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Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

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I'm not sure if this has already been discussed, or where it goes if it hasn't.  So, my apologies if this isn't in the right place! But WHAT is being said in the back-round of Born To Die (male voice)? I know that Rick James' "Shout!" sample is in Blue Jeans, and it sounds like the same voice in BTD, but I can't make out what's being said at all. It's been driving me crazy! 


Appears in 00:05 (5 seconds)



Also, the crowd shout in Off To The Races, This is What Makes Us Girl and Diet Mountain Dew is here:




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So, if Roses is from the same session as HD and DY, then, since there is a demo version and a final version for each of those songs, shouldn't we have a 'Roses (Demo)' and a 'Roses (Final Version)'???? idk if this sounds crazy sorry  :die:  :die:


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Maybe Woolridge didn't want to do some promo .

But if she listened to Ben in the first place (which she did) - scrape everything to 'reinvent' with BTD (which had great success), then what happened after that - shouldn't Ben make her do some more promotion or something? Shouldn't Interscope make her do some promo to increase album sale? (businesses need profit right?) Even with indie labels full of artists that lazier than Lana at promoting they still at least do something decent.

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I didn't know where to place this topic but I have a quick question, what is the name of the synth in the intro and throughout the verses in West Coast? I know it has a heavy wah wah effect but I didn't know of there was a specific name attached to it as well.

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I didn't know where to place this topic but I have a quick question, what is the name of the synth in the intro and throughout the verses in West Coast? I know it has a heavy wah wah effect but I didn't know of there was a specific name attached to it as well.



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During the SKRQ era, Blue Ribbon was listed under the album Tropicana, and Axl Rose Husband & Elvis were under the album True Blue. Are we to assume those were album/ep names, or maybe just a playlist? Any clue on what else was on them? Also, did the LG&TP era have an album/ep titles associated with it?


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During the SKRQ era, Blue Ribbon was listed under the album Tropicana, and Axl Rose Husband & Elvis were under the album True Blue. Are we to assume those were album/ep names, or maybe just a playlist? Any clue on what else was on them? Also, did the LG&TP era have an album/ep titles associated with it?


IIRC, i think someone said that Tropicana and True Blue were probably just titles that she liked but they weren't albums/EPs. might be wrong, though


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During the SKRQ era, Blue Ribbon was listed under the album Tropicana, and Axl Rose Husband & Elvis were under the album True Blue. Are we to assume those were album/ep names, or maybe just a playlist? Any clue on what else was on them? Also, did the LG&TP era have an album/ep titles associated with it?

Before the MySpace relaunch, those tracks on her sparklejumpropequeen MySpace account were all in the same playlist and had no album information. Post-relaunch, they appear with the album names as you describe. My best guess is that these album titles were in a metadata field in the files originally uploaded that was not being used prior to the relaunch. I don't think there's really much we can conclude with any certainty from that.


Similarly, this sums up my thoughts on trying to distinguish Sparkle Jump Rope Queen, Lizzy Grant and the Phenomena, or what have you "eras":

these kinds of distinctions are often fuzzy and uncertain (and I don't usually find them very useful or meaningful)



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I'm desperately looking for the full VH1/MTV interview, who's blocked in my country. I think I've seen it all except the Gangsta Paradise and the speed questions parts... Does anyone managed to rip it and can PM me it, or does someone know where I can find it please? I want to watch it so bad :(


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