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Candy Galore

Artists You Used To Listen To

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Katy Perry - She became boring to me after Prism. Everything I've heard after Prism has been awful imo. I love One Of The Boys, Teenage Dream, her unreleased songs from the scrapped 2005-2007 album and those Matrix collabs. Even her christian album sounded good although I don't care for the message. 


Miley Cyrus - I liked her up until Bangerz. The Bangerz era was cringey and had some awful songs. I don't follow her anymore, though I did kind of like the song "Malibu. 


Avril Lavigne - I was obsessed when I was 10-13 years old. I lost interest in her after that. Looking back, I think that sk8er tomboy wannabe punk thing was cringey and her music really wasn't that good. I got bored the last time I revisited the first two albums. Tried listening to some of the stuff after The Best Damn Thing but I couldn't get into it. 


Slipknot - They were my favorite band for a while when I was 12/13. I find them boring and mediocre now.


The Casualties - One of the first punk bands I heard. I have not kept up with them after the rape incident involving the lead vocalist. Very predictable streetpunk. No loss there. There's plenty of other bands in that genre that sound alike or better. 


As for Melanie Martinez, I still listen to her music, but I feel weird fully supporting her after the incident that came out last year. Tatu is another group I liked. Didn't know about Yulia's comment until now. Wow. 


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Melanie Martinez, I used to stan her and even met her once but due to the obvious that isn't the case now


I actually used to like Halsey too, I saw her live and really enjoyed Badlands but she's been insufferable and put out bad music since then

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G-Eazy - everything after his debut studio album These Things Happen (2014), ive just stopped listening.. his "dark hip-hop male version of Lana/ smoke crack off white californian girl titties" narrative which keeps going after a 3rd album is just CRINGER AND BORING now. and hes dating hollalsey now so....


Azeloo Banks - at this point I dont care about her.. good music, shit ass personality, too bad Anna Wintour was that song


Justin Timberlake - from 2010-2014 I LOVED him. I still like his music today but the album released early this year was so forgettable, and after reading more about the dirty things hes done to Britney, janet, etc. (which I didn't know about and only read this year) left me a bad taste in my mouth.

Edited by TRENCH

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Best Coast - I first saw them in 2013 when they opened for blink 182 and loved their sound. I fell in love with their first album. What made me start to dislike them was following the singer, Bethany on twitter. She would go on constant rants and I just got negative vibes from her. You can't say you don't care about the critics when you talk about them/talk shit back all the time, ya know? The worst was when she posted a pic of a "chola" kit a fan gave her. I just hate when fellow Latinxs/Hispanics give white people permission to make fun of us, because they're "cool" with us or whatever. Especially when they're racist themselves. It was just a stupid stereotypical box of what a Mexican woman in a gang would wear/eat/etc. Anyway, a girl and I tried to explain why that was offensive and maybe she should think twice on accepting that as a gift, and she went on her usual (subtweets and all that) "fuck the haters" rant again. I ended it with telling her I was disappointed and that I wasn't a fan anymore. She ended up deleting the pic, but I gave up on the band anyway. I still hate that Hayley Williams is still cool with her (as far as I know) because I still love Paramore.


Halsey - Badlands gave me the impression that she had potential. She ruined it with the rants, bashing of other artists in that one interview, cringey situations, and stupid arguments she got into with people. I'm not into the musical direction she went into either.


Nicki Minaj - I actually started getting interested more in her music with Pinkprint, but after the situation with her brother, her reactions to the people who criticize her, the shady experiences people say they had when working with her, I was out. When it comes to music, idk why she didn't continue the progress she was making on that album- like I'm talking about getting more personal in the lyrics and making better hits. She showed her lack of talent with that lackluster response after Shether happened.


Cardi B - I was rooting for her because she was the underdog. I loved her personality until she got more famous. Now it's rants about the industry, all the damn time. I don't like how she treated that MUA like someone said before. I believe the MUA and Cardi lost all my respect for lying on that woman too, who is ALSO a mother. As far as the Nicki situation, I think they're both in the wrong and I'm waiting for a different female rapper to dominate the genre and not fall into their trap.


Melanie Martinez - Loved the music/her concepts until the music videos got a little too... disturbing. Like Pacifier.... That's when I understood the sexuallizing children accusations she got from critics. Then the Timothy situation happened, and it reminded me too much of my own assault. Her response angered me so much... I was out tho before that point. She's dead to me.


Poppy - If she disassociated herself from Titanic, instead of making that terrible response to Mars Argo and making money off of her image, I'd probably still be listening to her. It also pisses me off whenever I hear her and her team ripped off an independent artist.


Sky Ferreira - bad meet and greet experience; it's been 5 years since the damn album.... the girl needs to be honest with herself and quit lying to her remaining fans bc singers in the same position as her have surpassed her. Even Grimes... and I don't like Grimes anymore either (Poppy, Elon Musk = she's a hypocritical fake woke activist at this point but I'll prob still listen to her album instead of Sky's). K, I'm done.

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Avril Lavigne - I was obsessed when I was 10-13 years old. I lost interest in her after that. Looking back, I think that sk8er tomboy wannabe punk thing was cringey and her music really wasn't that good. I got bored the last time I revisited the first two albums. Tried listening to some of the stuff after The Best Damn Thing but I couldn't get into it. 


Ugh I feel the same way! I used to be a mega stan from the start when she came out back then. But whenever I hear her on the radio nowadays, I just can't listen to her anymore; her voice is too unpleasant. 


Besides, I think she hasn't evolved in terms of songwriting at all. She still sticks to the same basic rhyme schemes, easy melodies, and blunt/superficial story telling. That's also why I think her "comeback" isn't going well.


The last "good" song she made was Give Me What You Like, 'cause she does something different with her voice, and it has some kind of indie vibe to it.

