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NASA May Have Detected Signs of a Parallel Universe

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NASA is conducting research in Antarctica of cosmic-ray showers with ANITA stratospheric balloon. But they have data showing that there may be particles coming up through the ice, which is unusual since it is widely believed that these particles cannot travel through the Earth.

One of the theories presented by this is that the particles are traveling backwards in time, from a parallel universe where time flows in reverse to ours. This also would mean that in the Big Bang, two universes were created, not just ours.


Obviously, this is just a hypothesis, and may even just be a malfunction of the ANITA balloon, but it's extremely interesting!'








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In that universe, everyone's listened to Life is Beautiful, in full.


but also OP, imagine... I wonder what'd b different there  

them bitches probably do have LIB

but would that mean humans would work like Benjamin Button? Born old and die as an infant?



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Might be in that universe Lana does not even exist...I’d probably shoot myself then lol


She is known as a 1 hit wonder in that Universe from when Guns N Roses topped the charts for 14 weeks.

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Might be in that universe Lana does not even exist...I’d probably shoot myself then lol

In that Universe, Chuck becomes the famous singer, Charlie does her photography, and Lizzy lives her life through mysterious and vague Instagram posts (basically what Charlie does here lol)



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In that universe, everyone's listened to Life is Beautiful, in full.


but also OP, imagine... I wonder what'd b different there  


It won't be long before it leaks, it's already in people's hands  :sluttybunny:


i wonder if icons who died already would be living. amy, john, prince, etc...


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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It won't be long before it leaks, it's already in people's hands  :sluttybunny:


i wonder if icons who died already would be living. amy, john, prince, etc...

somebody needed to pass that baton like yesterday already  :um3: 


and I'd be surreal having Amy singing about updated life events all witty. I wonder what she'd sing about. 


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But time and physics work in reverse there, so how would THAT work lol. Like, an object in motion won't stay in motion? That's freaky

But isnt time, like, relative? And wouldnt it b more of a constant stream, so it wouldnt really matter which direction it was pointed towards. Amd an object can be at rest but still be in motion, ie cars. Maybe bc physics works opposite there everything's in a state of contant unbecoming that the rules wouldnt even apply, which, technically, would mean it is working oppositely


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Maybe life is like a continuous circle and when you die you then age in reverse in the mysterious Antarctic universe


And then when you're born in that universe you're actually dying in that universe and you're born in this one


Scientific af

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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