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Definitely going to miss


"Got a brand new body-ody, gonna meet him in the lobby, speed off in his Maserati, hot girls get what they want oh-"


in the final of Plastic. I loved acting a lil cunty singing that part :(


The new section is really autotuned and is a faster pace than the rest of the song and then it cuts off really too quickly into the next verses. It just throws it off for me but thats what I get for listening to the leaks so much and getting used to them I guess?

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2 hours ago, slayyyngel said:

Definitely going to miss


"Got a brand new body-ody, gonna meet him in the lobby, speed off in his Maserati, hot girls get what they want oh-"


in the final of Plastic. I loved acting a lil cunty singing that part :(


The new section is really autotuned and is a faster pace than the rest of the song and then it cuts off really too quickly into the next verses. It just throws it off for me but thats what I get for listening to the leaks so much and getting used to them I guess?


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16 hours ago, blameitonme said:


throwback to when she said s3 was gonna be an acoustic album :lmao:

omg yes. I guess she really changed her mind post-breakup though!

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I feel so bad for her re: leaking. It's such an invasion of privacy and the leakers never consider the artistry behind the music. Not only that but I'd question myself as to what else these people have access to; having no sense of privacy would make me extremely paranoid, so props to her for maintaining her composure. I'd feel so invaded if people went through my emails, calls, photos, music, etc. Like, stop. It's fun to share demos and alt cuts from scrapped/released projects between us fans, but it's a whole diff vibe to leak someone's record.


Plus, you can tell she puts her heart into her projects. She makes the best with the budgets she has (in a complimentary way, not shady) and gives us visuals and sounds that are fucking fun. IDK but her songs getting leaked almost seems weirdly targeted/evil/misogynistic. I say this because her leaks are usually shared in such a toxic 'haha fuck her she's a flop' kinda way. And like?!?!?! IDGI?!?!? She's out here traveling the world whilst sharing her projects with people who like her. That's badass, no? That's what art and music is all about!?!? How is that a flop? You don't need to be breaking records with your music to be successful.


This went on for quite long. I should buy her record.


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Most of the people that leak her stuff are weird tiktok ayesha erotica rosalia stan discord dwellers that are literally like she said 14-19 years old and have no life or sense of morality regarding their actions on the internet.


it feels like they want people to think theyre cool and fit in with their discord group for getting leaks. and some of them do genuinely not like her as they blame her for ayesha leaving music and/or “taking” ayeshas songs. 

honestly i just still really wonder how you get a ton of demos leaked across multiple sessions and producers over years of time and still dont know how to put a stop to it. 

And once it happens why are they never taken down lol if that was me Id be not sleeping fuming with rage until dbree and krakenfiles was melted off the internet entirely lmao

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7 hours ago, MezcalPapi said:

I feel so bad for her re: leaking. It's such an invasion of privacy and the leakers never consider the artistry behind the music. Not only that but I'd question myself as to what else these people have access to; having no sense of privacy would make me extremely paranoid, so props to her for maintaining her composure. I'd feel so invaded if people went through my emails, calls, photos, music, etc. Like, stop. It's fun to share demos and alt cuts from scrapped/released projects between us fans, but it's a whole diff vibe to leak someone's record.

Yeah. This is where the 'ethics' of it all comes back and drenches me with guilt. I love these artists. All I want to do is consume their material. If I can buy it, I will. If there's stuff that never left the cutting room floor, or there's some label exec who killed the song, I wanna hear that shit too. Gimme gimme. BUT! The fact that you could never be sharing out your sessions or song samples personally, and have a close production team you work with tightly, and your work STILL ends up online - it's like "Was I hacked? Or did someone on my team leak it behind my back? Who was on the music video set that I haven't seen before? Did they say something? Is it someone from the label? Is the janitor secretly popping flash drives into the computers when they come in to mop?"

7 hours ago, MezcalPapi said:

You don't need to be breaking records with your music to be successful.

Tell that to stan culture. Those 0.1 differences on Pitchfork review scores. How many streams on Spotify? What's Metacritic got to say about it? Where is that album on the charts?

