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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Norman Fucking Rockwell is begging for life and breathing through a medical ventilator :defeated:

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We need to ask Ben if this is true or not because right now it's a waiting game...

Ummm so what we’re not going to do is that. Seriously, no one spam Lana, her managers, her family, or her friends. Its not funny anymore yall, this is how we ended up in the doghouse in the first place. Lets try this thing called actually waiting and being patient and not self sabotaging by trying to take matters into our own hands




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Ummm so what we’re not going to do is that. Seriously, no one spam Lana, her managers, her family, or her friends. Its not funny anymore yall, this is how we ended up in the doghouse in the first place. Lets try this thing called actually waiting and being patient and not self sabotaging by trying to take matters into our own hands



agreed 10000%


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uhm i have a odd feeling it will be a cover since supposedly jack played sublime alot in the studio with lana? god i hope its not... please save that shit for the album release we want in your car luv

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uhm i have a odd feeling it will be a cover since supposedly jack played sublime alot in the studio with lana? god i hope its not... please save that shit for the album release we want in your car luv

Wait, I forgot about that :deadbanana:


I’m sure it’s just a sample or inspiration. They’re not going to send a Sublime cover to radio

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Wait, I forgot about that :deadbanana:


I’m sure it’s just a sample or inspiration. They’re not going to send a Sublime cover to radio

yea... it feels kinda weird to also have a cover be a single... shes like never done that ?


99% sure its coming the 17th... if it was this friday she wouldve announced it by now

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Lord, don’t ask Ben. He’ll cancel it just because we asked.


Nahhh he won't ... he gets mad at people being aggressive/rude/spamming understandably, but I don't think he would mind a polite question. I mean, he likely won't answer, but whatever.  

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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The more I think about it... the more I think this is a cover. Jack has already said that they played Sublime in the studio while recording NFR. And now she supposedly has a song coming out of the same name? I don’t think it’s a coincidence.


And I don’t think they are sampling or got “inspiration” from the song when it’s the exact same title. I think it’s a cover.

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