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  1. Penilicious84 liked a post in a topic by Guy in "Dark Paradise" - Next Single in Germany   
    ew god bless germany
  2. Jord liked a post in a topic by Guy in "Dark Paradise" - Next Single in Germany   
    ew god bless germany
  3. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by Guy in Sim City   
    that always-online shit can fuck off though
  4. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Guy in Member of the Week #10: ataraxia   
    oh ye 
  5. Guy liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Week #10: ataraxia   
    Member of the Week: ataraxia!
  6. Guy liked a post in a topic by lola in Sky Ferreira   
    Btw, Sex Rules is soo bad.
  7. Monicker liked a post in a topic by Guy in Chuck Grant's Photography.   
    Helios are the lenses, soviet************** cameras, rangefinder, 44mm
    there ya go, enlightened. i'll post some photos when i get them developed
  8. Guy liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Chords and scores for songs   
    There are no chords in Get Drunk.
  9. Guy liked a post in a topic by lola in ....   
    Welcome to the forum! Btw, this is our most friendly and helpful member:

  10. Guy liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana covers OOPS! Magazine   
    Oopsy ;')))!!!!!
  11. lanaisperfect liked a post in a topic by Guy in Member of the Week #10: Poll   
    i voted for all of you 


  12. Allie liked a post in a topic by Guy in Your "Paradise Tour" Setlist   
    1 Yayo
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    3 Yayo
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    5 Yayo
    6 Yayo
    7 Yayo
    encore: YAYO
  13. Guy liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Member of the Week #10: Poll   
    oh that's cool, mine is
    be a ~*~swag~*~ motherfucker
  14. Guy liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Member of the Week #10: Poll   
    Be green vote Baby V

    My motto 4 this campaign 
  15. Guy liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lana Del Rey Resources, Tutorials & More!   
    Design Packs
    Born to Die (Thanks to Hot Design Packs)
    Fonts: Steelfish &  League Gothic  Textures from the booklet (blood) Album Photoshoot (Nicole Nodland) Logos (Lana Del Rey EP Logo & Autograph) Fonts
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [PNG files of every letter]
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [Thanks to BadKid/FMI go to the second page on this thread]
    Impact (Lana Del Ray Album Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Haettenschweiler (Kill Kill EP Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Nueva Std Light (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "A.K.A Lizzy Grant")
    Nueva Std Bold (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "Lana Del Rey")
    Radio FM (Paradise Font) 
    Garage Gothic (BTD The Remixes EP Font)
    Adobe Caslon Pro Italic (BTD Album Credits/Numbers)]
    Brown Regular (Ultraviolence credits)
    Trixie Plain (UV booklet)
    Record Labels Logos
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in Your "Paradise Tour" Setlist   
    1 Yayo
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    3 Yayo
    4 Yayo
    5 Yayo
    6 Yayo
    7 Yayo
    encore: YAYO
  17. Guy liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in Minor board enhancements   
    What's New
    Please read these entries for a full list and explanation of what's new.
    Code Boxes
    The code box has been improved to allow you to select the code format (HTML, Javascript, PHP, etc) and a starting line number. Tabs and spaces are also preserved correctly.

    Live Previews
    When adding quote and code boxes, the editor will preview them live, like so:

    The code box when rendered fully contains striping and line numbers which makes it easier to read the code:

    The Best Answer Feature
    IP.Board comes with a brand new 'best answer' feature. This enables the topic starter (when allowed), moderators (where allowed) and super moderators/admins to mark a post as the best answer.

    This screen shot shows a typical question topic and the best answer has been flagged. You'll also notice that at the top, a small excerpt of the post is shown with a button to go and read the full post. This is useful for when the best answer may be on a different page to the one you're viewing.

    Looking at the forum view, you'll see that the answered topic has a badge that when clicked takes you to the flagged post.

    You can also quickly filter the forum list to remove answered or unanswered topics. This will be handy for forums that have staff answering questions!

