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  1. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Am i the only one that really hopes Lana never collabs with anyone? Like, seriously she doesn't need some other basic bitch singing with her. She does just fine on her own.
    I only wanna hear her, nobody else. Well at least no collabs on her albums. She can still collab if she wants but i don't want it inteferring on her gorgeous records.
  2. Escapism liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    This is a video I stumbled upon about Melania Trump and the possibility of her being abused by her husband, and honestly it is so disturbing. I don't know if I'm just buying into a lame conspiracy theory but there is definitely something fishy about a lot of these clips!
    The body language and undeniable lack of chemistry between the two is already rather awkward to watch, but seeing the way that Donald Trump just completely ignores and fails to acknowledge his wife's presence in a lot of these clips is appalling! 
    The way that he doesn't let her answer any questions in a lot of the interviews speaks volumes to me, about the level of power he seems to hold over her. 
    I cannot believe the way that he speaks about her body being more important than her personality, and how he says that he "goes off the roof" if dinner isn't ready when he arrives home, as if his wife is just some kind of commodity or robot meant to do all the jobs for him and provide sexual moments with, like she is some housewife from the 1950s/60s.
    And of course, that appalling footage of him openly condoning sexual assault... and the ELEVEN women who have made charges against him, claiming he has raped them. Of course, rape is much more serious than just abusing someone through emotional manipulation, but I doubt that each of these women, including his own ex-wife, would have just made up these claims for no reason!
    ....But what got me the most out of everything in this video is the way that Melania's face immediately lights up with a fake smile when he turns to her, then instantly drops the second he turns away, moulding into a face full of fear and dread. That is not the face of a mentally healthy woman, that is the face of a disturbed and scared woman, and anyone who says otherwise is absolutely kidding themselves! 
    Regardless of whether she is really being abused or not, all I can say is that this is certainly no way for anyone to treat a partner in a relationship! 
    I am so upset that such a lovely couple like Michelle and Barack Obama are no longer the ones in the White House. They were such class acts, so dignified and clearly had a lot of love, adoration and respect for one another. Seeing such a disconnected pair like Trump and Melania is so disheartening. I really feel for Melania, being married to such a disgusting, vile swine like him, especially if the suspicions that she is being abused are actually true! I hope everything is OK and she is not being abused.
  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Escapism in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I've read a lot of your posts in this thread and I honestly have cringed at probably every single one, but because I don't want drama I've avoided responding. However, I'm so tired of you and your Bernie conspiracies and blaming him for everything. Stop sticking your head up Hillary's  . I don't think in any of the posts I've read from you, you mention some of the  she's done or said before, but yet you keep going off on Bernie? Interesting. 
  4. Escapism liked a post in a topic by HoneymoonSwan in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    "daddier than a daddy"
    bookmark me! 
  5. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    At this point we might as well give the Statue of Liberty back 
  6. Escapism liked a post in a topic by surfnoirswing in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I'll never forgive Lana for not continuing the frontal pose on album covers traditions...
  7. Escapism liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I can't wait to see the cover art for yail, I'm so curious to see the visuals for this era and to finally see a new Lana photoshoot.
  8. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by Escapism in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I've read a lot of your posts in this thread and I honestly have cringed at probably every single one, but because I don't want drama I've avoided responding. However, I'm so tired of you and your Bernie conspiracies and blaming him for everything. Stop sticking your head up Hillary's  . I don't think in any of the posts I've read from you, you mention some of the  she's done or said before, but yet you keep going off on Bernie? Interesting. 
  9. Starsx liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Lana Spotted with a Fan - January 28, 2017   
  10. Escapism liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Why aren't yall online at times like this  
  11. Elle liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Lana Spotted with a Fan - January 28, 2017   
  12. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Spotted with a Fan - January 28, 2017   
    Lana today with a fan, Jonathan.

    Her hair is incredible.. the side part.. the loose curls.. I'm living  & her face is so soft and sweet. A true beauty queen. Forever 2014.

  13. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    so we are living under the rule of a dictator like north korea now?
  14. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Escapism in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I've read a lot of your posts in this thread and I honestly have cringed at probably every single one, but because I don't want drama I've avoided responding. However, I'm so tired of you and your Bernie conspiracies and blaming him for everything. Stop sticking your head up Hillary's  . I don't think in any of the posts I've read from you, you mention some of the  she's done or said before, but yet you keep going off on Bernie? Interesting. 
  15. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Escapism in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I've read a lot of your posts in this thread and I honestly have cringed at probably every single one, but because I don't want drama I've avoided responding. However, I'm so tired of you and your Bernie conspiracies and blaming him for everything. Stop sticking your head up Hillary's  . I don't think in any of the posts I've read from you, you mention some of the  she's done or said before, but yet you keep going off on Bernie? Interesting. 
  16. Escapism liked a post in a topic by missdelreyxo in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    what would you expect from a rambling lunatic ?
  17. Escapism liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Did you really just create a baseless conspiracy theory that a Democratic Senator (Bernie Sanders) is secretly "happy with Donald", a Republican who he absolutely despises, constantly makes statements against and shares absolutely none of the same policies or beliefs as him???? 
    And you know, the thing is... since Hillary's loss, she hasn't posted anything or said anything publicly fighting against Trump's disgusting and oppressive new laws, while Bernie Sanders has attended rallies, marches, protests AND been posting on his social media multiple times a day... But it's Bernie that doesn't care about the American people.... what kind of logic is that? 
  18. Escapism liked a post in a topic by surfnoirswing in Who is Lana's best photographer?   
    Oh please, Neil takes some incredible photos but then ruins most of them editing them too much (see Complex photoshoot), while her HQ pics for Honeymoon were amazing. Chuck's pics are cute but I'll never forgive her for the mess she made with the HM cover, guess i have to say Queen Nicole Nodland
  19. Escapism liked a post in a topic by CrazySister in Born to Die Turns Half a Decade Old!   
    "I've got that summertime, summertime sadness. Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness. Got that summertime, summertime sadness, oh. Ohhhhhhhhh" 

