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Sky Ferreira

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I dont care if she's lying or not, for descending I pretend to believe her 100%, I would give my blood, kidney or even Venmo her a couple of dollars



Janelle Monáe • Sky Ferreira • Grace Jones • Spellling • FKA twigs • Kate Bush • Kylie Minogue • Charli XCX • Carly Rae Jepsen • LOOΠ∆ • Red Velvet • Janet Jackson 

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5 hours ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

Sky Ferreira Instagram story archive

Friday November 4th 2022

Snippets playing, wanting release:





What song was this about? She wanted Descending as the first single? GURL ME TOO. 3rd single will suffice tho.

"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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8 minutes ago, letterblue said:

i think harassing Capitol under every social media post will do nothing but go for it :lmao:

What do you exactly suggests us to do so?

She's been complaning about waiting for their approval on release dates and about them forever.

Curious because when Halsey called them out, her fans did the same and they quickly used their media to address the "situation"



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Yeah guys I don’t think hounding Capitol’s social media will do anything other than give the interns running them a headache nnn this is Sky’s battle to fight. 

She’s messy and unreliable as we know but I understand her on this one. If Descending’s already been finished and submitted, I don’t see why she wouldn’t want to release what is potentially the best song thus far? She seems desperate so she really should pull a RAYE at this rate, the worst that could happen has already happened so :crossed:

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2 minutes ago, zombie girl said:

sky goes to the label, begs for a release date for a song (and album) that isn’t completely finished yet. capitol is like, “sky, we’re not going to give you a release date for music that’s not completed”. sky gets angry and keeps asking and then capitol is finally fed up enough and is like “fine, we’ll release what you want around (insert whatever time period), but here is your deadline for when the final masters need to be turned in to us.” sky misses that deadline; capitol is a big label with many artists to tend to and tbh sky is not the biggest and most important artist on their roster, so they have to delay the release for when it won’t interfere with any of their other artists’ release dates who actually made their deadline.

It’s technically true there’s no reason for them to prioritize her but @eyelovelefteye told us months ago that Descending had already been submitted, who said she missed the deadline?

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3 minutes ago, zombie girl said:

sky goes to the label, begs for a release date for a song (and album) that isn’t completely finished yet. capitol is like, “sky, we’re not going to give you a release date for music that’s not completed”. sky gets angry and keeps asking and then capitol is finally fed up enough and is like “fine, we’ll release what you want around (insert whatever time period), but here is your deadline for when the final masters need to be turned in to us.” sky misses that deadline; capitol is a big label with many artists to tend to and tbh sky is not the biggest and most important artist on their roster, so they have to delay the release for when it won’t interfere with any of their other artists’ release dates who actually made their deadline.

oop the drag... sky needs to just send finders keepers, pray for rain, descending, swamp girl, and pretty dull to capitol for masochism and i'll move... ik swamp girl and pretty dull arent masochism but like... we need them

and go home 2022 version MAKE IT HAPPEN

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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26 minutes ago, DownhillLullaby said:

What do you exactly suggests us to do so?

She's been complaning about waiting for their approval on release dates and about them forever.

Curious because when Halsey called them out, her fans did the same and they quickly used their media to address the "situation"


:lmao: Sky Ferreira is no Halsey by ANY means. Halsey actually makes Capitol money so let’s start there. Halsey actually has a massive fanbase too, not 5 gay men on the internet.


what do i suggest you do….get out your pitchforks and march on over to Capitol Records because harassing social media accounts will do nothing for Sky.

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Just now, letterblue said:

:lmao: Sky Ferreira is no Halsey by ANY means. Halsey actually makes Capitol money so let’s start there. Halsey actually has a massive fanbase too not 5 gay men on the internet.


what do i suggest you do….get out your pitchforks and march on over to Capitol Records because harassing social media accounts will do nothing for Sky.

you do know why people compare sky to halsey right... its because when halsey was making her debut to capitol they were def using skys ideas for her, watch ghost music video by halsey and then watch night time, my time video by sky! also the so good tea was also kinda similar to skys problem but that might be a little reach

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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Are people really surprised that the label doesn't want to release a third single of an album that isn't even finished yet? She should finish the album first and then plan a proper rollout. It's insane that she released Don't Forget, did this huge press tour, played at festivals all without having a plan to release the album.

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1 minute ago, hotshot2am said:

Are people really surprised that the label doesn't want to release a third single of an album that isn't even finished yet? She should finish the album first and then plan a proper rollout. It's insane that she released Don't Forget, did this huge press tour, played at festivals all without having a plan to release the album.

why were they releasing singles for cry baby then two years before the "release date" and while the album was very unfinished??

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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Descending is (was) in fact the next single, that's why it wouldn't leak, for obvious reasons.


This thread is the ONLY one from the music section that gets the HOT flair almost every week lol. I'm a huge fan, but she isn't coming. Please, stop getting sad/angry/annoyed over her, it's not worthy.


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1 minute ago, zombie girl said:

honestly, with the way sky was talking about the album this year before don’t forget came out, i wouldn’t be surprised if capitol gave her a deadline and release plan for all of masochism and they were genuinely planning an entire album release for her and wanted descending as the second single and to be released with the announcement of the album (also because it’s genuinely just a better and more interesting song, maybe that’s why they wanted her to put out don’t forget first and save descending for the big announcement). if the album isn’t done, or if she didn’t make a possible deadline for the whole thing, they would have to delay the entire era they planned, which is a looooot of freaking work. at this point i feel like they’re not going to let her put something else out until they have all of the final masochism mixes in their hands. i understand there’s probably something contractually keeping her quiet from explaining whatever situation she’s in in detail but i wish she would just be more transparent about whatever is going on besides us having to guess

This could very well be the case but I don’t know, I don’t think they have that much communication/they’d invest this much in her (and understandably so). If they let her release two singles already without demanding a whole album be turned in they could easily greenlight Descending too. This is the same label that didn’t press NTMT upon release so I doubt they care enough to plan a whole campaign when we know Masochism will realistically only make a dent in gay indie Twitter 

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5 minutes ago, JudahSoCutah said:

you do know why people compare sky to halsey right... its because when halsey was making her debut to capitol they were def using skys ideas for her, watch ghost music video by halsey and then watch night time, my time video by sky! also the so good tea was also kinda similar to skys problem but that might be a little reach

i’m not even going to address your conspiracy theory. i was talking about them being completely different artists in terms of sound and commercial success.

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