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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    trump did not win NH, that hasn't been called
    he won as expected Indiana and Kentucky
    Hillary won Vermont (where Bernie is from)
  2. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    How? By picking the new Supreme Court Justices and getting them confirmed
    then a case comes to them, voila it's gone
    Same with any other.
    The US Supreme Court is now 4 to 4.
     The Republicans want to get rid of Planned Parenthood, which has cancer screening and many other
    and if one is not rich, they don't have options that someone who is rich has.
    Every single part of daily life is affected in one way or another by who is the President.
    Ralph Nader said it made no difference between Gore and Bush. Bush got to pick two justices, and his picks set back America for years.
    So yes, the President makes a big difference. (along with the house and Senate).
    But even without congress, President Obama achieved a major portion of his agenda, and with President Clinton, will solidify and then get better as the years go on.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the entire world, since Jorg Haider won in Austria, but thankfully the world got lucky there.
    How anyone who is different to the racist white male that is Trump's base, could even think of voting for Trump is beyond me.
    I guess those that like the Animal House fraternity rape culture are okay with Trump.
    the fact that one party is anti-science, and knowing how much Lana is into science, well, it goes without saying who she is voting for (as are almost every single
    female artist (or supporting for those outside of the USA).
    Anyone who voted in Canada for Justin Trudeau would 100% not vote for Trump.
    Also obvious who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would vote for, and it isn't Trump.
    and it is telling when people in Congress and ALL the living Presidents are all NOT voting for Trump.
    Re-elect Hillary Clinton 2020, then Michelle Obama
    and the fate of the US Supreme Court for the next 40 years is at stake, and the dream would be if President Obama was nominated to the US Supreme Court.
    I am proud to say I voted for Hillary, after being for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Michelle Obama to be the next President after Hillary.
    and one party, the party of President Obama wants to continue moving forward. The other party, the Republicans want to take it back to when women couldn't vote,
    when Blacks, Gays, and anyone different, anyone not of the "correct" religion the Republicans focus on, had zero rights. (
    Donald Trump is the biggest grade school bully and Donald Trump from day one does not have the temperament to be President. I would never in a million years
    vote for a grade school bully for President, who  gets into twitter wars like a 12 year old.
    BTW, President Obama is in the upper 50s in popularity, higher than any recent President at this time in his second term, and the public wants to continue, and solidfy
    his agenda.
  4. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    @@theblackestday- The US is a Republic. NOT  a Democracy
    the US does NOT have one vote one person equal, being that the Senate has 2 senators per state, be it Vermont or be it California
    the founding fathers did not trust the people with a popular vote (which Al Gore won in 2000 but lost the election as he did not get 270).
    The electoral vote gives more power to a tiny state than a large state, which is why many people would like to change to a popular vote,but the small states would never give up the power
  5. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    How? By picking the new Supreme Court Justices and getting them confirmed
    then a case comes to them, voila it's gone
    Same with any other.
    The US Supreme Court is now 4 to 4.
     The Republicans want to get rid of Planned Parenthood, which has cancer screening and many other
    and if one is not rich, they don't have options that someone who is rich has.
    Every single part of daily life is affected in one way or another by who is the President.
    Ralph Nader said it made no difference between Gore and Bush. Bush got to pick two justices, and his picks set back America for years.
    So yes, the President makes a big difference. (along with the house and Senate).
    But even without congress, President Obama achieved a major portion of his agenda, and with President Clinton, will solidify and then get better as the years go on.
  6. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I was not mentally prepared to read the name of this ****** on LB.     
  7. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    yes i am legal in america, not that its any of your business, and I voted for hillary. were you completely gone or on another planet when he completely generalized ALL MEXICANS as rapists and criminals? where were you when he generalized ALL MUSLIMS as terrorists? where were you when on the news there would be reports of PEOPLE OF COLOR being beat up and thrown out of trump rallies even if they supported trump. where were you when he mocked the DISABLED reporter? where were you when women who said trump RAPED THEM finally stood up?
    why are you only bringing up the point of illegal immigration? i gave many other points... i guess this is the only you are able to argue. do you think its fair to call someone (a person/someone who has a life and people they love and dreams that they wish to fulfill) an illegal when you could simply call them "Undocumented". the way you talk is clearly full of hate for them if you dont have the decency to respect people and call them undocumented. 
    men, women, KIDS risk their lives to come to america because america advertises the 'American Dream' and only to find out that if they do come here theyre in a world of pain
    its pretty clear now, with your tone and your points, that youre a trump supporter
    you are disgusting
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the entire world, since Jorg Haider won in Austria, but thankfully the world got lucky there.
    How anyone who is different to the racist white male that is Trump's base, could even think of voting for Trump is beyond me.
