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Everything posted by COLACNT

  1. i hope its earlier but october makes sense. then again so does día de los muertos but thats november so hopefully september
  2. so .. cemetery? does that mean .. halloween? october? lanapls so .. after reading stuff like this, http://mubi.com/topics/lana-del-rey-auteur where people are already considering her to be an 'auteur' .. and having literally just read the latest V interview right before that .. where gaga says she wants to be an 'icon' in all realms or whatever; i.e in the art / film / aesthetic world.. made me wonder how gaga feels about lana? if the tables have turned lel-,',', i mean.. don't get me wrong i really like her. sometimes. but i dunno, i think lana + gaga are more comparable than gaga + katy + etc? they're more 'creative' types but with lana it seems .. more personal? not as overtly theatric? but i guess we'll see how tropico turns out.. *need $$ 4meth* is kind of theatric now that i think about it. but has gaga ever mentioned lana anywhere? i really wonder how she feels about her. especially after being called a fucking man lmao *i still literally wheeze when i hear / think about that line sometimes that whole twitter thing really surprised me. i don't follow her on there or anything but is she usually so.. angry / public about it? i don't follow her on twitter or anything but i just thought it was strange / out of character. or at least from what i sensed from her? i'm a fan but not a monster and i don't understand her and pigrez' history or anything.. too lazy to go through all her tweets. i would be rly pissed if i were her.. after being told i suk by someone who i also am competing with in the industry and probably / secretly draw the occasional inspiration from. i wish she would angry tweet lana lmao that would be so funny. what would lana do? omg WWLD? (not so subtlety) allude to suicide or something i'm sure http://mubi.com/topics/lana-del-rey-auteur anyway i thought that was an interesting discussion about lana from a different perspective than i've read about her anywhere else. and its film related .. can't wait to read objective critical reviews of this. i'm sure i'm gonna find a way to love it somehow but wonder how its gonna be accepted / unaccepted by the public .. especially since she's like, kind of huge now
  3. "they don't love me anymore? but ... i'm still young n' beautiful ... well FINE THEN I GUESS I'M QUITTING LOL" its kind of like when people threaten to leave this forum but never actually do bby just wants to know she's still loved ... but being dramatic as per usual
  4. she's so ~ ~ ~ mysterious ~ ~ ~ but tbh theres no way this fame starved bitch is gonna leave the 'scene' she's just angry about the leaks and about her ex-fans that lack the strength of 'character' trying to draw them and everyone else back in with a bit of head fuckery is all
  5. this is as far as my photoshop skills reach tbh but would love to have the clean image still
  6. DRIVING TO LA FOR THIS SHIT HELL YES can someone pls remove all the text from that pic or something? its so beautiful
  7. "I only put you down cause I want you so much" wat do ppl do this? i guess it can be.. subconscious? i think i had aspergers until i was like 20
  8. i don't understand why they're not doing anything about all the black beauty uploads on youtube? for instance, i've uploaded videos for songs like hollywood, catch and release, you're gonna love me (which is old as fuck), etc and they've all gotten taken down 2-3 times within the past month whereas black beauty has remained on my channel (and others) untouched
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Pku8rVY04 does this mean that he took a bullet for lana? did ben shoot him? barrie? were they having a sordid, clandestine affair? or did lana shoot him herself? are the lyrics and inspiration behind scarface in reference to L^4? did he shoot someone for lana? did he murder someone? is he K? the lyrics are so wonderfully vague. notice how he doesn't say i "took" a bullet or i "shot" a bullet. he just says i "have" a bullet. what is this bullet he speaks of? is it metaphorical? literal? SO MANY QUESTIONS
  10. but she *is* in control; she wants what she wants *regardless* of the judgements she'd inevitably garner in response to it all. it really just depends on how you read into it. its a bit of a circular, more convoluted sense of control, but theres no doubt a willingness and a certain intent behind it all i think it can be empowering, to someone with the proper mindset. the gist is: do what you want and fuck what society or anyone else says
  11. or deeply cynical, depending on how you want to look at it either way, she's offering a bit of a critique on our ~opulent~ minded society. not sure if lorde understood that? seems like she has a bit of a love/hate relationship with lana. i don't like the fact that used the word "manufactured". like, when anyone says that about her i just immediately feel like they're offhandedly referring to her appearance and then i cringe a bit at their superficial judgement shes probably just trying to set herself apart from lana as well, since they're apparently drawing comparisons? but seems like she looks up to her and resents her at the same time? but lana always garners complicated feelings, so no surprise there, really. i dunno why else she would mention her 3 times in 3 separate interviews
  12. ugh can't get over how amazing this picture is does anyone have it in a higher quality?
  13. cause she's so smart and so beautiful and kinda crazy and she gets me and i get her and she makes me happy and happier with myself her pussy also tastes pretty great with fries
  14. well, she did spit on me when she saw me making out with a guy in london i just assumed she didn't like what i was wearing?
  15. people are always going to find reasons to hate on lana *regardless* of what she does i remember people were claiming she was a homophobe (by transitive property) just because she hung out with axl rose for fucks sake
  16. 'my momma' is kinda disturbing "My momma she would love you like I love you If she ever met you, if she ever knew My momma sure would fall right on top of you If she’d ever saw you, she’d be smitten too I’ll never take you home, I want you all for my own Don’t let my momma hear your pretty song" makes it seem like she got some legit daddy issues if she feels competitive with her own mother. maybe she doesn't sing about her often because theres something a bit 'too' dark there. or nothing at all, who knows i always thought it was: "is it wrong mom that i think its kinda fun when i hit you in the back of the head with a gun?" but i guess i misheard? lmao
  17. well lana and adele are bound to meet some time
  18. i love it when she slut drops too makes me wonder how she would've performed a song like BCD live tbh
  19. i think *trash magic* would be a really cool tattoo tbh <---- see avatar
  20. "oh cool so what does the M stand for?" "its the first initial of my favorite singer's grandmother"
  21. i don't understand why anyone would tattoo her fucking face on their own body? why? why? y? waiiiii? although i really do think the placement on the outside of one's hand is a really smart / beautiful idea -- i think its kind of cheesy and cringe worthy to just blatantly copy someone else's 'scripture' but then again so is inscribing the name of a hotel on your arm
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