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“Violet Bent Backwards over the Grass” hardcover Poetry Book Pre-Release Thread

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Likely another poem from her upcoming book:


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my blues, myself, my pain

My world, my people, all my love

Lana's new poem:


my lover, my laughter, my armour, my maker



Loll Wtfff :oprah2: I'm screaming at me making fun of Lana's writing style and her posting a poem with the same style a couple days after :thumb3:


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inside of my stomach the cosmos are baking

cosmos is baking


Cosmos is singular. Unless she means the drink or the magazine, the plural form is cosmoses or cosmoi.


hung like a mobile

Making this my new (ahem) member title.


water world

Yes, let's get the reader thinking about an epic bomb while reading our questionable opening foray into poetry.


tropic of cancer




Lana clichés


southern equater



A misspelling and an oxymoron.


Clearly had her head in the clouds in Mr. Campbell's English class.


i'm the crying crustacean

I think what Lana's trying to say is that she's peeing out of her face.


the darker the better

Racial profiling :troll:



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Three haikus from her upcoming poetry book:


"Jasmine in the air

the burden of fame is real

never felt so clear" (x)


"You in the soft light

the 405 from Venice

a river of red" (x)


"Wondering if it's 

astronomical twilight 

or civic twilight" (x)

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ok muchos problemas with her post, first off why only in LA? didn't ben say worldwide? why is she trolling... also a few months?? isn't the book coming before the album... oh god.

i seriously don't think her and ben have discussed anything that's why they are both always saying different fucking shit

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Update about her book -
So I’m like super excited about self publishing my first poetry book. And I just wanted to say any mom-and-pop SoCal/ San Fran book stores that are interested in having it just let me know and I’ll drive you out a couple boxes when I’m done binding it in a few months xx”




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“The Land of 1000 Fires”


Look like the book is in testing print & she also noted she’ll be keeping in her spelling errors as well as including pictures she’s taken alongside the poems


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