    Share a single post
    A common feature request has been the ability to share a single post. You might want to share a great reply to a topic on Facebook or perhaps email a link to an interesting post to a friend. You can now do this by clicking either the post number or the little share icon to the right of the post number. This brings up a new modal window


    Mobile Moderation

    Our mobile theme is suitable for all mobile devices. Even though we have our mobile application available for the iPhone and iPad, we want to ensure that other devices are able to interact with IP.Board.

    A very common request has been to enable basic moderation actions from within the mobile theme. To that end, we've added buttons for common topic moderation into the mobile skin.


    Editor Pasting

    A lot of the time you find that you just want to paste plain text into the editor so you don't have to then remove formatting such as background and font colors. We've made this an option from within the IP.Board 3.4 editor via the new Options icon (far right on the screen shot). You can still paste as rich text by clicking on the relevant paste button on the top right section of the toolbar.

  18. NEAL liked a post in a topic by Guy in Forum Clown   
    thanks i deserved it
  19. Guy liked a post in a topic by Pucci in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Ink and pencil sketch of the Paradise edition (unfinished)

  20. Guy liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Arzi •• honeymoon   
    thought of making a back cover for the 'red version' of lana del rey i might print this


  21. Guy liked a post in a topic by lola in Lana Del Rey covers ZIGGY Magazine   
    Finally a cover showing Lana being happy.
  22. Guy liked a post in a topic by Allie in Lana Del Rey interview for GLOSS magazine   
    Invented beauty
    Decadent Hollywood star, ingenue little posh or hoochie from the periphery, all of that fits in the persona Lana Del Rey created for herself. – By Harold Von Kursk
    One video made with a collage of images on Youtube made her a sensation of the alternative music. And a super critized performance on TV turned her into an overnight pop star. If you think the path that Lana Del Rey, 26 years old, made until she came to the top was a little bit weird, you're very right – her universe is very strange, indeed. In the beginning of 2011, Lana was Lizzy Grant, a singer with bleached blonde hair (and lips way thinner) who circulated around the record labels seeking a contract. Until that, in june of that year she put on internet the ballad Video Games, along with nostalgic images she chose by herself. With her new name, lips and trendy retro look, she caught the attention of bloggers and journalists and her course started to change. Everything almost went down the drain in January, when her performance on the TV show Saturday Night Live, from NBC network, was crushed down by the critic. But the effect was the opposite: 15 days after, her album Born to Die, a collection of glamorous and dark songs, came to the stores and went right to the first place in charts of seven countries. She just released her 6th video from her album, Summertime Sadness (Lana now makes superproduced videos). And she is the face of the new campaign of H&M. Full of tricks or talented? GLOSS saw one of her shows in New York, in June and assures: both things. Fake, fragile, beautiful, bold, modern – she is all of that. Just not a conventional singer.
    GLOSS: You became a celebrity overnight. How do you see this so immediate success?
    LDR: I'm surprised! I didn't expect this, specially after being ignored for 6 years. I couldn't get my songs to be played and I had a lot of difficulty to settle shows. Everybody was complaining that my songs were too long and dark and that it would be impossible to commercialize them. They said that the video of Video Games was weird and scary [laughs]. It's very funny that now I have a contract [with Universal Music] and a team working with me.
    GLOSS: You moved from Connecticut to New York at age 18 and went to study at Fordham University. How the experience influenced your music?
    LDR: Being in New York was a very lonely experience, but also very stimulating in many ways. I met weird people, others wonderful and some not very nice. All of that enriched my music and what I wanted to say. I had to struggle to have my rent's money and to be able to afford others expenses. I know this sounds kinda cliché but that is what happened.
    GLOSS: Do you still feel alone nowadays?
    LDR: No, I feel better. I believe that, when someone finally has a success and people feel touched by your music, the sensation of satisfaction appears. But some of my songs still talk about the disappointment of finding an incredible person and things not working out. Being alone and not feeling deeply connected to no one isn't something easy to deal with.
