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Bambi Lies

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  1. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by BBM Baby in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    Some artwork for your iTunes collections girlies (made by me) it's basically the poster edited a little

  2. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    Fck everyone involved in it, if it meant nothing to Lana I wouldn't care but in what world are some people self-entitled enough to think their own little gratification is worth more than all the work the woman they love produced. If Lana is not ok and you spread / asked for snippets I hold you personally responsible for that. Yeah I said it
  3. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    thats great and all but the bottom line is the general public who has no experience in accessing music from online databases wouldn't know what where or how to look for songs unless they had learned over time. Additionally other material not having to do w rick is leaked to the general public technically through that group chat on discord where members from this site use to distribute material. There HAS TO BE A RAT OR A FAULTY LINK ON HER TEAM THAT LETS THIS HAPPEN. I am sorry but we can't keep blaming "bad security" for this when there has been many things leaked besides his stuff. There is someone on the discord chat who has unlimited access to her new and unfinished material and then takes it and distributes it to the general public through that discord and since those people cant keep their trap shut they send it to all their littles friends to act exclusive. I have been speaking against this since I made my account. THERE ARE PEOPLE ON HERE INVOLVED IN THE ILLEGAL SPREADING OF MATERIAL. This will not end until they are punished by law. There has been many times i reach out to both ben and ed and I never got a response. Oh well. As far as i'm concerned I warned everyone who is in the chat (you know who you are) if from this point forward something leaks that was in your possession I will rat you out. This is a promise.
  4. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    If only Y*ur Girl had leaked instead
  5. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Limelight in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    I swear some of you guys are too extra... You're complaining but I'm sure you're listening to the song at the same time lol
    And Lana's management should get their together, haven't they realized by this point that whatever they are doing to protect her songs is not working? And like someone said they shouldn't worry about Lanaboards, specially when everything is leaking on instagram and twitter. The level of incompetence I swear.. Now their main concern should be releasing the song because if they expect people are just not gonna talk about it then they should question their own intelligence.
  6. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by terusama in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    oh stop coming for elle you pitiful fucks, she deals with our sloppy asses for free
  7. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    this is what a year of silence, multiple coffee trips, and the random posting of a poster does to us
    I C O N I C
  8. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    If you're doubting that I spoke with him, here's the voicemail he left me:
  9. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by norwegianwoodland in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    This is what happens when a bunch of immature 15 year olds learn how to hack information and can't just chill the f-ck out. 
    This is a woman who spends months/years developing and planning for a specific date to share her art with us. 
    It's like nobody values her art and just want to be selfish and be exclusive. 
    What a big slap in the face for her from her "fans"
    This is why I think she really hates being famous now. She can't have a hold on things like she used to as much. My heart breaks for her.
    I feel like every small detail of her life is speculated and searched for and exposed (I love LANALYSIS as much as the  next stan) but how tiring would it be to constantly have things just broadcasted online when you don't want them shared. Including your WORKS OF ART as well as former life details. 
    Also I will say this, even though he is beloved on this forum, F-ck you Eclipse, just keep your mouth shut and stop forever sending out "hints" or whatever and basically holding Lana's material over her head, you only raise hype and desperation to fans to get more information by doing that. Thanks for the old leaks from former days but I don't think Eclipse should be allowed to drop any "tea" or hints of new albums/songs like when he posted the lyrics to YAIL on here anymore. 
  10. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    I was just on the phone with Ed (manager), and they are very concerned. Trust me, they're doing the best they can.
  11. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by terusama in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    honestly, its too little too late, and theyre not even going through the right channels.
    i have no pity for her team. they fucked it up. from letting the song in an unsecure location where apparently multiple sources nabbed it, to dragging their feet on actually taking punitive action... yeah. this is all over their hands. i feel bad for lana and her alone, for her tarnished artistic vision at the hands of her team and fans alike.
  12. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   

    Hello everyone. I just got off the phone with Ed Millet, Lana's manager. He is very concerned about leaked material on LanaBoards. I've expressed this to you all many times, but please think before you post!! Please do not post unleaked material from the new album on LanaBoards (links, pictures, gifs, videos) or links directing to unleaked material.

    Please know that the LanaBoards mod team and I as well as Lana's team is taking this very seriously. Ed & Ben have an account here on LanaBoards and are planning to make a post explaining the severity of the situation soon.

    To members who want to help with the situation, please do not hesitate to use the "Report" feature on any post you find questionable. The mod team and I moderate all of the threads pertaining to LDR5, but using the report feature makes it easier and faster for us to catch any violations.

    You all have a lot of eyes on you, including the myself, the mod team, and most importantly - Lana's team.

    Thank you.

  13. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Subversive in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    queen of time present and time past both present in time future and time future contained in time past
  14. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    go to sleep again so she'll release it
  15. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    I live in the UK but I swear if no one takes a HQ pic of the poster then I FUCKKING WILL
  16. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Kommander in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    Richard Dawkins is shook
  17. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    inb4 the poster is fan made.. some stan out there has realized lana aint promoting herself enough anymore .. so they've taken things into they own hands and have put out 30 hypeful posters across lana country 
  18. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by Kommander in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    We are stanning a woman whose records are influenced by Elon Musk and NASA. Iconic. Cant wait for club banger "Hawkins lover"
  19. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by C0neyIslandKing in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    "Little Del Reysters"? Ew, fire whoever wrote this article tbh 
  20. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    well i just want to say Terrence Loves You is the best song on Honeymoon !
  21. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by C0neyIslandKing in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    Well, congratulations to all of us that survived the pre-pre-release madness, thus begins the pre-release madness... 
    But hey, at least now we have something official to freak out over! 
    It looks like the poster is set on the Moon, so maybe whoever it was that speculated about a Moon-based video may be correct? That would be so cool!!      I'm so ready for Lana: Queen of Space!!
  22. headztrong liked a post in a topic by Bambi Lies in LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2   
    I have no idea. I saw it mentioned on the Reddit forum and came straight to LBs. It's sad considering the release must have been fairly close. It seems like Lana can't catch a break since being torn to shreds during the BTD era.
  23. Bambi Lies liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT LDR5 MATERIAL   
    Although I understand her managers' concerns for the era and the single, I'm sorry to say, but if they had actually taken more care in protecting Lana's work then this never would have happened. Considering Lana generally only works with a handful of people on each album so there's really not that many people who even have access to the material, it's utterly insane that her managers can't even protect her work.
    I agree that we should prevent any leaks being spread around this forum but at the end of the day, the only ones to truly blame for all of this mess are her managers. If they actually cared about Lana's work then none of this would be happening. Messy stans will always be messy, no matter how many times they are told not to leak stuff and spoil surprises. Lana's managers should know this by now, particularly considering Lana has a sort of cult following with a lot of unstable and over the top fans. I mean, her "fans" have stolen her car, camped out in her garage and even broken into her house. 
    I'm not trying to justify the ugly and disrespectful behaviour of people spreading things around, all I'm trying to say is that her label is completely to blame for all of this and it's a joke that they are only taking action now, once a bajillion snippets have been leaked and a still and a full portion of the music video is being spread around. The damage is done now and Lana's managers should truly be ashamed for how poorly they have "managed" her work.
    Trying to frame LanaBoards as the culprit of all this mess is immature on her label's behalf, since it is their fault they couldn't secure the material. All that happens on here is people discuss material obtained from outside sources that has spread over all corners of the internet. Of course, it is in Lana's best interest for all of us to stop the spread of her material on here, but at the end of the day, her label needs to take responsibility for what has happened and acknowledge that they have let Lana down.
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