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  1. Nicolas377 liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    I wanted to say that but I thought I was gonna get attacked by “Hayden doesn’t want these songs out” people 
  2. Placids liked a post in a topic by rancidgirl in Ethel Cain   
    the only weird thing i will say is the legalize incest shirt😭love ethel and i know that she literally had a whole ep called inbred but girlllll that’s too crazydbjsshdhsbi wanna know the context behind it, why she made it (assuming she did) and why she took a photo in it
  3. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    she has said a lot of times on her tumblr that she’s not anti abortion anymore 
    + these posts are hella old of course teenagers think and say crazy shit and no of course it’s not an excuse but who cares she was just a kid 
  4. lakeemmahottie liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    she has said a lot of times on her tumblr that she’s not anti abortion anymore 
    + these posts are hella old of course teenagers think and say crazy shit and no of course it’s not an excuse but who cares she was just a kid 
  5. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    she has said a lot of times on her tumblr that she’s not anti abortion anymore 
    + these posts are hella old of course teenagers think and say crazy shit and no of course it’s not an excuse but who cares she was just a kid 
  6. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Placids in The Weeknd   
    I hope cause I need to know if lana is on it so bad 
  7. barttttender liked a post in a topic by Placids in The Weeknd   
    I hope cause I need to know if lana is on it so bad 
  8. dxniell liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    GRAILS ??? Which ones ?
  9. Nicolas377 liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
  10. landeath liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    can somebody give me a link I can’t find any of these 
    edit : found it
  11. heroindealer liked a post in a topic by Placids in Henry, Come On   
    I just need another snippet 
  12. Placids liked a post in a topic by lakeemmahottie in Ethel Cain   
    as i said. i'll believe it when i see it, as in the song being real. i just dont see why an almost middle aged woman would make a diss song about someone who's never put her down or whatever, not that i care. it seems highly unreasonable and from all of these posts, regardless if its a reliable insider or not, is just word of mouth.
  13. Placids liked a post in a topic by jimmyjimmycocoapuff in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    🚨 BREAKING 🚨
    Lana Del Rey has cancelled her album due to backlash from the extra-terrestrial community. Zomrop Abrop, leader of the Zypheria colony said this in a statement from NASA;
    "I am appalled by the recent titling of Lana's new project. She could've worded it as "The right being will stay" or The right lifeform will stay" but she deliberately chose to alienate us aliens by choosing something human-specific. We thought there was an alliance between us, as Lana went from L.A to the Moon a few years ago, but it seems that version of her is gone. To fight back, we attempted to target her L.A homes with laser beams... but it appears we have missed. We apologize for the extent of the damage."

  14. Embach liked a post in a topic by Placids in Henry, Come On   
    I just need another snippet 
  15. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Placids in Henry, Come On   
    I just need another snippet 
  16. honeyslow liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    this ep is beautiful and it makes me feel things I’ve never felt before 
    though…I understand people who don’t get it and it doesn’t mean that us who get it are “too obscure for the basic people” it’s just tastes I guess so stop fighting and let people like whatever they want 
  17. Brood X liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    this ep is beautiful and it makes me feel things I’ve never felt before 
    though…I understand people who don’t get it and it doesn’t mean that us who get it are “too obscure for the basic people” it’s just tastes I guess so stop fighting and let people like whatever they want 
  18. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    this ep is beautiful and it makes me feel things I’ve never felt before 
    though…I understand people who don’t get it and it doesn’t mean that us who get it are “too obscure for the basic people” it’s just tastes I guess so stop fighting and let people like whatever they want 
  19. lakeemmahottie liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    this ep is beautiful and it makes me feel things I’ve never felt before 
    though…I understand people who don’t get it and it doesn’t mean that us who get it are “too obscure for the basic people” it’s just tastes I guess so stop fighting and let people like whatever they want 
  20. domandapiano liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    this ep is beautiful and it makes me feel things I’ve never felt before 
    though…I understand people who don’t get it and it doesn’t mean that us who get it are “too obscure for the basic people” it’s just tastes I guess so stop fighting and let people like whatever they want 
  21. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Placids in Ethel Cain   
    Listening to it with VPN and god it’s crazy 
  22. Placids liked a post in a topic by DCooper in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I am so excited for this album. A lowkey acoustic album is exactly what I want right now. Chemtrails is extremely underrated and comforting, and while I'm not expecting a sequel to that sound, I do think this will have the gentle touch of that album.
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