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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I have a feeling that fuck it I love you is a ballad idk why



i hope not. i want it to be a ultraviolence-styled bop.


what are the odds of it being a sassy song like Hey You?


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Because if you complain about anything a woman does, you are a misogynistic, Hillsong-loving, homophobe. This was literally confirmed by all the sciences in the world. Use it to your advantage! I ran over my neighbor’s dog & I told them it’d be misogynistic to get mad at me so they didn’t! :hooker:

omg thank you so much for the tip! i can’t believe i’ve been letting people contradict me my whole life...i think i’ll probably shoplift some groceries tonight, since it would be misogynistic of them to try and charge me

it's just the way i feel

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i’m sorry but how the *fuck* does being tired of gratuitous profanity = misogyny


It doesn't. People here just like to say we are because to them, they think we don't want Lana to swear because she's a 'wOMaN', when in actuality most of us don't have a problem with swear words but rather just the way they're implemented in the songs. :)

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Wait, did u guys just basically complain bout her swearing, w the title of Fuck it, I Love You! ? Yah bunch uh squares



It wasn't a general complaint about her swearing in her songs/lyrics, it was the use of the swear words on 'Cherry' specifically.


Those who defended the use of those words on that song are the members who broadened the argument to all the songs she uses swear words on, which no one was complaining about here. 

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That's the 2010-2012 Lana and she is not coming back


i can dream, just for her to come back for this one song.


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It wasn't a general complaint about her swearing, it was the use of the swear words on 'Cherry' specifically.


Those who defended the use of those words on that song are the members who broadened the argument to all the songs she uses swear words on, which no one was complaining about here.


Hmm. Alright cool k but take that shit to the lfl thread jeez lol tumblr_m8pggbmHCa1rv6233o1_400.gif


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Not basing on just "good/bad", focusing on the actual criticisms. For example, if someone hates Cherry for the swearing because it seems random, it's a sign of wee bit of media illiteracy that one wouldn't even acknowledge the satire in the song


To me it just comes off as trying too hard to be edgy because let's face it; people love cussing just for the hell of it. Also, it's just sound really awkward? Idgaf if it's supposedly "satire", either way it's still cringey as fuck.


as for the song itself, I think it starts out very beautiful, but the chorus is such a let down. It's really those jarring adlibs at the end really put the nail in the coffin for me though, as it is otherwise still a pretty decent track and I love that it sounds like it's from UV.

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I'm fine with/love swearing in general, but I think it works better in some songs than in others.


They’re not complaining that she swears too much. They’re criticizing that it’s a bit cringe now because it’s not executed well. The “bitch!” in Cherry sounds more sensual than frustrated. lol It’s a good song, but it’s her attempt at doing ad-libs and slapping trap beats on it because of her current rap influences that doesn’t work for me. People are just worried that the sloppiness in LFL will bleed into NFR. I mean personally, I’m a bit over the words, “blue”, “car”, and “fast” in her lyrics, but I’m open to hearing the songs in full.

Basically this. Needs more finesse.

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To me it just comes off as trying too hard to be edgy because let's face it; people love cussing just for the hell of it. Also, it's just sound really awkward? Idgaf if it's supposedly "satire", either way it's still cringey as fuck.



Exactly. It certainly doesn't come off as satiric.


It sounds a lot more like, "Hey, I've got another lukewarm, 3/4ths-finished song that I'd love to shove onto the album, what can we do to make it sound more substantial, more alive? Should we add a guitar solo a la 'Shades of Cool'? Or a ska rhythm? Or how about we have a male say, 'bitch' in the background a few times, and call it a day? I wanna get out of here."

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cherry is overrated, stream tomorrow never came


If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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what fucking color do y’all think the fucking vinyl will be bitch, fuck

Green like the color of the sea in the early month of mid july

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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