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Everything posted by COLACNT

  1. wow rly ok i fucking twerk to go go dancer and then i curl up and cry to axl rose husband how the fuck can you *not* feel 'schizophrenic' about her? THE WORLD IS NOT BLACK AND WHITE, DIPSHIT
  2. thats kind of judgmental. i mean, there are different levels of interest, i suppose. some people might even tell you to get a hobby because of the fact that you've got 800 posts on an online forum about lana del rey, because to them, all she does is "open her mouth and let sounds out of it" ... they hear her on the radio, appreciate the 3-4 minutes that she's in their periphery and thats literally just enough. but is she really just a singer to you? maybe. but then i'm kinda confused as to why you're here. thats not meant to sound bitchy, i'm genuinely curious as to what you're here to discuss, if not everything and anything about her. regardless of your motivations -- her music is still a part of your life, and its a part of your life that you obviously appreciate. and it isn't just because of the sounds that she makes, is it? its about the lyrics, too. the words that come out of her mouth still mean something, unless you choose not to pay attention. they come from her emotional state, her inner / outer life, her inspirations, experiences, etc. so i don't think its that far of a stretch that many of us would be interested in where it all comes from? i dunno. maybe theres a certain level of speculation that makes people uncomfortable. but the *unknown* is what interests me the most, i suppose. i love her music and her lyrics but i can't help but find myself drawn to the complexity of her persona if you aren't, it doesn't mean you should look down on those who are. i could adopt a bit of your mentality and choose to think of you as a "lesser" fan but i don't, because i realize that everyone is wired differently
  3. lmao i haven't seen it yet but am gonna look for it when i'm...... bored pic of his bf in the meantime??!!?!
  4. he does porn now too i feel bad admitting that he could get it
  5. yssss i love their stuff! the quality is actually rather good for the most part (imo), especially for the price. they use really interesting fabrics, put in a good amount of detail, etc. shipping is really fast (internationally) although its kind of expensive ($20) unless you spend $100 or more, then its $10. i usually just bookmark a bunch of stuff and save up and order it all at once so i get the discount on shipping
  6. would let in would not let in dunno what happened to him between the time that first picture was taken and now, but i don't think it was just that shit green flannel tbh. maybe lana is feeding him meth or sth lol
  7. i read that stuff like restylane is just basically collagen and hyularonic acid and your body already produces both so i'm pretty sure the fillers eventually degrade / reabsorb back into your body through the typical processes even though your skin is like insanely elastic i also wonder if constantly filling them would lead to premature wrinkling? i rly hope she allows herself to age gracefully and doesn't end up looking like a couch
  8. this is my favorite site tbh; they ship directly from korea and sell the weirdest / cutest shit for relatively decent prices. they used to sell that "raising hell" tank top that lana had, and they have a lot of clothing thats very similar in vein to the clothing she generally wears this is almost identical to that outfit she wore to the american idol performance / nicole nodland shoot, also similar to the dress she wore out house shopping: this is similar to the skirt she's been wearing lately, but even cuter imo cause of the lighter shade of denim and frayed hems i could totally see her wearing something like this or this the prices are kind of all over the place. like that third dress is $30 but the doors tee is $40? they mostly sell from their own house brand but also sell other korean brands too i think, which might explain it. they don't sell mens clothing but a lot of the stuff is unisex tbh, i buy lots of sweatshirts with like, weird fuzzy sleeves and i just bought this recently; its like a t-shirt made out of two separate varsity jerseys? bizarre but i love it tbh lmao this doesn't necessarily look like something she'd wear (although i wouldn't be surprised if she did) but its very cute; looks similar to something raf simons did a few seasons ago, but the characters actually kind of look like lana:
  9. the comments on that page literally make me ill about humanity "Dolly Parton looks natural compared to here. What a ridiculous face she has with so much botox and fillers. I am scared of thinking how she will look in 10 years. I guess her daddy will be buying her another face and another fake career" "Lol, people paying attention to the cigarette when she has that plastic face. If she had more fillers in her lips and more botox in her cheeks, her face would explode. Nothing natural or real about her or her "talent" "Smoking ruins any person's appearance, even Lana Del Ray's." "Her 15 mins is long up, Daddy will need to buy her more time "Ease off botox love, your face is like a mask!" "Arrogant woman!" somehow i feel lana will *never* be fully accepted no matter what she does.. so i really need her to win an oscar like now so people can shut the fuck up
  10. kurt had such amazing style; all those furry mohair cardigans and the bug eyed sunglasses oh my barrie looks like he stole that flannel from the big and tall section at a goodwill store in the mississippi south lana should teach him the difference between good trash and bad trash tbh
  11. i don't think the clothes look bad at all.. he himself just looks a mess, like he should literally be playing guitar on the side of the road for cash but whatev, lana probably likes it this way. for all we know she like, slaps him across the face when tries to put on a pair of dockers or something lmao
