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About LaSalle

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  • Birthday 05/19/1992

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  • Interests
    Lana Del Rey.
    Road trips
    Sun sets
    Full tank of gas.

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  1. Sometimes I wish Lana would troll the website and give us inside scoops on her life hehehe and more videos duh!
  2. This song is amazing! I could listen to her in the car forever!
  3. This is one of my all time favorite songs and I really only started listening to it a month ago. I got really hooked on Lana right before Ultraviolence came out and after that there was no return. So now as I come across older music I fall more and more in love and find that there is more and more she can sing about that I can relate to. Anyways, Bravo with this song Lana. Xx
  4. "You’re my gangsta boy 'Cause you’re my favourite toy You’re my favourite toy" Sounds a little familiar to me.
  5. LaSalle

    Art Deco

    Spot on. All of this. I think you're correct. All of the songs that are like this make me think she is speaking about herself.
  6. I think it depends on who is doing the producing. Because Dan Auerbach produced UV and I think that's why it had a darker feel. Not to say her songs weren't like that already I just think visually he helped give it more of that rock feel. Opposed to the other albums that are so glamorous.
  7. You literally said exactly how I feel about both albums. Thank you! That was beautifully put!
  8. I really like this interview. I like how she tells how Lana interacts and how she came prepared. She really does have a full plate however she always makes sure that SHE is apart of her work and that she isn't just a pawn in someone else's work.
  9. It's definitely "blue ribbons on ice." She's singing a song about hanging around boys and boys like beer so she likes beer because she likes boys and she's obviously just giving us imagery of a hangout scenario with said boys.
  10. Yes people! I want some more Lana merch! Xx
  11. I love million dollar man. I listened to that on my way to work this morning and it just always strikes a cord with me.
  12. LaSalle

    Song vs. Song

    Cruel world vs without you
  13. I feel like she is usually wearing extensions.
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