The commodification and quantification and metricization of art is one of the nastier slimes capitalism could have ever unleashed, because now people utterly dismiss and toss out entire bodies of works just based on numbers and comparisons. It's wild, and these people - you've got these mega-forces in the industry like T-Swift, Gaga, Beyonce, Ariana, Ed, Bieber, The Jonas's - folks who are just selling out stadiums and names that have been everywhere for almost a decade+ at this point - these people look at new artists, or smaller artists, and just go "Oh? Who is she? Debut single didn't chart? Album not in the Top 200? Flop. Stream Midnights or w/e". It's so homogenized and ape-brained.

For some people, it's just about being creative, making music, seeing what lands, and if their bills are paid, they're content - they're not out here trying to usurp some pop chart record holder, they're not trying to buy an $18 million mansion in the Bahamas off their first album; they're out here to literally have fun with their work, and make enough overhead to keep doing it.

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25 minutes ago, AtomicMess said:

Yeah. This is where the 'ethics' of it all comes back and drenches me with guilt. I love these artists. All I want to do is consume their material. If I can buy it, I will. If there's stuff that never left the cutting room floor, or there's some label exec who killed the song, I wanna hear that shit too. Gimme gimme. BUT! The fact that you could never be sharing out your sessions or song samples personally, and have a close production team you work with tightly, and your work STILL ends up online - it's like "Was I hacked? Or did someone on my team leak it behind my back? Who was on the music video set that I haven't seen before? Did they say something? Is it someone from the label? Is the janitor secretly popping flash drives into the computers when they come in to mop?"

Tell that to stan culture. Those 0.1 differences on Pitchfork review scores. How many streams on Spotify? What's Metacritic got to say about it? Where is that album on the charts?

The commodification and quantification and metricization of art is one of the nastier slimes capitalism could have ever unleashed, because now people utterly dismiss and toss out entire bodies of works just based on numbers and comparisons. It's wild, and these people - you've got these mega-forces in the industry like T-Swift, Gaga, Beyonce, Ariana, Ed, Bieber, The Jonas's - folks who are just selling out stadiums and names that have been everywhere for almost a decade+ at this point - these people look at new artists, or smaller artists, and just go "Oh? Who is she? Debut single didn't chart? Album not in the Top 200? Flop. Stream Midnights or w/e". It's so homogenized and ape-brained.

For some people, it's just about being creative, making music, seeing what lands, and if their bills are paid, they're content - they're not out here trying to usurp some pop chart record holder, they're not trying to buy an $18 million mansion in the Bahamas off their first album; they're out here to literally have fun with their work, and make enough overhead to keep doing it.

Speak on it!!! I couldn’t agree more, especially with the first part about the leaks.


also, can’t believe it’s tonight already!!! Ahhhh

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43 minutes ago, slayyy said:

Speak on it!!! I couldn’t agree more, especially with the first part about the leaks.


also, can’t believe it’s tonight already!!! Ahhhh

I can't wait till the records come in.

The tit copy is going RIGHT on my wall, and the non-tit copy is going right on the record player.

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5 hours ago, nowhereInParticular said:

Urban Outfitters just sent out a backorder/delay concerning the splatter variant

There was a splatter variant??

On 9/20/2023 at 1:37 PM, blameitonme said:


throwback to when she said s3 was gonna be an acoustic album :lmao:

Really? I remember in her first interviews she was really inspired by Clouds and wanted to continue to make dance music

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HESS: What made you call it STARFUCKER?

SLAYYYTER: I was having a conversation with my DJ in Nashville about Hollywood and the music industry. He’s like my big brother, honestly, and he always calls it “the Hollywood Sausage Factory.” It can feel very soul-sucking. Like, I want to make music that’s cool to me. But then you’ll do sessions and they’ll bring me concepts like, “You should make a sugar-daddy song.” And I’ll be like, “No, that’s not my vibe.” It’s just interesting what people want to get out of you, and I feel like everyone in L.A. is a starfucker in a sense. But at the same time, I’m a smaller artist, and I still feel like I get starfucked by people. So it’s not just about having sex with celebrities. It’s a metaphor for just being in entertainment and being on the cusp. Part of me would do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true and have something crack off, but at the same time, I don’t ever want to compromise. I don’t want to compromise my artistry just to win the game. It’s not worth winning if I can’t do it my way, you know?



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The Plastic demo was better imo but this whole album is SO GOOD. Def her best and it's the aoty :krylie: She NEEDS to release a deluxe asap and I'm hoping for her to get a massive hit out of this era cause she deserves it. Also Hollywood should have been the first single. :true:


Also to those of you who said Rhinestone Heart and Memories Of You should have been scrapped:


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