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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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remember when we thought HTD was gonna be the Body Electric / Cherry of this era and she'd perform it at every show without releasing it yet the Apple performance is still the only thing we have


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80 times is not even that many I've probably listened 40 times and I don't even like it lmao

I listen to many other artists so 80 times for 1 song from 1 artist is big for me

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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We get ready, we get all hyped up

To get nothing in particular

March twenty-ninth or June twenty-first

Doesn't matter 'cos this era's the worst

I'm crying at this true MASTERPIECE.


*Lana hurry up before I fully devote myself to Red Velvet, or f*cking LOONA.*


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I'm seeing her in Poland in 4 days and I'm freaking out.

Remember when you were a teen and your crush started talking to you and you woke up in the morning and quickly remembered and you got butterflies?

That's how looking forward to Saturday feels like to me I hadn't felt like that in YEARS


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Hope is one of her best songs ever and I'll say it until I'm dead. I've listened to this song ~80 times including the day before it was officially released in my country and I never get tired of it. Not to post about my personal life but as someone who's been suffering from depression since 2015, this song hits the right places and I emotionally connect to it. Might be why I was so shocked when people called it boring and her voice emotionless when it came out.


I get why she said it was the saddest shit she's ever written. It's brutally honest. I love it. But you have to be in a certain state of mind to listen to it. But when you are, when you feel just empty from everything, the words, her voice, the simple piano melody, everything hits hard. I can see that song on NFR, a little sister track to HIaB. 


And to think that of all the snippets she teased this far, this is the one I liked the least.... 

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