Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted March 18, 2020 Covid-19: How long does the coronavirus last on surfaces? We can pick up the Covid-19 by touching surfaces contaminated with the new coronavirus, but it is only just becoming clear how long the virus can survive outside the human body. --- from Here -- below is a copy for those who cannot see the BBC NEWS (some countries do not have access to BBC news) BBC NEWS By Richard Gray 17-03-2020 As Covid-19 has spread, so has our fear of surfaces. There are now some familiar scenes in public places around the world – people trying to open doors with their elbows, commuters studiously surfing their way through train journeys to avoid grabbing a handle, office workers rubbing down their desks each morning. In the areas worst hit by the new coronavirus, teams of workers in protective clothing have been dispatched to spray a fog of disinfectant in plazas, parks and public streets. Cleaning regimes in offices, hospitals, shops and restaurants have been increased. In some cities, well-meaning volunteers even venture out at night to scrub the keypads of cash machines. Like many respiratory viruses, including flu, Covid-19 can be spread in tiny droplets released from the nose and mouth of an infected person as they cough. A single cough can produce up to 3,000 droplets. These particles can land on other people, clothing and surfaces around them, but some of the smaller particles can remain in the air. There is also some evidence that the virus is also shed for longer in faecal matter, so anyone not washing their hands thoroughly after visiting the toilet could contaminate anything they touch. It is worth noting that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, touching a surface or object with the virus and then touching one's own face "is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads". Even so, the CDC, the World Health Organization and others health authorities, have emphasised that both washing one's hands and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily are key in preventing Covid-19's spread. So although we still don't know exactly how many cases are being caused directly by contaminated surfaces, experts advise exercising caution. One aspect that has been unclear is exactly how long SARS-CoV-2, the name of the virus that causes the disease Covid-19, can survive outside the human body. Some studies on other coronaviruses, including Sars and Mers, found they can survive on metal, glass and plastic for as long as nine days, unless they are properly disinfected. Some can even hang around for up to 28 days in low temperatures. Coronaviruses are well known to be particularly resilient in terms of where they can survive. And researchers are now beginning to understand more about how this affects the spread of the new coronavirus. Neeltje van Doremalen, a virologist at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), and her colleagues at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Montana, have done some of the first tests of how long SARS-CoV-2 can last for on different surfaces. Their study, which has yet to be published in a scientific journal, shows that the virus could survive in droplets for up to three hours after being coughed out into the air. Fine droplets between 1-5 micrometres in size – about 30 times small than the width of a human hair – can remain airborne for several hours in still air. It means that the virus circulating in unfiltered air conditioning systems will only persist for a couple of hours at the most, especially as aerosol droplets tend to settle on surfaces faster in disturbed air. But the NIH study found that the SARS-CoV-2 virus survives for longer on cardboard – up to 24 hours – and up to 2-3 days on plastic and stainless-steel surfaces. (Learn how to clean your mobile phone properly.) The findings suggest the virus might last this long on door handles, plastic-coated or laminated worktops and other hard surfaces. The researchers did find, however, that copper surfaces tended to kill the virus in about four hours. But there is a speedier option: research has shown that coronaviruses can be inactivated within a minute by disinfecting surfaces with 62-71% alcohol, or 0.5% hydrogen peroxide bleach or household bleach containing 0.1% sodium hypochlorite. Higher temperatures and humidity also tend to result in other coronaviruses dying quicker, although research has shown that a related coronavirus that causes Sars could be killed by temperatures above 56°C or 132°F (hotter than even a bath scalding enough to cause injury) at a rate of about 10,000 viral particles every 15 minutes. Although there is no data on how many virus particles will be in a single droplet coughed up by an infected person, research on the flu virus suggests smaller droplets can contain many tens of thousands of copies of the influenza virus. However, this can vary depending on the virus itself, where in the respiratory tract it is found and at what stage in the infection the person is. On clothing and other surfaces harder to disinfect, it is not yet clear how long the virus can survive. Although they are still do test it on clothing, the absorbent natural fibres may cause the virus to dry up quickly, suggests Vincent Munster, head of the virus ecology section at Rocky Mountain Laboratories and one of those who led the NIH study. “We speculate due to the porous material, it