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3 minutes ago, abeloostertje said:

anyone listening? i'm 4 tracks in and i'm surprised at how pop this is! maybe it'll change later on in the album, who knows. I'm still thinking about Good Wife. I didn't like it in the first minute, but ended up REALLY liking it. fav so far. 


on track 8 rn. so far angel and if this was a movie are my favs. love how pop it is tbh


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Just now, rightofjupiter said:


are you in NZ/AUS?

I'm not, using a vpn. 


And, i'm also really overwhelmed with how many of my favs are releasing simultaneously. first lorde, then kim petras, charli, dawn of chromatica, lana and now kacey! all in less than a month, wtf lol

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the last 2 tracks are fucking bonkers... i know it isn't the most out there thing in the world but when the ending vocoder came on in gracias a la vida my jaw dropped.  if this was a movie, breadwinner, and there is a light were my favs on first listen


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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loving the album! jw - does anyone have this version of the cover in better quality / square so I can use it to replace the original cover? Love this one so much better tbh.


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Every song from good wife to justified is A RUN. My top three tracks so far are justified, simple times, and good wife. Love cherry blossom, if this was a movie, and easier said too. Breadwinner is classic Kacey, a sassy, fun little bop


Queen of dream pop meets country. Such a solid album. So proud of her!



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Fav songs after a few listens: cherry blossom, simpler times, easier said, gracias a la vida, good wife, if this was a movie. 

think it could’ve been a tighter set of songs w 2-3 removed (Angel, hook up scene, and maybe keep lookin up?)


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maybe it’ll grow on me. but on first listen nothing was really like WOWING me. i did love breadwinner cause that’s like classic kacey lyrics. after going through it once all it did was make me realize how like soooooo special and sooooo right she got it with golden hour 

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22 hours ago, rightofjupiter said:

think it could’ve been a tighter set of songs w 2-3 removed (Angel, hook up scene, and maybe keep lookin up?)


ok wtf was i hearing yesterday bc just watched the film and keep lookin up is absolute gold (also really enjoyed the film!)


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3 minutes ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

I heard some basic betches in the park yesterday say “omg I hate Kelsey Musgrave’s new album” :toofloppy:


lmao sucks to be them i guess :scoff:

Just now, House of Balloons said:

how would you rate it? i've never listened to anything by her and i really want to get into her stuff, but i'm also scared it might not be for me :ohno:


imo start with golden hour– it is perfect top to bottom


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27 minutes ago, House of Balloons said:

how would you rate it? i've never listened to anything by her and i really want to get into her stuff, but i'm also scared it might not be for me :ohno:

I haven’t given the full album a deep-dive listen tbh, I’ve only heard it in my car. From that first listen my standouts were: Cherry Blossom, Simple Times, Camera Roll, Hookup Scene, and Gracias a la Vida. I replayed Camera Roll like 8 times in a row tho, so I think it’s safe to say that’s my favorite :ma:

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19 hours ago, rightofjupiter said:

imo start with golden hour– it is perfect top to bottom

i listened to both and i'm in love :angie: although golden hour was a bit too country for me, it still had it's unforgettable moments (notably mother and slow burn). star-crossed was my favorite of the two, i really loved the minor psychedelic influences on it and the lyrical content is *chef's kiss*, it paints such a PERFECT imagery of a recent divorcée reflecting on her broken marriage. 

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my bf and i just watched the short film on paramount and i’m speechless but in a bad way….. it seemed like a sad attempt to recreate tropico…. they even casted an albino black man. and the scene where they interrupted some girl choosing her wedding dress was literally a pathetic grab at tropico. miss kacey got inspired i see. 


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