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  1. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Thx to everyone who has kept it civil
  2. Melania liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    anyway im scared in so many ways for this country... in regards to climate change, education, poor people, food stamp programs, im also so scared for people who live in areas where were probably about to escalate military presence in.. ALSO worried about nukes! who tf thinks we should be ADDING nukes ? wtaf? 
    im scared about what will happen for democracy, and our rights to protest as well.. 
    personally im scared about being able to afford college, and make it on minimum wage... im afraid for my parents who  i know cant afford good healthcare and need medications and stuff to survive at this point.. ugh
    anyways i really hope if he's able to do one thing... he can get the economy back on track and booming in a way that benefits everyone not just the rich
  3. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Probably, just like HBTB and maybe she'll have another interview with Zane Lowe
  4. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    The idea of people of color even being able to be in better positions financially than white folks is such a new concept in the span of American history. There's still social, economic, job and financial biases against poc, ones that don't effect white people at all. So because of that I don't think it's really fair to say black and white success is equal. I mean, look at Obama, he had to be the best of the best, well educated, years of experience in his field, humble at all times and people still said he wasn't qualified to become president. Trump on the other hand just had to be rich and white and could be as rude as he wanted. I think economically it's racially better where it was 50, even 20 years ago, but we're not at a point now where there's equal opportunities for all. 
    People are so quick to judge the actions of anyone who isn't like them yet they refuse to acknowledge the same things they're judging implies to whatever racial/religious group they're in. It's a lack of compassion that's greatly lacking.
    There's so much racism that white people hide in public. Just because they aren't going around lynching or shooting people doesn't mean they aren't racist. There's so many "nice people" who are really racist as hell. Do people just live in a bubble or are they really that blind to the reality of racism? 
  5. daytonadeath liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1245220/?page=1 (6-7 years less life) 
    when this is the reality, of course we should treat minorities better than we do now,... what everyone also must remember is not everything is a monolith, there are black people doing much better and much worse than white people, there are white people doing much better and much worse than black people.. but we can all agree that we should help those in need..
    also i understand how it is scary, seeing what islamist ideology has done.. but also think about how some islamic people feel, when in their view, people like us in the usa( who have a lifestyle that is totally different to theirs, and in some ways threatens their culture) totally obliterates parts of the middle east based on lies, and even bans them from our country .. 
    the level of ignorance in some people who think that racism is over just because white people seemingly "respect" POC.. but white people often times have no idea what the life of black people is like... a lot of ppl dont even have black friends.. have no idea how any black people are doing, yet wanna say that they dont deserve extra federal programs or anything
  6. wraith liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    i was hoping this was gonna be a vid of her dabbing lmfao
  7. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    "obamacare flopped"
    Yeah... it literally saved me from dying from ovarian cancer... especially since I had considered not even getting treatment because it was considered a preexisting condition by every health insurance company and I couldn't spend the rest of my life in that amount of debt.I had to wait a year for treatment just so I could have that "flop" medical care at an amazing cost.  It would have cost me $700 a month just for me to have insurance, with the ACA it cost me $90 a month for my family.  I was able to pay off all of my medical bills in 3 months... without the ACA it wouldn't taken me literally the rest of my life to pay it off but realistically I would've probably died 100,000's in debt...
    Obamacare flopped so hard it helped provide hormones that enabled me to become pregnant, have daughter and covered over 80% of the medical costs. 
    It covered my husband's hernia operation at 22 that he had put off since he was 16 because his family couldn't afford insurance, he couldn't afford the surgery and we lived in poverty which meant one missed day of work would ruin us for months. 
    It also covered my medications for depression and anxiety - which save my life on a daily basis. My doctor prescribed me triple the amount of medication I would normally get and suggested I take them sparely  because she knows my insurance could be cut and I won't be able to afford them any other way. 
    It covered my birth control so I could have regulated and calmer periods and not risk having constant miscarriages while having sex with my husband.
    It completely covered the appendectomy my daughter needed when she was 14 months old. It covered the allergy meds and EpiPens she needs.
    It covered my  post-trauma therapy
    But yeah... let's just call it a flop without realizing it saved lives. I hope nothing happens to my family if it's cut. We'll honestly go back into poverty and not have a way out. 
  8. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Escapism in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I'm so disappointed today. I know I'll have a good laugh at how people that voted for Trump end up suffering the consequences, and somehow try to blame the left. 
    I honestly hope he turns out to be a somewhat decent president, but I doubt it. I just can't stand or comprehend how this man is our president the next for years. Although, I'd love to have a woman president already, Hillary had so much going against her (regarding the emails and what not) and just in general being a woman. She has done and said questionable things, but I'd much rather have her as president than Trump. Anyways, if Bernie were the democratic nominee, he would have won- I'm 99% sure. Plus, I'd rather have him than Hillary. Either way, that didn't happen, and we're all going to have to deal with Trump the next four years. I'm just hoping for the best and safety for everyone. 
  9. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    ... donald trump was the protest vote.. the media was able to portray hillary as a scandalous criminal, and donald trump as a messy outsider... in the end theyre both corporate sellouts.. but many people who voted for trump voted for him because he wasnt hillary.. 
    dont blame the minority when LITERALly MOST people without college educations voted for trump  
    and also, when you're informed on the issues that face the american people, as well as the candidates' records, you see that often times third party candidates would better for our country than the establishment candidates... i think america should do like two tier voting where you can vote for a first choice and a second choice.. that way u can vote for a riskier candidate first, then a more probable establishment candidate second... 
  10. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Melania in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    i'm really hoping lana hurries with the album
  11. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by FredRed in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    (Verse from the new album)
    "Stained with the blood of a broken heart,
    Marilyn died in a red dress,
    Me I'm stuck working at Wal Mart,
    And my fu***** old man couldn't care less"
    Actually I made that up but it contains 3 requirements for a Lana song.
    A reference to someone famous living or dead. (or a red dress)
    A curse word
    Obsessive or desperate love.
    Just messing with you Lana, you know I love you!
  12. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Lad in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    You guys get so offended when someone criticizes your favorite artists but are quick to shout "kill yourself" and shit on other artists when someone else expresses another musical taste. First of all, all the Ariana / Lana collab thing is an OBVIOUS joke. Second, y'all need to check your priorities if an internet joke in a Lana Del Rey forum gets you so worked up .
    Also aleko any problem if i jam to the Summertime Sadness remix? Go pay for stems and disappear
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