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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    touring is a funny word.
    One could do 20 shows and not consider it a tour these days (or one could do like Kate Bush and play one place for 3 months and nowhere else, after 40 years of zero concerts).
    Just one-offs at festivals followed by a bonus show in a nearby town and it is not considered a structured tour
    However, her words were not necessarily referring to not touring-
    they implied "Honeymoon" tour. Now, her last tour wasn't an ultraviolence tour it was "the endless summer" tour.
    being that Lana most likely would only play 3 to 4 songs from Honeymoon interspersed with her greatest hits and not play the album 1 to 14.
    I think in January and Feb. they will start to announce the lineups for the mega-fests of 2016
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in If you could change one of Lana's albums...   
    Honeymoon the song does start and end the Honeymoon album in a sort of abstract way
    (especially if one is listening in a way that it automatically flows from 1 to 14 back to 1 without stop
    I wouldnt' change any order, because Lana had a reason for putting it there
    and "Don't let me be misunderstood MUST be there as it basically says listen to 1 to 13 then listen again until you get it and when you get it, you won't stop listening forever
    same with Paradise same with Ultraviolence
    As said before, one doesn't read Gatsby by starting at page 84 then going to page 3 then page 100. Each page is there for a reason.
    I will purchase any greatest hit or box set, however, I won't alter the way I listen to albums as they were meant I wll hope for additional unreleased songs to be released, but that don't change the order
    (and there is a reason there is NO bonus song on Honeymoon and that the bonus songs on other albums are KNOWN to be bonus songs.)
  3. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.   
    It took Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys 50 years, 2011, to win their first Grammy, so as Lana already has 2 nominations including the one for Paradise,
    gotta figure she will win in something like 2050, will we all still be here? I would be happy for Rock and Roll hall of fame in the 2030's.
    Should had a Producer of the Year entry being that Lana is the lead producer on the credits of Honeymoon
    If Weeknd releases the duet as official single, next year vocal event of the year
    My guess is Ryan Adams will be winning a lot of awards this year, like Beck
    It is also good to note-
    Leonard Cohen won his only Grammy on a technicality- in 2007, and then it was only as a small part, a spoken word song on the album of the year
    which is credited to Herbie Hancock that year.
    Leonard was 71 at the time.
    So, give Lana another 41 years at least.
    Great artiste's never win many awards historically.
    Ask Hollywood- being that Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock, Richard Burton, Peter O'toole Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Montgomery Clift, all never won an actual acting or directing Oscar and it took Henry Fonda, on his deathbed to finally win one, as he said when they showed him at his home via video, what took them so long? 
    Like Hollywood legends...they never grow old...
  4. PARADIXO liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana can be nominated and officially win a grammy ...   
    IF  Weeknds  album is nominated and/or wins (and it is one of Billboard's most likely to be nominated)
    and Lana needs to do no publicity nor ass kissing to get this-
    The Best Album now awards Grammy to ALL artists starring and featured on the album
    Leonard Cohen won his first Grammy in 2007 for a featured song on Herbie Hancock's grammy winning LP the  Joni letters (at age 71)
  5. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by LaserKitten in Adele says she "Loves Lana Del Rey"   
    Guess we can add Dixie Chicks to the list! This is beautiful.
  6. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I am dismayed to think I am one of the few who loves, loves, loves the photography for Honeymoon by her sister Chuck Grant
    It is 100% spot-on perfect for what Lana is saying (conveying).
    I am surprised more don't get it.
  7. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by whitman in Honeymoon Sales   
    I thought it was cute how she says she's proud of it. It's not official but I'm sure by how things turn out to be Interscope or Polydor gave her a hard time, If I could bet I would say she  fought ( like she did with UV) to release this album as it is. They obviously tried to set her up with Mark Ronson, she "leaked" her own song, she created HM instagram and promoted the album herself.
    So yeah, I'm also really proud of her by that. Our girl isn't selling out and is doing the best of it considering the circumstances. I'm sure a bunch of other artist would die to have sales comparable to this. 
