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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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anyone with half a brain would realize Sublime and Doin Time are from the 90s, which most likely would not appeal to 60+

omg u are so smart thanks for the info but if u dont kno it was a ironic sentence :teehee:

Lust For Dead   large.gif

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Ummmmmmmmm I am gay for ms del rey.... 5 months of notifs on and I am blown away......,,,,,,


I know she's probably going to disappear for like 2 months minimum after this because Doin' Time and NFR will have such different vibes, but I'm praying she uses the momentum generated from a radio impact to build excitement and remind everyone that NFR exists, and drop it before the end of August. Hope is a keysmash, but I kinda have it

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Releasing it on a Friday and sending it to radio? Could Interscope actually be trying to make this a hit? :brows:


Interscope is TIRED yall... anyways I’m p sure she’s holding her poetry book in her hand and the Doin’ Time placard is photoshopped over it. Why else would it have the same grainy filter as everything from her poetry book... what could this mean?? Should we start calling our local Barnes & Nobles and Waterstones checking for it?


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Yeah, poetry book is what I’ve been thinking as well. Maybe that means the bitch is finally done with it. It’s time to get a move on! Vamonos bitch drop the record

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She's too dolled up for the original pic to be one of her holding up the poetry book. Remember, she's an organic granola poet now, no hairbrushes or makeup products can be associated with the sacred masterpiece that is Violet Bent Over Backwards Over My Ass :derpna:

It's probably a pic of her holding something completely random

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I bet the image was supposed to signal the release of the poetry book but then she realized the Sublime doc was being released and she wouldn’t want to put out more than one thing in a four month period for fear of ppl thinking she’s too “active”


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