    OMG, LET GO OF ME!!! 
  20. Escapism liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Now don't complain about the mixing and mastering to be taking too long. Some artists obviously rush their albums and they can sound really horrible. Alanis Morissettes last album is mixed very poorly and it almost ruins the whole thing. It's very off.
    You can tell just by the various versions of Lanas studio demos (even BTD vs the demos that use the same vocals) that this can make a huge difference
  21. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Lava if I did fibuxgf had nbua u kind you'll see a beautiful
  22. Escapism liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    i cant with you... u have ur head so far up the democratic establishment's ass 
    i wouldve rather had hillary than trump.. but i'd rather have bernie than the other two
    also u should read this http://listenliberal.com/pdf/ListenLiberal-ThomasFrank-Excerpt.pdf so u can understand why i really dont care much for the clintons or obama.. yeah we can both agree theyre better than republicans but you literally....like literally act as if theyre superhuman. 
    i am more than willing to acknowledge that obama and clinton did plenty of unprecedented and good stuff, but im also going to acknowledge the tragic things they have done in regards to welfare, criminal justice, helping the middle class, making college affordable, dealing with big banks, eradicating economic inequality, racism, transitioning away from fossil fuels, saving social security... 
    here i am in a family thats slipping farther and farther down the economic ladder, im trying to become independent, go to college, all this stuff.. and im trying to build my own life while things are stacked against me AND my parents are already practically becoming dependent on me... YEAH I WOULD LIKE CLINTON MORE THAN TRUMP... that being said, my family.. MYSELF do not have time for more clinton platitudes, bank bailouts, """"affordable"""" college, corporate blowjobs, stagnant wages, etc... while i understand your point about bernie making it more difficult for hillary to win... you know if hillary hadnt played it down the middle JUST LIKE HER HUSBAND she probably wouldve been able to win! also if she wasnt so stuck up and out of touch with all the american people, she wouldve been able to win in the midwest and south
    every candidate running for DNC chair admits that the democratic party has some work to do bc they have flopped on the working class..
    at the end of the day, i think youre on the correct side of things, youre supporting the more liberal candidates opposed to the MESSY right wing ones, GREAT but i think youre also out of touch with how desperate some people are.. thats why they voted trump, because hillary represented not only scandal, but more of the same. now im sure that most of the right wingers think about hillary is simply propaganda.. i dont actually buy into that , but no politician is perfect.. the fact of the matter is.. MOST people are tired of same old same old.. thats what hillary and the DNC were serving... yes that was better than trumps mess but, some people are so desperate (bc same old same old isn't enough) that they were willing to tryanything different. 
    also  bernie campaigned for hillary the second he officially lost the nomination.. and i would say even before that, he stopped running against her and simply existed only to get more progressive policy on the democratic agenda why? BECAUSE HE SEES HOW FUCKED THE WORKING CLASS IS .. furthermore, he's been traveling around the country practically ever since FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY LMFAO so... if he hates them so much... he sure has a funny way of showing it, considering he is like the outreach manager, and constantly talking about rejuvenating it 
    TBFH I wish he was as against the democrats as u like to think, because i really dont think u can have a revolution inside an anti revolutionary party.. perhaps if he ran completely outside of them he could have more support and the democratic establishment could shrivel up and die already
  23. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    the mess that trump has made in a week is going to take sooo much time to fix. I'm so angry because i finally thought, even though america has its problems, that we were finally getting to where we were supposed to be each day little by little. now, trump has set us a back a couple of years and we are going to have to fight the fight adults fought when we were kids ALL OVER AGAIN
  24. Escapism liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    the truth is, all these people should've shown up in the first place.. u right.. based on the amount of people who voted third party and didnt vote at all, and based on approval ratings, honestly the american people as a whole should've banned together, republican and democrat, and protested for better candidates than hillary and donald ! 
    imagine the message that wouldve sent to the establishment politicians and corporate america... but no instead everyone tried to fear monger us into voting for the lesser of two evils..but imo america never should've accepted either of these candidates in the first place
  25. Escapism liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Remember Merna and her FOTM concept of holding an album back for 6 months? As cool as the concept was, it backfired, her stuff leaked and she was disappointed. Since Lana obviously does not do promo, there is no reason to hold back stuff too long if it's finished.
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