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Everything posted by COLACNT

  1. maybe she was already a bit on the defense before the interview even started, given that (like she says), this is the first american publication that she's done in a while. and it was done with a woman (w/ no profile picture). i'm pretty sure her whole ~anti me theory is like 70% female related. and to be fair, the interviewer did come off a bit condescending / short with her at the beginning (IMO). not sure how this was conducted, but i'm assuming it was over the phone where intonation can still play an anxiety provoking role. if i asked someone a question and they responded with a 'no . . .' i'd feel like i was being stabbed with a condescending needle 'you think you're a gypsy' 'your music and your image often seem inseparable' 'because there does seem to be a disconnect between your public image and . . .' 'do you have opinions on healthcare reform, or . . . yeah? lets hear them' and so on. i mean, i can't decide if i think the interviewer is being callous or if i appreciate (both) the line of questioning and the way in which she asked. even if i don't particularly love this side of lana, it was still a strong and (somewhat) interesting reaction. it shows (yet) another side of her personality. i think when lana feels backed into a corner with a heavy-handed line of questioning, she feels the need to wave her dick around cause she knows its the biggest one in the room. oh i had ~millions of shows to book. most people aren't as interesting or ~deep as barrie and i as for having some kind of personality disorder (re: MBTI)? absolutely. and shades of many -- i'd say histrionic, narcissistic, and borderline for sure. so it must be hard for her; having people constantly trying to define her. trying to reconcile every facet of her being into one clearly defined... thing. these kinds of interviews are interesting for the reader since they're obviously (still) questioning her intellect, character, authenticity, etc... but for her, these kinds of questions must be extremely stressful. i empathize with her situation but i hope she reads this back and realizes that she comes off like an unlikeable bitch still lmao that she mentions wanting to kill people. love her so much
  2. i hear: drop top, ~rawk rawk~ time of our lives but i hope i'm wrong
  3. this is amazing! i'd like to add this commercial for an old ford del rey she included in her (2nd) video for diet mtn dew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtJZLmKUTUE she also got her 'del rey' logo from this video, which is fucking creepily amazing btw. wish they'd still air stuff like this lol
  4. i'm wondering -- why do laptop songs like methamphetamines and crooked cop get removed from my youtube (for copyright infringement) but (unaltered, original files) for songs like disco, trash, elvis, etc don't even get flagged or register under their 'content ID match'
  5. ha, love the interviewer's off-guard, slightly maniacal cackle after she suggests that they get dinner together oh lana, the things you do to people
  6. will she continue to do radio shows where she shows up and sings? cause honestly, those are some of her best vocal performances IMO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjOcqmVDVw0 really want her to do Y&B in some random, backwater studio where she apparently feels no nerve rattling
  7. thank you that was awesome and helped me get front-ish row both nights!! the USB was actually kind of big, luckily i was able to hand it to her the first night. i saw her palm it and she still had her fists clenched when walking back up on stage so i'm pretty sure she kept it and i'm hoping she actually plugs it into her computer!! <3

