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Ethel Cain

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i love her so much, oh my god

you know whats funny is i found her instagram before i even knew she made music and i stanned because her pictures and aesthetic were so damn captivating like?? and im not the type of person to really follow and be interested in random people but she always stuck with me... i think u can just tell when someone is truly passionate and talented at what they do. it's not easy to pull off what she does, especially when you're not a big artist and with a very small budget.


she's probably one of my favourite artists beside lana and grimes now... her power over me the last 3 years :oprah::oprah2:



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that pitchfork review went into 0 depth it’s like the person that wrote it skimmed through the album once and wrote an entire review based on what they remembered lol. also the fact that they mention several times that the album’s 90 minutes long when it’s literally 76 minutes long :toofunny: just an all around bad review


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I haven't posted here but I have had this album on repeat since it has been out. 


It is just wow, a truly amazing debut/body of work.


The story/subject matter is/can be kind of hard to swallow (no pun intended lol) knowing the protagonist's fate but it is just so evocative, compelling, and immersive. Art isn't always about the good, the light, the easy to swallow. Just to add to that sometimes with death comes pure freedom, release, escape from the things that shackle us here. Idk just stirs up a lot of feelings and emotions, so good!


Just wanted to add to everyones already glowing consensus on this and just say wow and yes lol. 


I really haven't been this impacted/taken by an artist so immediately in a very long time, true talent here and excited to see what comes next.


Also we all know Thoroughfare, Gibson Girl, Fam Treen and Hard Times are those bitches. The rest are amazing too though lol, even Western Nights.


Ohhhh and that Pitchfork review is shit, teetotal shit.    

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7 hours ago, TrashMagiq said:

that pitchfork review went into 0 depth it’s like the person that wrote it skimmed through the album once and wrote an entire review based on what they remembered lol. also the fact that they mention several times that the album’s 90 minutes long when it’s literally 76 minutes long :toofunny: just an all around bad review


they changed it to 76 minutes but now it just looks goofy like 76 minutes is ridiculously long for an album :toofunny:


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21 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:


they changed it to 76 minutes but now it just looks goofy like 76 minutes is ridiculously long for an album :toofunny:


i mean 76 minutes is enough to fill up a cd so it’s definitely not short but it’s also incredibly slow and it flies by quick so acting like it’s sOoO lOnNgG is just kinda pathetic of them

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1 minute ago, viktoria said:




as much as i champion lizzy grant, she sounds absolutely nothing like her. not even their influences are the same


it’s not a diss towards lana at all, it’s just an incorrect comparison many people are making for some reason

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4 hours ago, viktoria said:

Ok, but for me her voice sounds a lot like Lana in Family Tree (Intro), A House in Nebraska and Family Tree . That's not negative, quite the opposite, it's an aspect why I like her music so much. But that's all, her style is otherwise quite different.

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aw hell naw. i'm so furious that this dumbass review has now opened her up to a huge mess on socials. literally this is the effect of lazy writing and music criticism... i'm sick.


i'm just so dumbfounded that after pumping out endless interviews and articles with her and the great score they gave her debut, booking for her pitchfork fest and this is the score and review they have to offer. like wtf?  :wtf3:

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