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Lady Gaga - realized she was a massive narcissist with rich parents who lies to gain sympathy. Worked with a known rapist/pedophile solely because he was a rapist/pedophile and wanted to somehow defend that in a music video. Said that we need to fight nazis with kindness during the Charlottesville riots. Fired a guitarist for being too fat to be viewed as sexy. Called her ex-assistant a hoodrat when Gaga was being sued for unpaid overtime. The list goes on and on. I also think she is dishonest artistically in that she will do whatever she thinks will receive the most critical acclaim (her jazz era, her TV acting stint, her stripped down "authentic" Joanne era) and declares that to have been her authentic self all along.

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Lady Gaga - realized she was a massive narcissist with rich parents who lies to gain sympathy. Worked with a known rapist/pedophile solely because he was a rapist/pedophile and wanted to somehow defend that in a music video. Said that we need to fight nazis with kindness during the Charlottesville riots. Fired a guitarist for being too fat to be viewed as sexy. Called her ex-assistant a hoodrat when Gaga was being sued for unpaid overtime. The list goes on and on. I also think she is dishonest artistically in that she will do whatever she thinks will receive the most critical acclaim (her jazz era, her TV acting stint, her stripped down "authentic" Joanne era) and declares that to have been her authentic self all along.

I totally have the same opinion about this 

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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marina - lost interest around froot release, still listen to electra heart and before though. i probably should listen to froot

azealia - loved her in 2014/2015 but... well obviously

panic at the disco - my fave band in like middle school. but i strongly dislike everything theyve made after vices and virtues. afycso still goes

miley - loved her during bangerz where she was constantly on the radio, i have some sentimental connection 2 her songs. but idc about anything else shes made


grimes may or may not be on the list in the near future... ive stanned her since 2013 and i love her music so much but it seems like the grimes i stanned then is not the same grimes now


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nicki minaj & her gimmicks have gotten way old for me, but i i still listen to her earlier stuff + a few from the newer records

i love MØ still but her new stuff has been so hit or miss for me i rarely listen to her now. i still haven't even listened to her new album yet

still looove azealia's music but i really cant stand her as a person anymore so i unfollowed her ass

i was a huge FJM fan, and i still like him too but i've been finding it hard to get into his newer albums

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Lady Gaga - realized she was a massive narcissist with rich parents who lies to gain sympathy. Worked with a known rapist/pedophile solely because he was a rapist/pedophile and wanted to somehow defend that in a music video. Said that we need to fight nazis with kindness during the Charlottesville riots. Fired a guitarist for being too fat to be viewed as sexy. Called her ex-assistant a hoodrat when Gaga was being sued for unpaid overtime. The list goes on and on. I also think she is dishonest artistically in that she will do whatever she thinks will receive the most critical acclaim (her jazz era, her TV acting stint, her stripped down "authentic" Joanne era) and declares that to have been her authentic self all along.

Whew... That's brutal. I still love Gaga as much as I did before reading your post but I'm just glad I'm not the one you're talking about


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Nightwish, Mø, probably some more, my brain is just dead ATM and can't think of any other. :deadbanana:

Tell me bout Nightwish. I was a big fan until Annette left. They still make good music, but I haven't really liked a song since Imaginarium. I just got so over them changing singers. It happens a lot in those symphmetal bands. 


panic at the disco - my fave band in like middle school. but i strongly dislike everything theyve made after vices and virtues. afycso still goes



grimes may or may not be on the list in the near future... ive stanned her since 2013 and i love her music so much but it seems like the grimes i stanned then is not the same grimes now



These! Yes! Grimes has a big chance to redeem herself now but it just looks like she doesn't care anymore and has kinda gone insane, and not the cool quirky insane, like the what the fuck are you doing bitch insane. Also her bio on insta/twitter is 'manic pixie' and i strongly DESPISE people who use that and i dont care about its origins as MPDG. she stands for nothing anymore. 



And PATD, I didnt even realise that I actually dont like them anymore. I thought their Bohemian Rhapsody cover was cool, but nothing since This Is Gospel has been good. Whenever I hear that their new songs are playing on the radio, I switch channel.... I guess I do sorta hate it now

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These! Yes! Grimes has a big chance to redeem herself now but it just looks like she doesn't care anymore and has kinda gone insane, and not the cool quirky insane, like the what the fuck are you doing bitch insane. Also her bio on insta/twitter is 'manic pixie' and i strongly DESPISE people who use that and i dont care about its origins as MPDG. she stands for nothing anymore. 



And PATD, I didnt even realise that I actually dont like them anymore. I thought their Bohemian Rhapsody cover was cool, but nothing since This Is Gospel has been good. Whenever I hear that their new songs are playing on the radio, I switch channel.... I guess I do sorta hate it now


yes exactly. i mean grimes has always had a "weird girl" shtick but early in her career it worked because no one was really making music like hers. and how she used to be a vocal anti-imperialist and against big corporations, then switched to dating elon musk of all people  :biblio:  i want to get inside her brain to understand how someone can change that drastically. idk maybe musk has some technology not yet revealed to the american public and shes actually just being brainwashed lol. but ive listened to her long enough that if she were to release music again id probably still listen


i hate to be the fan thats like "ugh they sold out so bad!" cause theyve always been a band that followed trends, even afysco capitalized on the 2000s emo trend. but yeah, around 2011/2012 i couldnt care for patd anymore. their music went from like weird emo cabaret (which, to this day, i still find more enjoyable) to like pop punk "alternative" radio music which most of the artists in that genre i cant stand


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I used to worship Cardi B but then she made that transphobic post aaaand……

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Gaga, I'm over her while I used to be the worst stan ever for years

How can you even like that trash :deadbanana:


Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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