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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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I feel like Lana is someone who can't stop writing. It's literally in her veins, no matter how good her writing skills are. I'm sure her phone notes are full of that. And I also think NFR was mainly written outside the studio, in her everyday life


yeah i write every day too but you don't see me trying to publish my trains of thought...


honestly the poem or whatever was posted was lacking and a perfect example, in my opinion, of what's become a trend in acknowledging the specifics of modern day. reading about teslas and such takes me out the art because it goes exactly against what art is supposed to achieve: escapism. no matter if it's a comment on today or just being honest about an observation (like "i see a lot of teslas so it makes sense to write about it" mentality), it's still sold cheap. it also cuts at a level of being personal to where no one else can really relate and is more likely to gain attention for the said things that are not relatable. i'm sure there are better ways to make this actual poem sound prettier and flow better and relatable but this is lazy. but at the same time, i don't expect much from lana as a writer. yes she's written lyrically good songs, but again some of those songs are old and have been sat on for a while plus let's not forget she has songwriters on a lot of them as well. we don't know to the extent of which a contributor added to each final product despite her having the final say. someone could have easily suggested a line in a song and she went with it or it sparked a better line of her own. art is a process but shouldn't seem processed.

insanity laughs under pressure -- we're cracking

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We love a hypocrite who complains about complain!

I knew someone would say that. I wasn’t talking about you, boo.


But it is like constant negativity on these boards now, and some will lash out at others for even saying something positive about new music. It’s ridiculous.

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holy shit im only now just noticing the surface noise in Heroin with my good headphones... she really ruined it huh?



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I've been listening to the audiobook of ready player one and there was a bit at the start where he was not so subtly roasting online forums and it reminded me sooo much of this thread hahah has anyone else read/listened to it

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It's become very apparent I'd say that this site has gained what I'd like to call "sweet sally no sees" who pretend that they don't see the good and only see the bad, then complain "wow you guys are always so harsh on Lana you never give her a chance and you truly aren't fans" and it's starting to get VERY old & annoying.


I don't really understand the logic of pretending to be a positive person yet being so fixated on everyone's negative opinions and failing to acknowledge everything positive being said? Like it literally contradicts what you stand for which is interesting.


As for Lana's work, I've praised LOTS of her new stuff. I fucking adore Cinnamon, How To Disappear is one of my favorite songs from her sonically and lyrically since AKA, Venice Bitch is a really great and cute playful song and the guitar is great, Mariners Apartment Complex is one of my faves and the instrumental breakdown is a dream.


Yet these sweet sally no sees pretend things like that aren't being said. I don't understand most of the logic here being used. I praise 4 songs, and say "Hmm well HIADT isn't really for me" or "these last two poems aren't really doing anything for me and here's why" and then all these little Lana ass lickers like to forget everything positive that has been said and it's truly sad and telling that some of you are here only to start fights and act like everything Lana does is godly.


That's not how life works kids, you can't like everything an artist does. These people aren't Gods and the way some of you hold her up to be that is actually really disturbing?


So instead of being a hypocrite, because that's what you're doing when you ignore the 10 positive posts and only choose to see the one negative post and say "wow this board is so negative", maybe just walk away and like not be so fixated on trying to make everyone feel bad for the way they feel?


You cannot preach that we're negative for our true opinions when you guys are trying to find the negative in every post on this site. It just doesn't make sense and I truly hope some of you work on seeing the positive in what people here say.


You guys act like everyone wants Lana burned at the stake for destroying the English language, when that's not even close. We're just not going to brown nose her and pretend we like everything. There's a difference between being a fan/stan, and being an intense follower who kisses her feet at every opportunity you can get. I'm glad you like her, but stop putting artists to God levels, it's really, really not healthy. Thank you :bye2:


It just really makes me mad because I see all these members praising HIADT's lyrics, they're going crazy over Venice Bitch's breakdown, they love HIAB, and they're excited for them, then one person will say "I don't like X but that's my opinion, I'm glad some of you like it though" then the sweet sally no sees come along like "oh my god you guys are disgusting and should be ashamed" and it's like uh uh did you miss the 10 positive posts before that or :biblio: like they're really living in lala land

Agree with you 100% -it's even worse on instagram. Just hordes of Chris Crocker wannabes screeching "leave lana alone" as if she actually knows what is being said, or cares about it. Homegirl posts and ghosts. She turns the comments off and all is well. But I get it, she follows some of these fan accounts and they're probably scared to death she'll unfollow if she sees anything other than blind, fervent support of her every action. I always saw this whole "stanning" thing as a joke, but I guess some people are really feeling it. They really do idolize her, which is beyond baffling. You can appreciate, support, and even love someone, without putting them on a pedestal. Those rose colored glasses never did anyone any good :um:

I'm kinda focused on being a baddie right now. I can't really work.

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I knew someone would say that. I wasn’t talking about you, boo.


But it is like constant negativity on these boards now, and some will lash out at others for even saying something positive about new music. It’s ridiculous.

Really? I only see "positive people" lashing out at people for speaking their actual opinion that's seen as negative. I just think everyone honestly should just stay in their lane, myself included. If it's too negative, be positive. I just wish we could all speak freely on how WE feel, whether that be negative or positive, without any sort of backlash.