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon Sales   
    it's a great achievement
    despite the same old same old 2 resident haters keep the hate going strong (go through every post and one is hard pressed to ever come across one that is not shaded and bathed in 100% negativity 24/7/365
    (and btw, Drake still never has a #1 single, so I guess Karma kicked him in the ass for dropping his record  and keeping Lana at #2 even though she had sales worthy of #1 in so many other weeks this year
    (Drake btw achieved less sales than the prior  one (so do the 2 resident H'ers think Drake is a bomb) and Adele kept him out of the #1 (and if she don't hit 30Million world wide, I guess applying it to Lana standards
    Adele will have the biggest bomb of all time (an analogy)
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    re:James Franco-
    read his books, especially Palo Alto
    In some ways James (acting) and Lana (words and music) are in the exact same universe
    In some ways James is just as much an alter-ego too.
    Both as if they time travelled with no way back from the 1960s and both unique and both abused and both somewhat like those on "the island of misfit toys" in the Christmas cartoon
  10. MahaMaha liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana can be nominated and officially win a grammy ...   
    IF  Weeknds  album is nominated and/or wins (and it is one of Billboard's most likely to be nominated)
    and Lana needs to do no publicity nor ass kissing to get this-
    The Best Album now awards Grammy to ALL artists starring and featured on the album
    Leonard Cohen won his first Grammy in 2007 for a featured song on Herbie Hancock's grammy winning LP the  Joni letters (at age 71)
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana won Best Alternative at 2015 MTV European Music Awards   
    Congratulations to Lana on her victory at the EMA's.
    How cool is that.
  12. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Apparently, after Vertigo's amazingly terrible post, this is an unpopular opinion but: Lana Del Rey - or, I should say, Elizabeth Grant - is a fucking human being and not some Dance-on-Command doll. She's depressed? So? She's a person. She has every right to feel human emotions. It's utterly selfish to think we're owed anything.
  13. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by James19709 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    This but also... At least me personally, I'm obsessed with her music, not her as a person. If people wanna spend their time wishing Lana would do more appearances really maybe they should expand their tastes in general and not rely on the existence of one person to entertain them. Then again, I can't comment really, I don't relate to caring about a candid shot or appearance photos of artists.   The only part I care about is the music, a nice looking shot of Lana Del Rey in a dress or stood somewhere is pretty useless and you can't exactly get much mileage out of that either. Waiting for a photo of somebody and being impatient for them to do something is frankly quite odd. People should really just find more things they enjoy in general. Lana herself doesn't exist to entertain someone but her music is released for people to enjoy though. There's truly a difference and it's so annoying for people to think otherwise. Sorry your favourite artist isn't an attention whore.
  14. hello moto liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana can be nominated and officially win a grammy ...   
    IF  Weeknds  album is nominated and/or wins (and it is one of Billboard's most likely to be nominated)
    and Lana needs to do no publicity nor ass kissing to get this-
    The Best Album now awards Grammy to ALL artists starring and featured on the album
    Leonard Cohen won his first Grammy in 2007 for a featured song on Herbie Hancock's grammy winning LP the  Joni letters (at age 71)
  15. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Adele says she "Loves Lana Del Rey"   
    @@theeternalstars @superstan 
    David Lynch is another who has mentioned her name, now if only he would place a Lana song in the new Twin Peaks continuation coming soon (or better yet, perhaps
    a Lana appearance maybe with Julee Cruise who Lana should invite as a backup singer if she does some shows).
    and Adele should tweet Lana's name to her 3 billion or so fans but the question is- do we actually want those as fans if they are not real fans? How long does Taylor Swift
    tweeting someones name help that other person?
    better yet, Adele should sing in the BBC lounge a Lana song and have the royalties come in to Lana's bank account
    or better yet, how about a Christmas duet
    and in advance, congratulations to Adele for what will probably debut at #1 on the singles charts
    Has Leonard Cohen ever mentioned Lana?
    And is Brian Wilson on that list?
    And does it count that Lou Reed was about to record with Lana but he tragically died?
  16. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Best LDR Musical Moment   
    great thread that will take some time to do justice to.
    A few out of 100s of greatest moments-
    Realizing Lana is doing just about every female vocal and sound, on every song (lead and background) and that most grunts, sighs, sneers, hisses breathe is Lana's voice.
    (there are no background singers it is all her.) It is like how in 1973 at first I thought it was a kazoo and it took a while until we saw him sing it in concert to realize that it was actually Elton singing
    the la-la-la's in Crocodile Rock... 
