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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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Look at mariah, once she started using the airy voice too often she damaged her vocals. Don't get me wrong, I love love love airy vocals, but I think Britney Spears and Mariah are a key factor in realizing why it's bad to use a falsetto/whisper/baby voice/airy voice too often. If Ariana and Lana keep going they'll be the same. I still love Mariah and Britney though, but I will admit their vocals this year sound muffled and if they're not singing deep vocals, their virbrato is off. But we love Lana regardless!

Ok but wait no, her damage is due to just, I'm guessing, her bad health and the weight gain she's done nothing much about. With the combination of the lack of rest she'd usually get, her vocal node and basically just her aging, of courer her voice isn't gonna to shen as well as it did before. Mariah's actually a lyric soprano so it's a lot more natural for her to revert into that stylistic singing, which she started around the Butterfly (?) album cycle. Idk, it's actually a lot easier to transition thru the registers also, because of the lack of force behind an airy voice, if done properly 


on another diff yet similar note, Buy and Stream #Caution  :whine:


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twenty of them wrapped up in silkkkk 



can u tell us how many tracks the album has please



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i like them over 50 

i like to dance 4 muny


lmaoo the newbies don't know the hunt i did for this mess

fun times

hey eclipse, you probably listened to the album. Do you think that it's commercial? Or it's like uv or hm

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"You realize why Lana is UNDER FIRE right now on social media?"


I've seen literally 10 people or less talking shit about her on twitter, it's not like she's on the trending topics being dragged by everyone lmao

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I wonder how you guys thinks that Lana's mind works. I mean, she was openly political in the past era and now you think that she was like "oh let me be racist in a new song lol new era new me, I am so random"

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Oh bro honestly idk atm too, let's wait for another handsome user to actually help us w this lol mHRPIhH.gif


Noo it is that.

Do you want the link?


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Noo it is that.

Do you want the link?

i mean google isn't that hard to use, lol. it's up on [removed]


made this btw idk if y'all care




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