    Tan Mom

    you know i think all great things have a paradoxical counterpart. can't tell if this is brilliant in its complete and total insanity or just... i'm really at a loss for a proper, negative adjective tbh but like, ahahhahahhhahahh.. her poor daughter
  9. i used to think: "take me to the hamptons, bacardi flavored rum"
  10. one time, i uploaded a lolita (demo) and the official recording under the content ID was 'lolyta' on our way (demo) was also titled 'heavier than heavenly' for some reason (?)
  11. um so is it possible that this didn't actually happen? i don't have twitter / didn't even know what DM meant when i read it earlier but now that i'm sitting down and actually focused enough to read (instead of skim) i'm curious like couldn't this just have been photoshopped? i can like, make up a conversation with text bubbles and shit. the internet is a weird place, you just don't know what people are going to do cause like, blue velvet is kind of probably actual real life and people do weird things to get attention aside: does aaron lacrate read lanaboards? :airplease: if it actually happened, it makes me mostly sad that she'd respond to a remark about her looks. people already think she's like, shallow and stepfordian, fake, vapid, soulless, blah ie all horrible things that people assume BECAUSE of the way she looks... its like, she knows how fucking hot she is. this is literally the dumbest comment to lash out against -- especially for her. it makes her look like she reacts to hate, and it kind of suggests that she places her beauty above all else. and if its true i'm sure she's gonna wake up with a ton of shit in her box, all the people trying to get ~~laNa del rey!!!1 to DM (direct mail?) them
  12. axl rose husband, afraid, trash, and apparently, young & beautiful. and even though its not technically an official song ... THE MAN I LOVE
  13. sorry yoshi i was like 60% kidding, i didn't think you were 5. 10, maybe. one day you'll be glad you look young but really, azealea has a truly disgusting mouth
  14. [sorry, double post -- didn't want to start a new thread but want as many people's input as possible] ok, so i secured a ticket and flight, and am going now for sure. i really would love to get in the front row, so i have a few questions for those that have already gone: -how many hours did you go ahead to get in the front row -how many people were there when you got there (were there already lots of people ahead of you, etc) -were any of you able to meet her before / after the show? -what is security like? do they do thorough body checks? can i sneak a joint in, etc? -has anyone given her physical objects, other than notes? does she actually hold onto the items she receives? i really want to give her a USB drive with stuff i've made for her, i'm hoping the bling will motivate her to keep it safe, that is, assuming i can get close enough i don't know if i'd run into any problems taking that in and trying to give it to her. i guess it depends on how lax security is, what kind of objects they allow in, etc. this is all last minute and i'm stressing over the details, so if anyone can help answer any of these questions i would REALLY appreciate it

    CANNES 2013

    she's singing !!! http://www.showbiz411.com/2013/05/15/lana-del-rey-set-to-sing-at-cannes-opening-night

    CANNES 2013

    is it even raining? lmao ~ weird goth bitch

    CANNES 2013

    so pretty ... SO PRETTY all the women standing so far ... TIWMUG vs 2012 vs 2013 ... 2012 still better, but that was probably her best ever. at least she knows how to dress properly for cannes, and not wear like fucking smocks from the geriatric section at chanel lol
  18. 'emotions', being an umbrella term with a vast spectrum of effect ... i mean, you sound pretty emotional about this yourself, so one could even argue that he's ultimately fucked with yours as well. if he hadn't been starved for attention, you wouldn't be feeling ashamed or embarrassed or whatever it is thats filling you up at the moment. if you deconstruct my initial statement, you'll see that its actually not quite as heavy or existential as you've made it out to be. how do you feel when a new song leaks? happy? excited? thankful? whatever you feel, i'm going to assume that its positive and potentially lasting, depending on the quality of the track. so when someone blatantly teases a particular fan base with the possibility of a leak, its obviously because he enjoys playing games. he's somehow able to derive some kind of positive emotion simply by denying a group of people something they wish to possess. and yet we're in the wrong for reacting with negativity? i don't personally think so. this whole situation is childish and fucked, and it was orchestrated solely by him. if someone dangles a $100 bill in front of my face, only to pull away when he sees the gleam in my eyes -- he's fucking with my emotions on some level; hormonal, physiological, mental, whatever the fuck. yea, its just a song, but it doesn't change the fact that i could never see myself doing this kind of thing to even one person, let alone hundreds. there's a big difference between being a dork and being a dick. aaron lactate is obviously a no talent piece of shit, and he deserves to know it. if he had a modicum of professionalism or self respect, he wouldn't be resorting to pathetic little ploys to gain attention. he'd get it just by being good at what he does. there is no 'suitable' way to react to this situation, because this situation is not suitable in any way to begin with.
  19. all people, regardless of age will still have the propensity to act out when someone blatantly fucks with their emotions
  20. also -- if it gets to that point, tell him he looks like a ventriloquist doll, only less fuckable
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