desiccates rapidly and might be stuck to the fibres,” he says. Changes in temperature and humidity may also affect how long it can survive, and so may explain why it was less stable in suspended droplets in the air, as they are more exposed. “[We’re] currently running follow-up experiments to investigate the effect of temperature and humidity in more detail.” The ability of the virus to linger for so long only underlines the importance of hand hygiene and cleaning of surfaces, according to Munster. “There is a potential for this virus to be transmitted via a variety of routes,” he says. Long read, i'm dissecting this for the others: How long does the virus last on diff surfaces? - The virus can stay on metal, glass, plastic surfaces up to 9 (nine) days. ***up to 28 days in low temps*** - Cardboard up to 24 hours. - Plastic and stainless-steel surfaces: and up to 2-3 days *make sure to know how to clean ur phone properly, throughly - Copper surfaces, for only 4 hours. Things to kill the virus faster? - Alcohol : 61-72% - Hydrogen peroxide bleach .5% - .1% household bleach, check out sodium hypochlorite, it's a white powder usually used as cleaning agent, basically bleach.. <- - The article states scientists aren't sure how long the virus lasts on clothing. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macintosh Manhattan 6,513 Posted March 18, 2020 I've seen a lot of misleading info on how ibuprofen can affect coronavirus so here is article by the BBC separating fact from fiction - 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted March 18, 2020 I've seen a lot of misleading info on how ibuprofen can affect coronavirus so here is article by the BBC separating fact from fiction - as in the painkiller? reading atm btw thanks straight from the article, basically confirming nothing's really confirmed: There has been no research into ibuprofen and the new coronavirus (Covid-19). But there has been some for other respiratory infections, suggesting ibuprofen is linked to more complications and more severe illness - although we don't know that the ibuprofen itself is causing this, according to Paul Little, a professor of primary care research at University of Southampton. Some experts believe that ibuprofen's anti-inflammatory properties may "dampen" the body's immune response. Prof Parastou Donyai at the University of Reading says: "There are many studies that suggest ibuprofen use during a respiratory infection can result in worsening of the disease or other complications." But, she says, "I have not seen any scientific evidence that clearly shows a totally healthy 25 year old taking ibuprofen for symptoms of COVID-19 is putting themselves at additional risk of complications." Ibuprofen side effects: I've taken the liberty of listing the ones that might be more respiratory system related than others: Pain or discomfort in chest, upper stomach/throat noisy rattling breathing. shortness of breath swelling of face, hands, lower limbs troubled breathing at rest/ w exertion unusual breathing/bruising unusual tiredness/weakness rare: change in vision Chest pain Chills cough/hoarseness *difficulty breathing/ swallowing *dilated next veins *dizziness *fever w/ w/o chills *increased blood pressure *irregular breathing *joint muscle pain *sore throat *Tightness in chest *wheezing I'm thinking the similar side effects, if anything, could be connected since they're similar symptoms of covid19. And due to the nature of ibuprofen having main side effects for those already w respiratory symptoms, especially since it's literally listed on the site that it could cause an increased risk* of blood clotting, heart attacks and stroke. The article mentions paracetamol, w acetominophen (usually over the counter too, so it's less risky) as a better alternative, since it does the similar, with less side effects. tl;dr : check out the list. no scientific research has yielded anything significant, but the article opts more for the use of paracetamol. main ingredient, acetominophen. @ I think it'd b real great if we could get all the important factual details surrounding the biology of the virus eidt-posted on the first page. What do u think ? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 18, 2020 So... I was supposed to start my physical therapy for injured shoukder this friday for 10 days And now I called the hospital and they said that they will not admit anyone... So I guess I have no reason to be in Belgrade anymore But my dad injured his leg 2 days ago and can not come to pick me up by car... Oh well... @ Ask elle. I have no objections about anything. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,398 Posted March 18, 2020 @Bob how recent did they say all this? what's going on there currently, newsfront? I'm guessing public transit wouldn't be a good idea. Is ur dad holding up alright?I'll go thru the thread myself, but it'd be nice if I wasn't the only doing so.. I'll try and compile what I can so far on the thread in one post, and then u could copy/paste ? Mods can look over it forsure, in fact that'd be real great @ElleIf everyone can gather their info sources and posts too, that'd be amazing .. edit: So I read thru the thread again : overview from the WHO:, check the link out for latest updates: anyone's got better livestream, and just vids in general, that'd be great .. also, I know someone mentioned Joe Rogan, and HIV meds purported to helping overcome the virus, can someone further on those and sources ? I'd tag the others, but maybe when the thread's more active.. HIV articles connected w helping w SARS (similar genetic family to covid19, both corona family): Intro's current cases on how HIV meds could help: good summary article with past references, makes the connection between HIV and SARS: to this subthread. it's more than 10 years old though, so it's not as up to date, so, updates.. . . Protease Inhibitors: in regards to HIV, connected to SARS (which again, is of the same family of covid19)"PIs block the protease enzyme and prevent the cell from producing new viruses." 