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Everything posted by Limelight

  1. I understand this is the "unpopular opinion" thread but just no. Lana herself doesn't really like the overproduction in BTD and why do her songs haveto berealtable to teens? It already isn't tbh, I mean, how many teens dream to have daddies, etc? And saying Lana is a shallow musician is bullshit. I just read You Are Free lyrics and there's nothing special about it. Lana can be repetitive on her themes, but she is not shallow.
  2. BTD: Without You/MDM Paradise: G&M/American UV: Black Beauty/MPG ( the BB demo though>)
  3. Wtf are you even doing by replying to my comment? I didn't even mention you. "entire concept of fat being equal to ugly" So you want people to start seeing fat as beautiful? Society changes. Years ago slightly overweight women were sexy and the skinny ones were considered ugly. Right now beautiful=skinny and we won't change it for now. I agree that people should not degrade overweight people but they are not forced to think they are beautiful. And I don't see how the guy is degrading them by making them fat. Isn't it true that a lot of families in the states are overweight? Maybe that's what he was going for, maybe for him being not famous=not taking care of yourself (for celebrities). Of course that's an extreme but I don't even know him and only saw the pictures once so whatever. And just do some treatment for your thyroid?
  4. Well, not everybody is forced to think overweight people are beautiful. If that's what the guy who made that thinks, let it be.
  5. Well, if she ever releases another single and it smashes they'll be forced to play it, but if she releases anything else, she just lost a big station here.
  6. I have stomach problems too but with medicine they all go away. Lana is rich so if she still has those problems it's not because she couldn't afford to go to a doctor earlier xd
  7. I only have BTD and Paradise lol. Once I get the money I'll buy UV. I don't like having a lot of possessions tbh. I even left my cds at home when I moved.
  8. I feel bad for the fans who had to buy train tickets and book hotel rooms TWICE. And on the first day they were only told the show had been cancelled moer than one hour after it was supposed to begin ( I went there to see the place and it was not confortable + it was raining). If she doesn't want to perform anymore, fine, but don't cancell what's already scheduled. (And if she's really sick she shouldn't be having that much fun with her bf's fingers in public).
  9. No, my opinion wouldn't change. I would even get a calender and put in my room
  10. She looks amazing I'm falling even more in love with her music. The Blue era is just so perfect (not that I've known the others though) And once we get all of the single covers I'd def make a poster and put it in my room (with all of them together )
  11. I take back what I said. I listened to the album twice yesterday xd.I think it depends on my mood.
  12. UV is still slaying me. The album might be too much to listen in one sitting (not because it's bad but because all the songs together become 'heavy'). There is not a single track I dislike on the album. I always keep going back to MPG, FMWUTTT, ITH, BB, Black Beauty and SoC and WC ( half of the album lol)
  13. I found a torrent Her songs keep getting better and better . The video is beautiful and idk why people on youtube are saying her videos are getting boring. I am really excited for Shadowshow btw!!!
  14. I became obsessed with Two Weeks for a few days but then it all went away. I don't listen to her anymore xd
  15. I love BTD but Haynie is nor the creative tbh. A lot of the songs he procudes sound similar and he re-uses he the same samples a lot. If that's the definition of a really good/creative producer then idk what a basic one is xd. He might even have good instrumentals but it always ends up sounding the same... I hope WFL is something different and not BTD 2.0.
  16. Can someone send me the song? I will buy the album when it comes out.
  17. She sounded amazing though lol (I was there). It was really an improvement from when I went to her Paradise tour in Geneva. I was amazed at how well she sang at Rock en Seine, maybe the videos you watched are bad. (and if you were there, you might need your hearing checked xd)
  18. She'd def have more support but it would work for the reasons stated somewhere above. And I do think she has people who support her. I mean, she's been playing with the same people for a while now.
  19. Limelight


    I will give them a chance later
  20. Limelight

    Pink Floyd

    The only song I know by them is Another Brick On The Wall. My sister likes them though.
  21. I wouldn't ask her who K, Jim are but I would def ask her about the impact in her life, her time in the south (if there was ever one), Sirens, etc.
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