    GLOSS: By your lyrics, it seems that you lived some complicated break-ups.
    LDR: It's hard to be with someone, waiting for something pretty to be born and then, suddenly, everything going wrong. I was with a person who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. We were clean and sober, and I needed someone who would respect that. But it didn't work out. When I thought I've had found someone who could take care of me and that I could take care too, I saw everything fall apart.
    GLOSS: Are you shy?
    LDR: I'm very introverted. I don't feel easily comfortable with people when I meet them and I get nervous when I start to talk.
    GLOSS: Is that a problem when you sing live?
    LDR: I think my shyness and my nervousness already became visible in some of my performances. I'm still learning how to deal with that. I keep telling myself to relax on stage, try to feel the music and not to think in what is around me.
    GLOSS: Why do you think that, in a time of Lady Gaga and so many overstyled artists, people are critizing you so much for inventing a certain image for yourself?
    LDR: Thanks for the observation! [Laughs.] I don't think I put a big effort on creating an image besides using dresses rather than exotic costumes. Sometimes the clothes are kinda retro, what matches my music and videos. And it's just that. I think my voice and and lyrics are provocative. But I don't get the rage level of some critics about me.
    GLOSS: The music video for Video Games was the great responsible for the turning point in your career. Did you expect the material would have the impact it did?
    LDR: I thought the images would catch attention and help me to have more followers on the internet. And that maybe it would be good when seeking a contract with some record label. I never thought it would be so watched [the video has today more than 60 millions of views]. I dedicated myself a lot to the material and it gave me a great creative satisfaction. So, I'm proud of people liking it so much.
    GLOSS: Many people invented thousand of theories to interpret what the images of the video are meant to say...
    LDR: The truth is that I had no money to make a video, then I started to make experiences with the images. I think it increased the impact of the music, but when I see the music video nowadays I feel like changing a lot of things, specially the images of myself. Now that I have a contract with a record label and money to produce, I'm very happy for not having to make my self videos. I participate in the process, but I love the fact of being able to work with real professionals. I prefer to concentrate in the songs.
    GLOSS: Why is "Born to Die" the title of the album?
    LDR: In childhood, I kind of freaked out when I realized that my mom, my dad and everybody I knew would die someday. I think that, somehow, this philosophical crisis stayed with me and reappeared in the time I had to give a title to the album.
    GLOSS: In some interviews, you said that music isn't the most important thing in your life. Is that true?
    LDR: I like music and composing, it's just that it's not the fundamental point for me. I have interest in many things and I don't see my life only spinning around music, although I'm super-involved with that at the moment. But I'm very happy with my album and even more to know the amount of people that like my songs. I guess I should think about that and don't worry about nothing else. I would like people to think about me as a good person. Maybe it's ingenuity of me saying that, but that's what I am.
    Building Lana
    Where the singer went to find inspiration to create her cool visual
    From the femme fatale from the 40's, Lana took the attitude and the hair
    The thick and slightly open lips are the mark of the french actress
    Lana adores eyes well contoured with black eyeliner
    Every now and then, Lana appears with the hairstyle that Elvis's ex used in the sixties
    One more embellishment of a femme fatale: huge nails!
    Necklaces, rings and sneakers complete the visual
  23. Guy liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in If LDR AKA LG was signed to a more successful record label...   
    Completely with this do I agree. She wouldn't have had the same "Indie Girl Turned Pop Sensation/Fraud" status, and would be making music that would be appreciated by a very different audience than it is now.
  24. Arzi liked a post in a topic by Guy in Arzi •• honeymoon   
    I like them ! Nice work Arzi ! i'm really bad at compliments
    Maybe because it's another rural demo :creepna:
  25. Guy liked a post in a topic by Arzi in Arzi •• honeymoon   
    I'm not the best at this but I'm gonna share them, I need to improve

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