    I guess those that like the Animal House fraternity rape culture are okay with Trump.
    the fact that one party is anti-science, and knowing how much Lana is into science, well, it goes without saying who she is voting for (as are almost every single
    female artist (or supporting for those outside of the USA).
    Anyone who voted in Canada for Justin Trudeau would 100% not vote for Trump.
    Also obvious who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would vote for, and it isn't Trump.
    and it is telling when people in Congress and ALL the living Presidents are all NOT voting for Trump.
    Re-elect Hillary Clinton 2020, then Michelle Obama
    and the fate of the US Supreme Court for the next 40 years is at stake, and the dream would be if President Obama was nominated to the US Supreme Court.
    I am proud to say I voted for Hillary, after being for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Michelle Obama to be the next President after Hillary.
    and one party, the party of President Obama wants to continue moving forward. The other party, the Republicans want to take it back to when women couldn't vote,
    when Blacks, Gays, and anyone different, anyone not of the "correct" religion the Republicans focus on, had zero rights. (
    Donald Trump is the biggest grade school bully and Donald Trump from day one does not have the temperament to be President. I would never in a million years
    vote for a grade school bully for President, who  gets into twitter wars like a 12 year old.
    BTW, President Obama is in the upper 50s in popularity, higher than any recent President at this time in his second term, and the public wants to continue, and solidfy
    his agenda.
  9. SlowGinFizzzz liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the entire world, since Jorg Haider won in Austria, but thankfully the world got lucky there.
    How anyone who is different to the racist white male that is Trump's base, could even think of voting for Trump is beyond me.
    I guess those that like the Animal House fraternity rape culture are okay with Trump.
    the fact that one party is anti-science, and knowing how much Lana is into science, well, it goes without saying who she is voting for (as are almost every single
    female artist (or supporting for those outside of the USA).
    Anyone who voted in Canada for Justin Trudeau would 100% not vote for Trump.
    Also obvious who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would vote for, and it isn't Trump.
    and it is telling when people in Congress and ALL the living Presidents are all NOT voting for Trump.
    Re-elect Hillary Clinton 2020, then Michelle Obama
    and the fate of the US Supreme Court for the next 40 years is at stake, and the dream would be if President Obama was nominated to the US Supreme Court.
    I am proud to say I voted for Hillary, after being for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Michelle Obama to be the next President after Hillary.
    and one party, the party of President Obama wants to continue moving forward. The other party, the Republicans want to take it back to when women couldn't vote,
    when Blacks, Gays, and anyone different, anyone not of the "correct" religion the Republicans focus on, had zero rights. (
    Donald Trump is the biggest grade school bully and Donald Trump from day one does not have the temperament to be President. I would never in a million years
    vote for a grade school bully for President, who  gets into twitter wars like a 12 year old.
    BTW, President Obama is in the upper 50s in popularity, higher than any recent President at this time in his second term, and the public wants to continue, and solidfy
    his agenda.
  10. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the entire world, since Jorg Haider won in Austria, but thankfully the world got lucky there.
    How anyone who is different to the racist white male that is Trump's base, could even think of voting for Trump is beyond me.
    I guess those that like the Animal House fraternity rape culture are okay with Trump.
    the fact that one party is anti-science, and knowing how much Lana is into science, well, it goes without saying who she is voting for (as are almost every single
    female artist (or supporting for those outside of the USA).
    Anyone who voted in Canada for Justin Trudeau would 100% not vote for Trump.
    Also obvious who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would vote for, and it isn't Trump.
    and it is telling when people in Congress and ALL the living Presidents are all NOT voting for Trump.
    Re-elect Hillary Clinton 2020, then Michelle Obama
    and the fate of the US Supreme Court for the next 40 years is at stake, and the dream would be if President Obama was nominated to the US Supreme Court.
    I am proud to say I voted for Hillary, after being for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Michelle Obama to be the next President after Hillary.
    and one party, the party of President Obama wants to continue moving forward. The other party, the Republicans want to take it back to when women couldn't vote,
    when Blacks, Gays, and anyone different, anyone not of the "correct" religion the Republicans focus on, had zero rights. (
    Donald Trump is the biggest grade school bully and Donald Trump from day one does not have the temperament to be President. I would never in a million years
    vote for a grade school bully for President, who  gets into twitter wars like a 12 year old.
    BTW, President Obama is in the upper 50s in popularity, higher than any recent President at this time in his second term, and the public wants to continue, and solidfy
    his agenda.
  11. Shades liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the entire world, since Jorg Haider won in Austria, but thankfully the world got lucky there.
    How anyone who is different to the racist white male that is Trump's base, could even think of voting for Trump is beyond me.
    I guess those that like the Animal House fraternity rape culture are okay with Trump.
    the fact that one party is anti-science, and knowing how much Lana is into science, well, it goes without saying who she is voting for (as are almost every single
    female artist (or supporting for those outside of the USA).