    Moments where the only way to describe it would be to put down the exact time in the song it is mentioned. (hard to describe, but in Born to Die there is that something or other for a split second)
    The incredible feeling (literally bought chills and tears) the first time heard both Old Money and Once upon a Dream (from the first note to the last and both on repeat for days)
    and then two weeks ago sitting in a hotel room in Quebec City and hearing Salvatore the first time.
    Shades of cool/ west coast/Brooklyn baby back to back
    Ride/American (the bridge in both songs is amazing, mentioned the exhilaration of "Everybody wants to go fast..." in a different thread
    The monologues of Ride and Burnt Norton and all the other spoken parts of songs (Please release a poetry audio tape, or perhaps an audio affirmation type tape to have while I do my swimming
    The stark simple Pawn Shop Blues which recently repeated many times as I was emptying our mother-in-law's house and having estate sales (especially when a stranger took her favorite huge painting no one in the family had room to hang, and walked out of the house, leaving the wall and the home bare
    Not realizing when just the song was released that the beginning of High by the beach was a helicopter. (please be nominated for video of the year at the Grammy's)
    God there are hundreds and hundreds of examples, especially with the pre-Lana songs...It is really hard to break it down to the best of 10 best or even the 100 best.
    will get back to this thread at another time
  17. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Your Lana Opinions - Then vs. Now   
    Knew her as Lizzy very early on thanks to a friend and she has never stopped amazing me.
    Her Lana albums including Paradise, which I consider a standalone, are continuous listeneing now for what 4 years, plus all the other songs.
    Said it very early on, and it continues to be true - if I took everyone I enjoyed in the last 50 years and the artists I now enjoy prior blend it all together and make one perfect artist, it is Lana.
    There is no wasted song on any album, no filler.
    Every other artist in the past I listened to had 2 or 3 or 4 great songs on an album, the rest filler.
    Lana no filler, all part of the saga.
    When the album is on, I don't skip songs, sometimes on youtube or spotify will play the same song 10 times
    There is not time in the day to listen to all the older songs, wish sometime there would be box sets of all of them
    And all the duets.
    When a close relative died in the spring, and we spent the summer emptying out her house, the one song that I kept returning to everytime we drove back and forth, was Pawn Shop Blues
    It was so perfect to what we were going through, which was yet another time that her songs personally helped me through very hard times.
    It really is hard to explain.
    and listening in the car late at night on the highway music turned up real real loud
    (the bridge in Ride and Americans keep popping through my mind)
  18. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey Covers Billboard (October 22, 2015)   
    I love how free and open she is.
    No one reveals themselves like she does.
    In a world that is so scripted that every single day so many actors singers is on tv (In America, using NY shows and time) at 8am on Good Morning America, 9am on Kelly & Michel 11am on The View
    12noon on NY Live then Sirius radio then the late night and later night shows all saying the same blah blah blah scripted don't talk about anything
    of substance
    She is a free spirit, stream of conscious saying what is on her mind breathe of fresh air.
    Treasure her and protect her.
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana Del Rey Covers Billboard (October 22, 2015)   
    the most important music industry magazine with Lana on the cover the most important week of voting for the Grammy's
    So while the entire industry votes in the first round of voting  the magazine probably sitting right in front of them, has Lana's picture on cover
    Could one ask for better timing?
  20. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    re: post talking about listening to Honeymoon on a plane, I know what you mean
    I really hate flying now, used to love it.
    In the 1990s used to listen to Julee Cruise's David Lynch albums while taking off and landing
    and it was almost spiritual. (Falling, the world Spins, Twin Peaks theme, etc.)
    Sort of took me to another place tears rolling down total (whatever the word is I am thinking of)
    as for videos-
    just close your eyes and listen to Lana
    the images that race through ones head are the videos.
    It's your imaginiation, and the songs can mean whatever you imagine them to mean
    though have to say I never imaged High by the beach when I first heard it to be what the video was, nor did I realize that was the sound of  a helicopter.
    Would love to know the timeline on when the story of the video was thought of vs. the song itself. Was the visual there like a movie, and the song written around that.
    One would have to assume being that the helicopter sound was on the song itself that the story was already known.
    As from past interviews she conceptualizes the entire album/theme almost in her head and then from there it was born
  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Your Lana Opinions - Then vs. Now   
    Knew her as Lizzy very early on thanks to a friend and she has never stopped amazing me.
