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Lana to Perform at Jack Antonoff's Ally Coalition Talent Show

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Better perform a new song...


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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it'd be so skinny if she sung Mariner's Apt Complex & Cinnamon to contrast Venice "Chick" n How to Disappear


but then Elle also said Sylvia was a single...but we know it's the saddest song she's ever written and idk how that'd bode well for an LGBT event


and since it's an LGBT fundraising event afaik she'll probably just stick to more 'happy' classics people will know, like video games- she might promote NFR after the show but I can't see her promoting it during

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Message to the powers that be in the ALLY COALTION who are running the political event tomorrow night (held on a (PUKE) national day of mourning for George Herbert Walker Poppy Bush (VOMIT).

Please remind people what a 100% horror George H W Bush was (as (it goes without saying) Ronald Reagan was during the pre-AIDS and then early days in the 1980-1992 Reagan/Bush era).


and how it was ignored and a whole generation died


In a week of total revisionism trying to suggest what a (NOT) man of integrity (he had none, he enlarged the dirty tricks of Nixon and the whisper southern strategy

begun with Nixon, and claimed to be "out of the loop" (yeah, the man the CIA building is named after was almost never out of the loop excepting for a day or two while in minor surgery), (with the slime bag fixer James Shady Baker (who rubbed 41s toes and when 41 asked "where are we going" Baker replied "to heaven"


So hopefully there are many speeches throughout the show (which is what it is about) about the lies the media has perpetrated the past days since George HW Bush died.


(ever notice how many times over the last 40 years advance men ran around telling the world what "men of integrity" the Bush's and Gerald Ford were?
Like barkers in a carnival or a ringer in a tv show prompting the audience to applaud. Because no one in the world ever thought they had integrity, so it has to be forced down the people's throats like poison gas from the death camps.


the irony of the socks being given out is striking too.  Do hope it is brought up about 100 times tonight.

And don't forget- 

all the bathrooms are gender neutral.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I would love to hear Cinnamon but I know the live version won't do the snippets justice, I want to hear the studio version first. How long is her set? She could sing Love, How To Dissappear, Video Games and Mariner's Apartment Complex


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I'm in NYC, and I'm not going to the show but i kind of want to go to the venue to see if I can see her around..does anyone know if she says hi to fans and whatnot after shows? I know she has in the past, but I haven't seen any fan photos very recently

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I'm in NYC, and I'm not going to the show but i kind of want to go to the venue to see if I can see her around..does anyone know if she says hi to fans and whatnot after shows? I know she has in the past, but I haven't seen any fan photos very recently



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1 more day!!

I have extremely good seats and will be taking video

u tha best

I'm in NYC, and I'm not going to the show but i kind of want to go to the venue to see if I can see her around..does anyone know if she says hi to fans and whatnot after shows? I know she has in the past, but I haven't seen any fan photos very recently

That’s cause she hasn’t had any shows recently either. She might hang out after. I don’t think it’ll be a long show, I think each person will do a few songs and that’ll be that


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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