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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Good you shouldn't.

It's classic 2019 style internet whining where everyone has to victimize themselves.



oh yeah you completely missed the point.  and you seem offended by it.  huh.  people were talking about what art means to them and how traumatic life experience can be romanticized to deal with, and just sharing personal perspectives.  you, on the other hand, just cant handle discussion with any depth.  how about - if the shoe doesnt fit, dont put it on.  you are free to ignore anything you dont care about.  but youre instead just adding to the Tea.  hairflip eyeroll

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Did you watch her early interviews?

She did NOT create a "damsel in distress" persona to sell records, she was never commercially driven and I think we all know that to be true, there is plenty of evidence to it. Even back in the Video Games days when she did a lot of interviews, she said her inspiration behind making songs / music was that they are beautiful, for example she put the Chateou Marmont in the Video Games music video because she loved the color scheme of the place. She did not try to exploit anyone. She just created art for herself that she thought was beautiful. She did not even know it was going to blow up and make her famous.


And as for the "trauma tourist" thing. The "sad girl / sad is beautiful" aesthetic has been thriving way before Lana has entered the scene.

I don't remember everything she's ever said, but yes, I have.


It's hard to believe she was never commercially driven. Her constant attempts to make it in the music industry and her obsession with fame indicate otherwise. You're right, she had no way of knowing for sure that she was going to blow up, but that was the plan nonetheless. A plan that had failed before, and could have failed again. But it didn't. In 2010-2011, she wasn't living in a trailer cooking meth & waitressing at Ruby Tuesday's, minding her own business and making videos just for fun. She was making moves. She was meeting with producers, managers, label executives, etc, going from NY to London to LA and back. She didn't wake up to millions of views on her VG video and Jimmy Iovine outside her door begging her to sign a contract. Success didn't happen overnight. She planned it, she worked for it, and she went to great lengths to achieve it.


Did I say she was the first to do it? Or the only one? She definitely revived (lel) that trend, but it's been around for centuries, and I think everyone knows that.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I hope the next time she does tour with NFL it will be a lighter set with a string quartet and piano again! Her performance at Apple plus the instrumentation of MAC and Hope lends itself to being intimate and gorgeous. :)


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I- Hm. I hate redundant questions but did u think we'll b getting a DT video lol

Surprisingly, yes I do think there's a chance. Shocking, especially coming from me, I know, but I think it's far more likely to happen than an NFR-related video.

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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So it goes without saying that I'm befuddled by some of the posts that I'm seeing all over the internet, where certain group of ''fans'' are saying that she should scrap this boring, ''acoustic'' shit and re-work the album with Andrew Watt and shit like that. I honestly though that these people have moved on. I mean, it's been how many years since Born To Die? And here we are, in 2019, and they are still at it. They still don't get it. Lana doesn't need radio nor big Billboard entries just like Vampire Weekend doesn't need them. 


 I wish these people would just let it go already. If they want overly shallow, nonsensical, cartoonish, hookish pop sold as alternative, go listen to Halsey. Let Lana do her thing. 

I OnLy LiStEn tO rEaL mUsIc


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Does Doin' Time remind anyone of Gramma? 


I mean they're both obviously very different, but I just see a similarity. 




I hope the next time she does tour with NFL it will be a lighter set with a string quartet and piano again! Her performance at Apple plus the instrumentation of MAC and Hope lends itself to being intimate and gorgeous.  :)



That would be beautiful! 


Also hello fellow Australian :D

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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We are seriously getting on her nerves guys. I commented her latest IG video asking about the album and she deleted my comment. :eek:


You know what to do though :brows:

omg really

it's literally the best with kill kill, oh say can you see, pawn shop blues and yayo

the 4 you listed are my favorites i'll give gramma another try

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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We are seriously getting on her nerves guys. I commented her latest IG video asking about the album and she deleted my comment. :eek:


You know what to do though :brows:

re-enabled my finsta just to comment. if she does end up deleting mine i’m seriously unstanning and DLing all her albums into my phone so i don’t give her streams. :hottie: i’m already close to doing that anyway!

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Oh come on I thought the hipster shit was done. This boring acoustic shit ain't it and y'all don't have to be hip and edgy trashing on BTD all of a sudden because fans want ACTUAL music production lmfao

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It's her having normal friends that aren't homeless drug addicts or schizos that they can't understand. It ignites some severe hatred inside them for some reason.  :stareney2:


Lana bonding with her gal pals and finding a supportive community suddenly invalidates every single thing she's done and written about in the past decade, it appears. She's not allowed to seek change and surround herself with less destructive people, if it were up to LanaBoard users. Eyeroll!


Yeah, so so glad she managed to find homophobic saddies for friends  :hooker:  she really hasn't done anything destructive since being friends with them. Like holding off on an album for so long critics are getting bored, or driving in a car while filming and posting it to ig. So glad she dropped her last round of 'homeless drug addicts or schizos' (classy) for those angels.


It's the fact she dropped the poverty-porn persona the second she realised singing about diamonds and rich daddies would get her further than pretending to be a 'trailer park queen' but alright, pretend like people are being irrational. u do u. 

locals only

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All the songs on NFR are perfect and don't need more production. Period.

Who's talking about "more" production? It would be a good start if Hope had any notable production in the first place.


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Who's talking about "more" production? It would be a good start if Hope had any notable production in the first place.

If you think Hope needs more than it has, you completely missed the purpose of the song. Nothing would compliment it better than Lana's haunting voice over a simple piano. Having any other instrument would be too much.

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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All the songs on NFR are perfect and don't need more production. Period.

my song 57 has more production than hope...

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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