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  1. Melania liked a post in a topic by Nick Del Rey in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    you guys are rioting now but Lana doesn't care cause she knows that no matter what come time July 21st she's GETTING your coins

  2. Melania liked a post in a topic by TROPICUM in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Stargirl SNAPPED
  3. Melania liked a post in a topic by TROPICUM in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Melania in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    it's good to let them know
  5. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by Melania in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    it's good to let them know
  6. Melania liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    all may 26 believers rn

  7. Pink Champagne liked a post in a topic by Melania in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    it's good to let them know
  8. Standing Ovation liked a post in a topic by Melania in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    it's good to let them know
  9. My Sparrow Blue liked a post in a topic by Melania in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    it's good to let them know
  10. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by Melania in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    it's good to let them know
  11. Melania liked a post in a topic by gogodancer in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Guys I was practising using the laser pointer and microphone today for my presentation tomorrow with my friend and for some STUPID reason I decided to test the mic by singing V LOUDLY "My pussy tastes like pepsi cola" and I realised there were people in the projection box at the top of the lecture theatre.....I'll never live this down. She had better release on friday bc I embarassed myself because of her!!!!!
  12. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by Melania in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    the tumblr teens from then still like her tho, and the new tumblr kids also quiet like her (not as much as halsey tho )
  13. Architecture liked a post in a topic by Melania in Ariana Grande   
    what happened is so awful and of course the most important thing now are the victims and their families..
    but i think it's also appropriate to wonder how this will impact her career?
    i mean her name will always be attached to a terror attack this must be so horrible, she looked absolutely devastated at the airport :/
    i wonder where she will go from here..
    Edit: interesting article http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2017/05/opinion-is-ariana-grande-s-career-broken-if-so-terror-wins-out.html
  14. Melania liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in Terror Attacks   
  15. Melania liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Terror Attacks   
    Ok we're done here_
  16. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Melania in Terror Attacks   
    you are not racist if you're against islam because, ISLAM ISN'T A FUCKING RACE.
    goddamit, some uneducated stupid fucks on here trying to argue about something they don't know shit about..
  17. Harlem liked a post in a topic by Melania in Terror Attacks   
    she's from the future duh
    stop being so modern-phobic you racist!
  18. Melania liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Terror Attacks   
    Surprise surprise ISIS claimed responsibility so people who were discussing it being a terrorist bombing / and being related to ISIS / Islamic extremism were right
    But u tried 

    Girl bye go back to the year 2101 lmao
  19. electra liked a post in a topic by Melania in Terror Attacks   
    you are not racist if you're against islam because, ISLAM ISN'T A FUCKING RACE.
    goddamit, some uneducated stupid fucks on here trying to argue about something they don't know shit about..
  20. Melania liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Terror Attacks   
    'Imagine thinking just bombing are terrorist attacks, can't relate, not that far up my arse.' 
    First of all this sentence makes no sense in just general english (just bombing are terrorist attacks) though I guess you were saying 'Imagine thinking that bombings are the only means of a terror attack', let alone whatever point you were trying to make this was a stupid ass comment, mass shootings, mass stabbings, solo killers in the name of religion aka lee rigby, mass running over with vehicles - you're arguing against a point that isn't even there in the first place, no one said bombings were the only terrorist kind of incident that happens, BUT OBVIOUSLY PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT A BOMBING BECAUSE A BOMBING JUST HAPPENED LIKE ARE YOU DENSE.
    'why do people always have to bring Muslims into it? '
    Because anyone with a lick of common sense would add 2 and 2 together and get 4, 4 being with the history of large scale attacks in recent years in europe that this would be a terrorist incident related to IS / Lonewolf IS / Islamic Extremists. Once again you're arguing against points literally no one is making, unless you're talking about things elsewhere in which case you didn't say that and when you spoke and then spoke to me you had the nerve to tell me what kind of incidents I call terror attacks because I judge on skin tone even though I doubt you've even read a post of mine before since I've never seen your user once before. And no one even brought muslims into it (on here anyway, like I said if you're talking about elsewhere you didn't mention that) people might be mentioning islam because whether or not it hurts your viewpoint of DON'T SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT ISLAM GOD NO POOR ISLAM the attack was most likely done under a follower or islam just like loads of others in recent years, its not hateful or racist to bring up that point - to then start saying WELL PEOPLE JUST JUDGE WHAT IS TERROR BASED ON A SKIN COLOR is completely irrelevant because you're just butthurt people are bringing up the religion that could be involved in what is most likely an Islamic Extremist attack and has nothing to do with the skin color, dragging a religion isn't dragging a skin color, if you can't differentiate between the two, you're a moron, brown =/= muslim. 
    Your whole thing was stupid and made no sense, calling me ignorant because you have form a coherent point isn't a comeback.

    You've already shown yourself to be an idiot, you're now ranting about france and how its french peoples fault for banning burqa's that the terrorists attacks are happening like damn you're one classy person and all this shit that has nothing to do with the actual topic just like your first post
    Shut up and go sympathise with terrorists somewhere else babe

    But yeah you dragged this thread so far off point with your random incoherent poorly put together complaint posts - I already give to charity so i'm not gonna waste anymore time trying to explain your stupidity to you 
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