SissyRëyLDRsparkjumprope 63 Posted November 17, 2012 I found her last November, I watched video games. I loved her! But I only really got into her after I bought born to die in May. 1 Quote FEET DON'T FAIL ME NOW. TAKE ME TO THE FINISH LINE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lana Del Rey 755 Posted November 17, 2012 Last November aswell. it's on my profile page 0 Quote Angel-Headed Hipster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deeth 107 Posted November 17, 2012 I heard Video Games in October 2011 and loved it instantly. I'm quite lazy to check out any ~new~ artists but this was not the case with Lana. 0 Quote To be away from all, to be one of everything Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paradise27390 206 Posted November 17, 2012 I remember in January when Born To Die the single was smashing the charts. I dismissed her immediately. Who does that Paloma Faith look-a-like waste of space think she is? I never even heard the song all the way through. I just considered it another pile of garbage like everything else on the charts. Cut to a couple of months later and I catch abit of the Blue Jeans video, and it startled me! I thought hmmm I like this. I pretty much forgot about it till a week later while i was browsing itunes, played the snippet, bought it and LOVED IT! Being piss poor at the time I *cough*illegally downloaded the album*cough* and, even though it did take awhile for me to get into a few tracks drifting in between the stellar beginning and stunning finale of the album... I literally fell in love with the girl with the big lips, long nails, bouffant hair, silky voice and one hell of a captivating style! I couldn't believe what I heard playing Video Games (which hadn't even heard when it was a hit everywhere last year! that bypassed me all together!) and Off to the Races, and Radio, and Lolita, and Without You, and Summertime Sadness... IT WAS LIKE SEX TO MY SOUL!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Limelight 4,709 Posted November 17, 2012 Found her in the beginning of the year after she had already released the BTD video. I didn't use the computer and looked for music in the second half of 2011 (I was abroad). To tell her truth, at first I found her face boring, and her voice made me sleepy. I tried to listen to her songs more and that was when I found the Diet Mountain Dew demo version and it made me start liking her. When BTD album was released I already liked her and after a couple of weeks I fell in love. You kind of have to get used to her voice and style to be able to appreciate her stuff. I can say she is my favorite singer together with Gaga. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baby V Alex 2,868 Posted November 18, 2012 I saw her stuff on muumuse and I like her stuff, I never thought she will became my life tho 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorrow 58 Posted November 18, 2012 I pirated BTD cause it was in the top 10 ( Bought it after that though) I instantly fell in love with all of her songs and lyrics.I honestly didn't expect her to be that much of an artist since people nowadays rarely are THAT talented. 0 Quote I live my life inside a dream.Only waking when I sleep.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
10milestereo 228 Posted November 18, 2012 A friend of mine sent me a link to the video for You Can Be the Boss in July 2011, right around when Video Games was noticed and I fell in love instantly. Then, I realized a man who tastes like the fourth of July and would give me a cigarette with his number on it is my ideal man, really. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
James19709 638 Posted November 18, 2012 I remember in January when Born To Die the single was smashing the charts. I dismissed her immediately. Who does that Paloma Faith look-a-like waste of space think she is? I never even heard the song all the way through. I just considered it another pile of garbage like everything else on the charts. Cut to a couple of months later and I catch abit of the Blue Jeans video, and it startled me! I thought hmmm I like this. I pretty much forgot about it till a week later while i was browsing itunes, played the snippet, bought it and LOVED IT! Being piss poor at the time I *cough*illegally downloaded the album*cough* and, even though it did take awhile for me to get into a few tracks drifting in between the stellar beginning and stunning finale of the album... I literally fell in love with the girl with the big lips, long nails, bouffant hair, silky voice and one hell of a captivating style! I couldn't believe what I heard playing Video Games (which hadn't even heard when it was a hit everywhere last year! that bypassed me all together!) and Off to the Races, and Radio, and Lolita, and Without You, and Summertime Sadness... IT WAS LIKE SEX TO MY SOUL!!! I forgive your initial reaction to Lana because you used a gif of Ab Fab and then Shelter. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arzi 1,982 Posted November 18, 2012 2011 September, and I started to become obsessed with her because she was hipster and trendy hehe 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PepsiCola 13 Posted November 18, 2012 September 2012, Everyone was taking about her and I was like "Who is dis bitch?" "Gwen is meh Queen" then I watched the BTD video and dismissed it. The song was stuck in my head for so long! I was doing dishes and then like "No fuck this fuck that fuck you leftover food" and bought the album. Best descision of my life (': 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