  12. she looks so chic / parisian and i can smell barrie from here wtf get it together guess that affinity for trailer trash spills over onto her taste in men forreal
  13. ah true, thats probably part of it. and tbh i wouldn't put it past her either lmao i totally had an image of her like, forcing herself to guzzle down a bottle of bacardi all for the sake of ~art~
  14. ya exactly. i definitely think she was an alcoholic and struggled with (an) addiction, but not meth specifically. but what i'm saying is, she included those clips in the carmen video.. and then commented "i got clean too bby xx" or whatever and so people just naturally assumed she was on ~methamphetamines~ i mean i dunno what her fascination is with that particular drug? maybe a boy she liked was on it or something. i wouldn't be surprised if she tried it several times but i don't think she was an addict or anything, she just glamorizes it a bit and doesn't mind if people think she's fucked up or something. or even *wants* people to think of her as an ex-addict? which is why i think she's calculating in some ways. and crazy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MUFD3W7GWM "The graceful and calculating beautiful Lana del Rey swooped into New York to perform at a dinner organized by the It London label Mulberry" -- derek blasberg (lmao @ the shade) this made me laugh the first time i read it. but its kind of true? i don't really know what he was referring to exactly but i feel like .. it makes sense to think that she's a calculating person. "smiling but i ain't happy" "you wouldn't know what i was thinking" "fooling everyone, telling them she's having fun" etc etc .. so when she says "i'm so happy to be here" .. its like, is she really? or is she really just good at letting people think that she's feeling a certain way? the tone of her voice, the laugh, the inflection -- everything to me sounds like its.. so carefully orchestrated? but its not a bad thing. i don't consider her to be fake or disingenuous or anything. its just.. i dunno, theres always something so off about her. she said herself before that when she was younger it was hard for her to get 'excited' about anything, or 'connect' with anything. i don't think thats something you just grow out of, ya know? but people want to know that you're feeling "up" -- so you just have to fake it? i dunno. i read too much into everything. but i feel like she's been judged her entire life and so its like, she always has to be so 'careful' and control the perception, even when it comes down to something as little as introduction to a live performance "im so happy to be here.. with fellow artists.. beauties.. teehee!" calculating and naive in one sentence probably. makes me wanna slap her with one hand and hug her with the other lmao for sure. i definitely think she has to mold a certain impression at all times.. not just cause she's in the public eye but because she's human and wants the acceptance / recognition that everyone else does. and then when she doesn't get received in the way that she wishes she gets all bitter / defensive at that person or... that continent ahaha crazy bitch i love her so much agreed me too
  15. i don't really know what to think about her. she contradicts herself all the time! i think she's both naive and calculating tbh, etc. maybe not meta, but i think she definitely puts a lot of thought into her words / actions and that she knows how to.. garner the reaction she wants to garner? like the whole farewell thing, for instance. constantly licking her lips, talking in a baby voice, stuff like that. i don't even think she was ever addicted to meth tbh, but she just included those clips in the carmen video for the hell of it. to promote her "bad ass bitch" attitude or whatever. i dunno. she occupies too much of my mental space for a person i don't actually know. but i think all the reasons people hate her are kind of valid sometimes but entirely invalid at the same time, if that makes any sense at all? i don't remember where i read this quote, but i think it applies to her: "i am everything you think i am, and simultaneously, the complete opposite"
  16. i don't see this is debating, or mean for it to come off that way rly i'm just throwing out questions, vomiting my lana thoughts
  17. all so true i think she probably does go more with raw feeling now that you mention it, but then i also wonder if we haven't seen her critique anything or give too much of a public opinion on anything because she knows that whatever she says and/or does will be ridiculed and picked apart in some way? so she kind of has to remain like, a bit of a blank slate as much as possible when it comes to anything but her 'art'? like when that interviewer asked her about health care reform or whatever the fuck i dunno if she doesn't actually know much about it or if she just didn't want to give her opinion on such a controversial topic? or both? i dunno why i bother to think these things that i'll never know the fucking answer to lmao
  18. omg, fabrics? i wonder if lana has really weird mood boards. with random found objects like dismembered toy fetuses or dead birds or something lmao. if theres some off chance that i get to see / interact with her at the tropico premiere i will beg her to share behind the scenes kind of stuff with us through twitter / fb or something. offer her my nut forreal ya blue jeans is beautiful and everything but probably the video i've watched the least. i'm sure this ^^^ was her idea tho
  19. i think H&M came up with all those ideas but they were 'inspired' by her sound / aesthetic and decided to link it all with david lynchian elements, etc. i liked that video a lot still, because it was still fitting for her. i hated burned desire tbh because you can really tell she had very little (if any) creative direction in that one, which i guess still means she has a certain 'style' thats hard to describe / pin down? i dunno. like, i guess since we already know she can make her own music videos with random footage, she probably makes like shorter / choppier versions with scenery she likes and then gives it to anthony mandler? or at least i hope thats what happens. she always says she gives him 'mood boards' so i'm thinking that maybe they're just more homemade film / image collages? drawings? i would give one of my nuts to see those tbh. like, here lana, take my nut ya i'm starting to realize that literally nothing can be separated from some kind of emotional bias. or maybe i'm wrong and thats an emotional bias right there lol. but i dunno, i go back and forth with her. like some of her lyrics are *so* bad but not bad to the point where you're like, gross and i hope you die bitch but bad to the point where you're like, what were you thinking? really? is this a joke? are you being camp? ironic? its so bad to the point where you're (or at least, i am) a bit endeared and you can wonder if its just intentional. and if its intentional, is it still somehow smart? like, i feel like you could even try and read into the trashiest lyric and wonder what drove her to that point? like, was she so desperate to fit into the industry one night where she just said fuck it and started writing out ~u rawk rawk rawk~ across a napkin?? or maybe she was really, actually just feeling like a pre-teen spaz that night? and it was all still a part of some kind of 'vision'? she seems like a rather dynamic person, so you can't really put anything past her it seems. maybe i find the lyrics / imagery interesting regardless of whether it actually *is* or whether it *should* be because i'm a psychotic fan. i guess i'll never know whether she's a genius or not but the fact that i continue to ask makes me think that she is.. i guess? why do i keep going in circles omg
  20. **high six** i googled 'dramatic gif' and this is what i got pretty accurate tbh
  21. OTTR demo, CU L8R alligator cause it sounds so ridiculous, roses because i wanna see what the fuck all the commotion is about but really, i want the music videos for QOTGS and smarty. pls
  22. its funny that you should say this as i start to pull myself back and wonder if i'm being ridiculous or if the way i feel about lana is really.. actually warranted, in an objective sense? IS she really as good as i think she is? am i turning into a body electrician? does objectivism actually exist? i have this idea of her as being an actual genius and i don't know if its true. for instance, we all praise the ride video as being a fucking masterpiece .. but i wonder how much of it was her own version, and how much of it was anthony mandler's? is her work really, actually meaningful in its intent? or is it only meaningful in our own personal assessments? i'm getting dangerously close to entering that infinite loop of "what is art"? but i'm just wondering if maybe we are a bit blinded by the visuals and/or our affections for her as a person, or as an 'artist'? tropico is kind of a huge venture outside of her usual realm now that i think about it .. i hope it only solidifies my opinion of her as a 'genius'
  23. when i said interesting, i was kind of referring to the entire discussion (its a forum, not a blog); theres praise but its tempered w/ valid criticisms well, i hope they end up discussing tropico .. its a different perspective, maybe a bit cringey but lana makes me cringe all the time lmao I’ve watched plenty of interviews with Lana and from my own (yes, subjective obvously) perception, she isn’t a complex character. Her music has this surface. "I’m a bad rich girl with a rich daddy and I was an alcoholic and I like living in America and I like bad men, I’m co-dependent and I like ‘leather on my waisties’. That may be performance. But surely isn’t Nicki Minaj exactly the same? ’I’m a rich bad bitch who likes pink wigs and I use my body as a weapon and am ridiculously feminine in music videos and my father was an alcoholic’. Nobody would create a forum thread for Minaj on MUBI but because Lana Del Rey’s music is sad she is a ‘auteur’? Come on, let’s face it. There really isn’t much difference between Lana’s music and other artists like Rihanna. Lana’s is sadder and more interesting. But where do I see a thread for “RIHANNA: AUTEUR” on here? But any of those artists could be argued to be auteurs if Lana could too. the fact that there are so many britney / gaga / katy stans here too (myself included) made me wonder if theres a bit of truth to this? are they really comparable in the pop world? i don't really think so… but then i put hit & run on blast and push myself back to square one Glimmering darling White bikini off with my red nail polish Watch me in the swimming pool Bright blue ripples, you Sitting sipping on your black Cristal, yeah” That is not assigning some kind of creative look at superficiality in pop music. i think it is exactly that. notice how relentlessly she describes herself as something that is passively watched and presumably desired, and who herself desires nothing but the gaze of desire. (**ow**) i’m not a lana del rey fan. i don’t like most of the music nor do i care much about the persona, but i find her play with identity, desire and consumption fascinating. she takes the women in david lynch’s films as a clear inspiration, and like them, assumes an abject sort of helplessness that is both traditionally “alluring” and profoundly creepy. everything about her art supports this: the imagery, the styling, the delivery, the nostalgic arrangements and reverb-drenched production. she makes a feminst point ironically, by exaggerating her helplessness, girlishness and object-hood." i think its also interesting that on that forum, the fans are the ones throwing shade and the ones that aren't even fans are the ones supporting her? kind of backwards and unusual maybe i could have posted parts of it in the feminism thread or started a new thread w/ all the good bits. i dunno, forum was kind of dead yesterday.. thought this would be an interesting discussion to bring over but i guess i was alone in that so brb gonna cut myself lol
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