    Anyone who voted in Canada for Justin Trudeau would 100% not vote for Trump.
    Also obvious who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would vote for, and it isn't Trump.
    and it is telling when people in Congress and ALL the living Presidents are all NOT voting for Trump.
    Re-elect Hillary Clinton 2020, then Michelle Obama
    and the fate of the US Supreme Court for the next 40 years is at stake, and the dream would be if President Obama was nominated to the US Supreme Court.
    I am proud to say I voted for Hillary, after being for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Michelle Obama to be the next President after Hillary.
    and one party, the party of President Obama wants to continue moving forward. The other party, the Republicans want to take it back to when women couldn't vote,
    when Blacks, Gays, and anyone different, anyone not of the "correct" religion the Republicans focus on, had zero rights. (
    Donald Trump is the biggest grade school bully and Donald Trump from day one does not have the temperament to be President. I would never in a million years
    vote for a grade school bully for President, who  gets into twitter wars like a 12 year old.
    BTW, President Obama is in the upper 50s in popularity, higher than any recent President at this time in his second term, and the public wants to continue, and solidfy
    his agenda.
  12. xcx liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the entire world, since Jorg Haider won in Austria, but thankfully the world got lucky there.
    How anyone who is different to the racist white male that is Trump's base, could even think of voting for Trump is beyond me.
    I guess those that like the Animal House fraternity rape culture are okay with Trump.
    the fact that one party is anti-science, and knowing how much Lana is into science, well, it goes without saying who she is voting for (as are almost every single
    female artist (or supporting for those outside of the USA).
    Anyone who voted in Canada for Justin Trudeau would 100% not vote for Trump.
    Also obvious who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would vote for, and it isn't Trump.
    and it is telling when people in Congress and ALL the living Presidents are all NOT voting for Trump.
    Re-elect Hillary Clinton 2020, then Michelle Obama
    and the fate of the US Supreme Court for the next 40 years is at stake, and the dream would be if President Obama was nominated to the US Supreme Court.
    I am proud to say I voted for Hillary, after being for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Michelle Obama to be the next President after Hillary.
    and one party, the party of President Obama wants to continue moving forward. The other party, the Republicans want to take it back to when women couldn't vote,
    when Blacks, Gays, and anyone different, anyone not of the "correct" religion the Republicans focus on, had zero rights. (
    Donald Trump is the biggest grade school bully and Donald Trump from day one does not have the temperament to be President. I would never in a million years
    vote for a grade school bully for President, who  gets into twitter wars like a 12 year old.
    BTW, President Obama is in the upper 50s in popularity, higher than any recent President at this time in his second term, and the public wants to continue, and solidfy
    his agenda.
  13. Melania liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Donald Trump is the single biggest danger to the entire world, since Jorg Haider won in Austria, but thankfully the world got lucky there.
    How anyone who is different to the racist white male that is Trump's base, could even think of voting for Trump is beyond me.
    I guess those that like the Animal House fraternity rape culture are okay with Trump.
    the fact that one party is anti-science, and knowing how much Lana is into science, well, it goes without saying who she is voting for (as are almost every single
    female artist (or supporting for those outside of the USA).
    Anyone who voted in Canada for Justin Trudeau would 100% not vote for Trump.
    Also obvious who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would vote for, and it isn't Trump.
    and it is telling when people in Congress and ALL the living Presidents are all NOT voting for Trump.
    Re-elect Hillary Clinton 2020, then Michelle Obama
    and the fate of the US Supreme Court for the next 40 years is at stake, and the dream would be if President Obama was nominated to the US Supreme Court.
    I am proud to say I voted for Hillary, after being for President Obama in 2008 and 2012, and for Michelle Obama to be the next President after Hillary.
    and one party, the party of President Obama wants to continue moving forward. The other party, the Republicans want to take it back to when women couldn't vote,
    when Blacks, Gays, and anyone different, anyone not of the "correct" religion the Republicans focus on, had zero rights. (
    Donald Trump is the biggest grade school bully and Donald Trump from day one does not have the temperament to be President. I would never in a million years
    vote for a grade school bully for President, who  gets into twitter wars like a 12 year old.
    BTW, President Obama is in the upper 50s in popularity, higher than any recent President at this time in his second term, and the public wants to continue, and solidfy
    his agenda.
  14. luminom liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I hear it's imminent that Lana is going to do a remake of her older song "Without you" and call it "Wildest Dreams".
  15. Jiggy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I hear it's imminent that Lana is going to do a remake of her older song "Without you" and call it "Wildest Dreams".
  16. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I hear it's imminent that Lana is going to do a remake of her older song "Without you" and call it "Wildest Dreams".