    Her Lana albums including Paradise, which I consider a standalone, are continuous listeneing now for what 4 years, plus all the other songs.
    Said it very early on, and it continues to be true - if I took everyone I enjoyed in the last 50 years and the artists I now enjoy prior blend it all together and make one perfect artist, it is Lana.
    There is no wasted song on any album, no filler.
    Every other artist in the past I listened to had 2 or 3 or 4 great songs on an album, the rest filler.
    Lana no filler, all part of the saga.
    When the album is on, I don't skip songs, sometimes on youtube or spotify will play the same song 10 times
    There is not time in the day to listen to all the older songs, wish sometime there would be box sets of all of them
    And all the duets.
    When a close relative died in the spring, and we spent the summer emptying out her house, the one song that I kept returning to everytime we drove back and forth, was Pawn Shop Blues
    It was so perfect to what we were going through, which was yet another time that her songs personally helped me through very hard times.
    It really is hard to explain.
    and listening in the car late at night on the highway music turned up real real loud
    (the bridge in Ride and Americans keep popping through my mind)
  22. Anthem liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    re: post talking about listening to Honeymoon on a plane, I know what you mean
    I really hate flying now, used to love it.
    In the 1990s used to listen to Julee Cruise's David Lynch albums while taking off and landing
    and it was almost spiritual. (Falling, the world Spins, Twin Peaks theme, etc.)
    Sort of took me to another place tears rolling down total (whatever the word is I am thinking of)
    as for videos-
    just close your eyes and listen to Lana
    the images that race through ones head are the videos.
    It's your imaginiation, and the songs can mean whatever you imagine them to mean
    though have to say I never imaged High by the beach when I first heard it to be what the video was, nor did I realize that was the sound of  a helicopter.
    Would love to know the timeline on when the story of the video was thought of vs. the song itself. Was the visual there like a movie, and the song written around that.
    One would have to assume being that the helicopter sound was on the song itself that the story was already known.
    As from past interviews she conceptualizes the entire album/theme almost in her head and then from there it was born
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    re: post talking about listening to Honeymoon on a plane, I know what you mean
    I really hate flying now, used to love it.
    In the 1990s used to listen to Julee Cruise's David Lynch albums while taking off and landing
    and it was almost spiritual. (Falling, the world Spins, Twin Peaks theme, etc.)
    Sort of took me to another place tears rolling down total (whatever the word is I am thinking of)
    as for videos-
    just close your eyes and listen to Lana
    the images that race through ones head are the videos.
    It's your imaginiation, and the songs can mean whatever you imagine them to mean
    though have to say I never imaged High by the beach when I first heard it to be what the video was, nor did I realize that was the sound of  a helicopter.
    Would love to know the timeline on when the story of the video was thought of vs. the song itself. Was the visual there like a movie, and the song written around that.
    One would have to assume being that the helicopter sound was on the song itself that the story was already known.
    As from past interviews she conceptualizes the entire album/theme almost in her head and then from there it was born
  24. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by wittycatchphrase in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I was listening to Honeymoon while taking off in a plane and it was just lovely. We took off right as the "Ground control to Major Tom" line came on and it was a divine experience.
  25. gothphetamine liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    as for post 2547
    Lana will be around in five years, will be remembered in 5 years, and wear as a badge of honor that the haters in the media, record companies, jealous suitors
    jealous record company people hate her.
    Record companies themselves are from another time and place and are dinasaurs (maybe some of the haters realize that the days of record companies are coming to an end and at that point, their job will be gone like people who used to work at Tower Records.)
    Obviously, the head of the conglomerate likes Lana enough to have had her and Kanye West surround him when he was on the cover of Billboard Magazine.
    (and Billboard itself prints less and less issues each week and is now attempting to cultivate record people themselves in each issue so they and their families
    buy a dozen copies each).
    Now that Lana is producing, and she has a friend who has a studio, she could do something any second she wants to  and release it whenever.
    Meanwhile every time someone sees Gatsby or Maleficent or Big Eyes someone hears Lana.
    Everyone who watched American Horror Freak Show saw Jessica Lange sing Gods and Monsters (5 to 6 million saw it the first week, and who knows how many million more have seen it since).
    A person as artistic as Lana never will not release something new.
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