The only thing I dislike is the extremes like


Someone overly positive: this song literally blessed me and my unborn child it's so amazing and whoever doesn't like it is deaf and stupid and needs to leave this board


Like if you wanna be positive about something, instead of being this overly fake whatever the heck, why not say:


I am so excited! This song is so good! I like it because this this this, and this this this compliments this this this. I think it's really cool that she did this this this.


Like no one positive truly backs up their opinion, except for saying it's a godsend or that it's holy and that everyone who doesn't like it is stupid.


As for the negative people, I don't much enjoy:


This era is fucking trash! Fuck Lana, fuck hope, fuck everyone who likes it. The lyrics are trash!


When you can simply say:


You know I'm not really too big on this era. I don't enjoy Hope because this this this, I think she could have added this this this or done this this this. I do however enjoy this this this.


I don't know, I just think the conversation usually gets too childish on both sides, the negative and the positive, and no one has the linguistic skills to back up or explain their opinions in a mature way. It really just makes the board shitty, but on both sides, not just one.


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I need this album so badly, i cant even listen to the singles because there's no point seeing as the album is so far away :( and i dont want to overlisten, but at the same time im dying to hear them cus i just want some new material from her :defeated:  life sucks so badly atm, i now have a scar on my left eyebrow which is still horribly visible and i just need something worth looking forward to, music is basically the only thing that keeps me from jumping out of my window on a daily basis... PLS LANA :defeated: :defeated: :deadbanana:



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If it's too negative, be positive. I just wish we could all speak freely on how WE feel, whether that be negative or positive, without any sort of backlash.

The only thing I dislike is the extremes like

I hope one day you will look back at your calls for balanced dialogue and your bids for rational discourse, and it will become clear that they were falling on deaf ears. This forum is a hotbed of emotions which cannot be reasoned with. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's part of being human. We can try to understand why people feel some typa way, and try to empathise with the circumstances that drove them to make such comments, but trying to curate how others express their emotional reactions is a lesson perhaps best taught by something else -- time and maturity. 




Ion't know gorl, just sayin! You can keep posting about how you don't like people's posts about how they don't like other people's posts, that's your prerogative. Feel free to play the role of the martyr in your conquest for the objective truth of... whether a pop girl's creative works are good.


OT: I love that piano chord that's played a lil louder when she says "hi dad" in HIADT. It adds such a powerful, dramatic flair  :flutter:

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Why are any of you complaining about lyricism when Mariners Apartment Complex and Hope are two of her most self realized and poetic works to date? Putting these two tracks up against almost any song from Born to Die, Ultraviolence and Lust for Life, I would choose these two tracks as being much more interesting lyrically. Even How to Disappear as well!


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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I hope one day you will look back at your calls for balanced dialogue and your bids for rational discourse, and it will become clear that they were falling on deaf ears. This forum is a hotbed of emotions which cannot be reasoned with. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's part of being human. We can try to understand why people feel some typa way, and try to empathise with the circumstances that drove them to make such comments, but trying to curate how others express their emotional reactions is a lesson perhaps best taught by something else -- time and maturity.




Ion't know gorl, just sayin! You can keep posting about how you don't like people's posts about how they don't like other people's posts, that's your prerogative. Feel free to play the role of the martyr in your conquest for the objective truth of... whether a pop girl's creative works are good.


OT: I love that piano chord that's played a lil louder when she says "hi dad" in HIADT. It adds such a powerful, dramatic flair :flutter:

I just wish we could all have a conversation without putting eachother down nor acting a fool. I mean yes that is a way to express yourself, but is it the right way? No. You shouldn't feel the need to put others down in order to validate your own opinion. I know I'm not anywhere close to perfect, but I try and fix my faults and explain myself in a way that people can actually understand where I'm coming from. Of course it won't change, it's just a weird dichotomy to have people saying "this board is too fucking positive fuck this era and everyone who likes it all the songs are shit" and "this era is the best fucking thing ever fuck anyone who doesn't like it all these songs are better than anything she's ever made". It's just such an aggressive approach, especially when trying to persuade people to agree with you. I don't think spitting in people's faces with your opinions necessarily will win any debate. Like you said, yes it's the way people express themselves, but they would have much more success in trying to get people to see their point of view if they actually held up a conversation rather than going for low blows and just so hateful, whether it's positive hateful or negative hateful both are just as bad. I guess it's just been a while since I was banned and when I was active here everyone actually had real opinions and respect for eachother. It's just crazy how fast it changed


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venice bitch is one of her best songs she's ever made, top 5 easily

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You guys seem to be only looking for reasons to fight around here lately, like chill for god's sake :rip:

Everyone is though


The aggressive positive and negative


I was simply trying to point out the hypocrisy taking place on both sides for trying to call out the other when a good 60% of us are a fucking mess. I hope it doesn't come off as me trying to start a fight though, I'm just tired of seeing both sides being so aggressive like Jesus it's just a fucking album we're not talking about the cure to cancer or helping starvation lmfao


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venice bitch is one of her best songs she's ever made, top 15 easily


"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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I didn’t think LFL would ever be topped in terms of messiness and fandom division but here we are

I agree about the messiness, but I don't think the fandom is that divided about the songs from NFR. I might be wrong, but I feel like it's just a (quite vocal) minority of fans who don't enjoy the songs we've heard so far, whereas even the people who like LFL generally tend to agree that it's not her best work. 


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