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Kurac na Biciklu

Coronavirus: COVID-19

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I'm French, and I live in a huge city in France. It was very complicated in here, we have a lot of Covid cases, as in many countries. Plus, there was a shortage of masks and hospital equipment. The quarantine ended on Monday (May 11th). Only shops opened, and schools in some regions. But restaurants, bars, theaters and many other public places stay closed until further notice.


It's pretty strange. I'm happy I can walk again, cross the streets and see new faces, but people are still strained. Most of the shops don't let people without masks in, and they can't welcome too much people at the same time, depending on the store area. So people are queuing outside.

I wear a mask only when I'm in a store or in a closed space because I wear glasses and it's REALLY uncomfortable as it makes moisture on them when I'm wearing one. :toofunny: (Am I the only one?)


I fear a second wave, and I also fear the consequences from this phase. I know a lot of people who fear losing their job or their store, all of those small businesses. The government said they would help them all and that "none business will close down", but it's delusional... And as always, the poorest will pay the price and it saddens me a lot.

. we get crazy every friday night .

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The situation here in Brazil is totally chaotic. 800+ deaths per day.  Our Health Minister was fired by Bolsonaro (our president) for not agreeing with the president's position (who does not agree with social isolation, is encouraging businessmen to protest against the closure of stores, encourages the use of chloroquine that is not confirmed by science as effective etc)

So Bolsonaro put another minister in place and today, less than a month later, the new minister resigned for not agreeing to work under these conditions.

Basically the president (who is not a doctor, scientist or anything) doesn’t trust anyone to be Minister of Health and that’s how my country has dealt with over 800 deaths PER DAY


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My friends who a month ago were posting things like “you are a narcissist If you aren’t following stay at home” now are posting pics on social media at their friends houses lol  :awk:

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so where i live there are finally no time restrictions, no schedules for going out and no curfew, the capacity in bars is still limited and they are re-opening very slowly, we're entering the new normal i guess


My friends who a month ago were posting things like “you are a narcissist If you aren’t following stay at home” now are posting pics on social media at their friends houses lol  :awk:

hmmm i don't see anything bad with this as long as it is allowed??? like i've hanging on with my friends these last days and everything's ok


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hmmm i don't see anything bad with this as long as it is allowed??? like i've hanging on with my friends these last days and everything's ok


agreed, but we're still on stay at home where I am, thats why its ironic

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corona is a dangerous virus , how come you want to protect black community yet you put everyone (INCLUDING the same community you want to defend) in a clear danger ??? covid19 is NOT A JOKE the contagion with those massive protests can be alarmous, i really hope that it will not cause an explosion of number of cases in the next few days which will maybe lead to a very strict lockdown and in that case any kind of protests will be banned and we don't know for how long that's the problem, it's not safe at all in a pandemic, they should suspend every massive groupings

again i'm NOT AGAINST THE CAUSE i am opposed to ANY FORM of racism, what i'm against is any massive grouping

that was my opinion sorry but i needed to share it

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corona is a dangerous virus , how come you want to protect black community yet you put everyone (INCLUDING the same community you want to defend) in a clear danger ??? covid19 is NOT A JOKE the contagion with those massive protests can be alarmous, i really hope that it will not cause an explosion of number of cases in the next few days which will maybe lead to a very strict lockdown and in that case any kind of protests will be banned and we don't know for how long that's the problem, it's not safe at all in a pandemic, they should suspend every massive groupings

again i'm NOT AGAINST THE CAUSE i am opposed to ANY FORM of racism, what i'm against is any massive grouping

that was my opinion sorry but i needed to share it

to me, fighting institutional racism is more important than avoiding the virus. if anything, it's a better reason to go out than haircuts, shopping, etc.


The hospitalization rate had already gone down enough which was the point of the quarantine, anyways. also, no one is forcing anyone to go to these protests. anyone with immunocompromised family members aren't going.

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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to me, fighting institutional racism is more important than avoiding the virus. if anything, it's a better reason to go out than haircuts, shopping, etc.


The hospitalization rate had already gone down enough which was the point of the quarantine, anyways. also, no one is forcing anyone to go to these protests. anyone with immunocompromised family members aren't going.

the problem is it's not an individual decision ,the consequences doesn't apply only to those who got out but to everyone, maybe immunocompromised family members aren't going but they can't stay home forever, i'm sorry but there is clearly a risk, it's clearly not the time

since the hospitalization rate had gone down why don't yall wait until the cases completely go down and for the vaccine ? it can be delayed, but corona doesn't wait 

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It's been, eventful to say the least the past couple of months. I'm not usually one to just complain, but just felt the need to I guess update from ca. Places are starting to open up again slowly, which is great. I still don't think gyms are practically safe to go back to atm, or at least indoor ones, which is just crazy..

Uni's gonna b online for the first half of the sem, 100% percent sure. Idk about the second. 

I miss, the feeling of community. nd not just the softer displays of it when I pass people. those weird/casual half-smiles don't do it anymore ah- nods tho lol 

there's a lot going on but still. be safe n smart everyone. 



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Vancouver, BC, is pretty much back to normal. All restaurants, bars, and clubs are currently open; cinemas open up early July; there has been a push for in-province travel to increase (and many hotels are at capacity for months of July and August). Only about 30% of people wear masks here, even a lot of waitresses and baristas no longer wear masks. There are queues to get into some stores but they move pretty quickly.


We're in Phase 3 right now, which is the furthest we can go without a vaccine/treatment/eradication. Phase 4 would allow mass concerts, conferences, and events to happen. We have on average 5-10 new cases a day, and have ~150 deaths so far since March. 

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

𓊔 I took the miracle move on drug 𓊔

⚕️ The effects were temporary ⚕️

⊹ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ⊹ 

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so far my state (connecticut) is i think doing the best in the country with low number of cases, but still it's dreadful. i went to the mall for the first time since january today and all store inventories were cut practically in half, fitting rooms were closed, only 30 out of 150 stores were open and you had to wait outside the store in a long ugly line before you could go in. it was so depressing i left like 20 minutes after i got there, and all i ended up doing was walking around.


schools are supposed to open full time in the fall but i felt like death even today with my mask on in the heat outside. i can't imagine sitting in a stuffy classroom in summer heat with no air conditioning for 6 hours WHILE wearing a mask. i think i might pass out :toofunny:

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