  17. LOVE liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I hear it's imminent that Lana is going to do a remake of her older song "Without you" and call it "Wildest Dreams".
  18. reputation liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I hear it's imminent that Lana is going to do a remake of her older song "Without you" and call it "Wildest Dreams".
  19. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star Comments on Lana Del Rey   
    @JR omega post#14
    I am older and yes I am very familiar with Mazzy Star and Massive Attack too.
    interesting thing is- both Kim and Hope made comments while promoting something new (so looking for a soundbyte to further themselves.
    What disturbs me is, why do thy reference Lana's name?  Do they do that for Bob Dylan (Robert Zimmerman) or David Bowie or thousands of others who have changed their name
    (and when Mazzy had their couple of big songs, many people thought Mazzy was the lead singer and had no idea Mazzy was group name and not Hope's name.
    Does Hope know who Gaga is (and would the interviewer mention Gaga is not her name? Why does Lana get this abuse when no one else does???
    I wonder if someone asked Olivia Newton John or Tina Turner who Mazzy Star was, would they know?
    Perhaps in 2017 on her forthcoming American tour(LOL) Lana could ask Hope to be an opening act, like she was gracious enough to do with Courtney Love.
    but up the thread a bit, people mentioned Halsey. Most of America has never heard of Halsey. She is the featured singer on Chainsmokers  4th or 5th hit (and most people have
    no idea who Chainsmokers are either. (and yes, they have had the #1 song for 10 weeks.) but that doesn't mean folks know who sing it.
    Sheesh, in America, ask people who Tim Kaine and they draw  a blank that he is the guy who will be Vice President elect in just 4 days.
    BTW, I would imagine some people on lanaboards would not be happy with the way Hope does concerts. Almost dark on stage. No audience interaction. And over the years, and I know this,
    not very friendly with fans before or after, or running into her somewhere. Have no idea if she is more comfortable or not now.
    But she is very talented, though I myself don't see any real connection.
  20. LAman liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Hope Sandoval from Mazzy Star Comments on Lana Del Rey   
    @JR omega post#14
    I am older and yes I am very familiar with Mazzy Star and Massive Attack too.
    interesting thing is- both Kim and Hope made comments while promoting something new (so looking for a soundbyte to further themselves.
    What disturbs me is, why do thy reference Lana's name?  Do they do that for Bob Dylan (Robert Zimmerman) or David Bowie or thousands of others who have changed their name
    (and when Mazzy had their couple of big songs, many people thought Mazzy was the lead singer and had no idea Mazzy was group name and not Hope's name.
    Does Hope know who Gaga is (and would the interviewer mention Gaga is not her name? Why does Lana get this abuse when no one else does???
    I wonder if someone asked Olivia Newton John or Tina Turner who Mazzy Star was, would they know?
    Perhaps in 2017 on her forthcoming American tour(LOL) Lana could ask Hope to be an opening act, like she was gracious enough to do with Courtney Love.
    but up the thread a bit, people mentioned Halsey. Most of America has never heard of Halsey. She is the featured singer on Chainsmokers  4th or 5th hit (and most people have
    no idea who Chainsmokers are either. (and yes, they have had the #1 song for 10 weeks.) but that doesn't mean folks know who sing it.
    Sheesh, in America, ask people who Tim Kaine and they draw  a blank that he is the guy who will be Vice President elect in just 4 days.
    BTW, I would imagine some people on lanaboards would not be happy with the way Hope does concerts. Almost dark on stage. No audience interaction. And over the years, and I know this,
    not very friendly with fans before or after, or running into her somewhere. Have no idea if she is more comfortable or not now.
    But she is very talented, though I myself don't see any real connection.
  21. SarcasticBeauty liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I love the irony
    Same people who chastise Lana for not doing promo and appearances and stuff
    want more leaks, which of course don't have any promo, appearances and stuff
    Me, I just want more, more more music as much as I greedily can listen to
    All I want to do is get high by the beach or driving in my car, and cranking up the volume
    (now continue fighting)
    @atticus 1376- that is funny.
  22. xcx liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I love the irony
    Same people who chastise Lana for not doing promo and appearances and stuff
    want more leaks, which of course don't have any promo, appearances and stuff
    Me, I just want more, more more music as much as I greedily can listen to
    All I want to do is get high by the beach or driving in my car, and cranking up the volume
    (now continue fighting)
    @atticus 1376- that is funny.
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I love the irony
    Same people who chastise Lana for not doing promo and appearances and stuff
    want more leaks, which of course don't have any promo, appearances and stuff
    Me, I just want more, more more music as much as I greedily can listen to
    All I want to do is get high by the beach or driving in my car, and cranking up the volume
    (now continue fighting)
    @atticus 1376- that is funny.
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