♡GagaOopsy♡ 287 Posted November 18, 2012 Ok I'm gonna be completely honest!! I was on this forum called Gagayard and lots of people had Avis of her and there's was a thread dedicate to her and I saw Born To Die an I didn't like it. I actually started liking e after I got out of that forum and I'm a fan ever since then! And now I'm lol addicted to her!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mileena 2,696 Posted November 18, 2012 i heard of her in july 2011 from a girl from greece who really liked her, i checked out video games and quite liked it but ellie goulding was more important at the tim but then in december i got the off to the races promotional single on itunes for free and i really loved it and then before the album born to die came out i found the second demo of diet mtn dew on youtube and fell in love. and straight after that i downloaded the nevada album and i got both versions of born to die on my birthday on february 2nd and i spent the whole day listening to lana ;D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poison Ivy 1,591 Posted November 18, 2012 Everything about her has been a growing process for me. At first (last year, October-ish) I didn't like her, then her songs started obsessing me, then I gradually downloaded more of her music and just lavished in it but didn't go beyond 'just listening to her' stage until quite recently, I mean I liked her but didn't know very in depth stuff about her and all 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Manueldelrey 72 Posted November 19, 2012 I think it was on October last year maybe november, at the UK Singles Chart when Video Games debuted and i found it interesting because it was such a slow song and in the UK charts there is always Pitbull and David Guetta and stuff, but i liked the song. Then i searched for her to see who this girl was but Born To Die (single) wasn't out yet i think, then i heard it and it was stuck in my mind sooooooo hard i was singing it at every minute i loved it, Then i heard Blue Jeans and i didn't liked it but it ALWAYS happends to me that when i hate a song at first, in a couple week i will be obssesed with it -.- when the Album was out i downloaded it and i really liked it, i became such a huge fan of Born To Die because it was very different to everything out now and i just started with the everyday search of Lana Del Rey on google (like i normally do with my favourite artist) and wikipedia and stuff. I have tried to make my cousin a stan but she doens't want to listen to it (bitch) she really likes Video Games but i gave her the album so she could listen it and she almost lost it and i was on a crisis And well, that is how i knew Lana. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JhnMabius 175 Posted November 20, 2012 I opened Born To Die video randomly because i was bored, and i totally hated the song, it was so boring and WEIRD to me.. But I thought she was really beautiful and she remembered me so much to someone, so I just kept repeating and repeating the video, so I could see her. After checking some songs I came up with Off To The Races and It was extremely weird but so epic and awesome so I kept on checking her stuff after I found National Anthem snippet, the song was so fucking dark and cool, and I was dying to listen to it, so I bought the album, and the song of course became my favorite, and now im a fan as all of you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
National Anthem 9,909 Posted November 20, 2012 I saw everyone in the Gaga fan-base obsessing over her on twitter in like early January maybe, and kinda put it aside. I stan for Gaga so who cares about this new girl right? Anyways near album release, I saw BTD as the single of the week on iTunes, and I thought why not. It's free. So I remember being in bed late at night in the dark on first listen and I hated it. It made it worse that her voice was so low and it was dark and it honestly made me kinda scared in my situation lol idk why. But I listened the next day a few times, and each time I liked it more and more. So then right when I had came to the realization that I liked it, I saw BTD the album on iTunes. I listened through the previews and I guess since I was used to her voice now, they sounded pretty good, but i didn't buy it. The standard was $7.99 and the deluxe like $9.99 and I was just like eh not now. So then a few days later I went back in iTunes and the deluxe BTD had been discounted as well to $7.99! This didn't last very long so idk if anybody else got it for this price here! Anyways I fell in love with it after I bought it for $7.99. I remember specifically loving DMD and Lucky Ones, and hating Blue Jeans and Million Dollar Man which are 2 of my favorites now. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted November 20, 2012 August 2011. One of my friends on tumblr did a vocal cover of Video Games and messaged me being like "you'd really enjoy the original". I listened to her cover and thought it was very sweet then went to youtube the song and I was 100% done. Oh God fell in love so hard. I knew I would buy the shit out of her album. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trash Magic 28,661 Posted November 22, 2012 I've been been a fan since I heard Junky Pride in 2005! Lizzi forever 3 Quote "It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iloveguineapigs 168 Posted November 22, 2012 August 2011 Heard Video Games on XMU Sirius radio and fell in love with it instantly! And you can imagine how much more in love I fell when Is aw what she looked like :love: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites