unreleased following as sidebar flavors/sequels. It's a whole new soft sensual world here. Thank you to everyone Oh and someone mentioned a short film. I think Ill watch that as well
  8. Thank you everyone so much for these recommendations. I think I will start chronologically and make sure I experience all of her albums the way she intended it. How is her unreleased catalog? Does she have many unreleased tracks? I really like the flow of your Media section, maybe I messed up posting the interludes/openings to Coachella, sorry about that mods I really appreciate you all so much for the guidance. I will return to this thread to let everyone know what I think. I kinda wanna burn Lanachella to a CD and listen around the house also hahahahaah hiiii! I Love your site and thank you so much for this detailed reply. I really appreciate the insight and the introduction to this new beautiful world. :
  9. Hi guys! I've always liked Lana, but I barely heard her on the radio and honestly my music life has focused elsewhere for the past decade, so I've not heard much Lana beyond --- -- Summertime Sadness Cedric Gervais remix. This song is what I know her best for. I really liked it and I remember ripping it at the time. -- Videogames --- there were a few remixes of this that captivated me and I remember thinking, why was this dude just playing video games when this gorgeous sultry girl was his literal actual girlfriend. I mean if she was my girlfriend I would not leave her alone that way. wow. anyway.... I'm BRAND NEW kinda, guys! Ripping/watching/enjoying Lanachella brought me here did you want to watch? I put it on my google I discovered new sound already that I'm super happy about:
  10. you're welcome, I knew it belonged here. I kept pestering my friends who were on here like TELL THEM TO APPROVE MY APPLICATION I COME BEARING GIFTS
  11. i ripped that a few days ago! https://kingprincessarchives.blogspot.com/2024/04/king-princess-presents-heartbreak.html https://drive.google.com/file/d/16hsxt7F85ptR6qPecmeHBb-sTDUBe7I5/view
  12. I love her I just made a blog for her https://kingprincessarchives.blogspot.com/ I got to interview her last month during a VC on Discord. She's working on the new album, she will tour the USA again, and she will release signed vinyls for fans through the shop.
  13. I just found her opening numbers!!! I mean the ones she drives out on the motorcycles to:
  14. yeah, I was always a very very very peripheral Lana fan. I mean I liked her, but I only had maybe 4 or 5 songs of hers on my player. But this set is gorgeous. Sumptuous. And it really reminded me of why I liked her all those years ago, even though I didnt get hard core. Her art is beautiful. she has carved her own place in the pop pantheon. lana and coachella keep nuking it
  15. I just joined yesterday to post my coachella rips hi king! I remember your username going back YEARS : not lanaboards having so many ggd emotes hahah
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