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 18, 2020 Well I called the hospital to ask... nothing publicly announced but it was espected I guess No... bus for 4 hours seem 2 risky a move now. Someone will probably come tomorrow to pick me up 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted March 18, 2020 It was just for attention and likes on TikTok she wanted to get lots of views and she succeeded. she definetly succeeded. her ugly ass was on Telemundo and my mom believed that it was a challenge everyone is doing Sooo not sure how many other states have done this, but It’s my senior year of high school and my state has just cancelled school for the rest of the year. Not sure how to process all this. It makes you question reality quite a bit daughter of my mom's niece is on the same boat, she's crushed as every teenager. And my bf graduates with his bachelors this semester.... hes witnessed a cancelled graduation ceremony, a Grad. trip to Paris, and over 100 co-workers being fired... hes not well 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 18, 2020 I am starting to have some kind of reaction from too much hands washing on my hand's skin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquemini 297 Posted March 18, 2020 When you wash your hands too much, you can weaken your skin's protective barrier. Something like vaseline applied to slightly damp hands helps seal in the moisture and prevent trans epidermal water loss, which makes your hands dry and irritated. Do you have anything like that that you could try? This article basically says the same thing 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mkultraviolence 5,833 Posted March 18, 2020 can we just acknowledge the lives lost, marriages destroyed, sex lives rekindled, divorces filed, weddings postponed, graduations delayed, dream vacations cancelled, friendships started, health problems caught early, job firings, job hirings, funerals, and birth conceptions that have happened because of this pandemic. can we acknowledge the people and businesses becoming so financially drained that they are now in debt and the people and businesses that are gaining millions over this. the loved ones lost and the babies being conceived in quarantine right now. the children going hungry because school was how they got their meals. the number of dogs being pet by their owners, owners who were never home before. the number of people wondering how they would even pay for treatment if they got sick. the number of people stressing over how they will make next months rent or whether they'll be able to afford their prescription. the people who have just earned a new job because of the crisis and demand for workers in hard hit industries. the new recipes being learned while in quarantine. the books being opened that will forever change a person's outlook on life. the sketches being drawn and puzzles being completed. the puzzles that are being left incomplete. the phone calls people are making to family members that they haven't talked to in years. the confessions of love that are being whispered. so much is happening because of this pandemic and so much is happening in spite of it and even before the novel virus, all this stuff was still happening, for decades, every day. life is so bizarre. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 18, 2020 @Aquemini Thanks for article Yes my skin is irritated and red and almost I feel it burns when I wash it with warm water I use some cream after washing just to kinda make them softer 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dark Angel 206,345 Posted March 18, 2020 can we just acknowledge the lives lost, marriages destroyed, sex lives rekindled, divorces filed, weddings postponed, graduations delayed, dream vacations cancelled, friendships started, health problems caught early, job firings, job hirings, funerals, and birth conceptions that have happened because of this pandemic. can we acknowledge the people and businesses becoming so financially drained that they are now in debt and the people and businesses that are gaining millions over this. the loved ones lost and the babies being conceived in quarantine right now. the children going hungry because school was how they got their meals. the number of dogs being pet by their owners, owners who were never home before. the number of people wondering how they would even pay for treatment if they got sick. the number of people stressing over how they will make next months rent or whether they'll be able to afford their prescription. the people who have just earned a new job because of the crisis and demand for workers in hard hit industries. the new recipes being learned while in quarantine. the books being opened that will forever change a person's outlook on life. the sketches being drawn and puzzles being completed. the puzzles that are being left incomplete. the phone calls people are making to family members that they haven't talked to in years. the confessions of love that are being whispered. so much is happening because of this pandemic and so much is happening in spite of it and even before the novel virus, all this stuff was still happening, for decades, every day. life is so bizarre. it's really crazy to think about how much this is impacting everybody's lives in a multitude of ways. i honestly never thought this virus would become this widespread and serious, now it's directly affecting my life because i have three weeks off of school and it may just end up being the rest of the year unfortunately. i really hope something great can somehow come out of this. much to think about. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquemini 297 Posted March 18, 2020 Although I didn't want it to happen in such a turbulent way, sometimes we need a reminder of our own mortality. I'm not speaking about everyone, but there are some people who live very selfishly and hedonistically in this world. At least in the UK/US, politics has become Orwellian in the last 5 years. Almost all of my peers are suffering from depression or issues with substance abuse as a way to deal with pain. Our planet is burning in front of our very eyes and some people are still in denial. The fact that probably around 70% of the population has been forced to cut off from all the external powers that make our break our daily struggle to survive and move forward- school, work, social lives, freedom to travel etc... This is something that would have seemed impossible only months ago. And yet this is the new way of life. There isn't anything that we can say to make this better, but I know I'm learning a great deal about what it means to exist in this world rk. People who I thought I could trust, what I have always taken for granted- but also where my passions lie and that I should trust my intuition. I think something good HAS to come out of it. How else can we honor the emotional and physical suffering and grievance of such an event? My thoughts go out especially to those of low income or victims of domestic abuse whose every day existence feels life or death. The homeless, those who need urgent medical care, even those of us that are relatively lucky... we all deserve just love and kindness at this time. Human decency. I feel like this is the most powerful thing, even more so than money or privilege. I know I might come across as too cheesy or as though I am oversharing my thoughts, but I know my intentions are to just provide the encouragement to others that I feel would be useful to hear. If we just forget all our preconceptions and reservations and be as kind as possible... maybe that's what we should learn from this? We all start off the same (birth) and ultimately end up the same (dead) that it seems discrimination based on differences is so pointless when it accomplishes nothing but pain. Human company can be the reason to keep living, or the reason others cease to live. Regardless of religious believes, we all have free will and this free will leads to every outcome, good or bad. Another lesson could be to see how much power our decisions (or the decisions of our leaders, determined by the decisions of the voters) hold in relation to universal joy or suffering. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted March 18, 2020 Well I'm going to be laid off from April 2nd because of movie theaters being closed at least until the 13th... I knew this would happen so I'm not surprised but am I frustrated? Hell fucking yes. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macintosh Manhattan 6,513 Posted March 18, 2020 There's not going to be a single soul on this planet that will not in some way be affected. One could argue that Covid-19 will have the same effect on world history as 9/11 did. On a less philosophical note all schools,nurseries and colleges in the UK have been finally closed till further notice. All exams have been cancelled. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 18, 2020 .... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 18, 2020 One could argue that Covid-19 will have the same effect on world history as 9/11 did. And what is actually that effect on world history? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted March 18, 2020 There's not going to be a single soul on this planet that will not in some way be affected. One could argue that Covid-19 will have the same effect on world history as 9/11 did. its the beginning of the 2008 Recession crunched in 3 week instead of a 3 year span [that ballooned in 06 and popped in 08] 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted March 18, 2020 9/11 was nothing in comparison to COVID-19. I mean, in the US, maybe. But in the rest of the world? It influenced the news for a couple days to weeks and it led to stricter security checks at airports, but that's essentially it. But this virus? That's gonna be with us and have an impact on our lives every single day well into autumn, perhaps even into 2021. It's "only" gonna kill tens of thousands of people in the best case. I don't even want to imagine what could happen if it properly starts spreading in poorer countries in Africa and Asia. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 18, 2020 ... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites