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Sky Ferreira

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sorry if this is a dumb question - but what are your guys' thoughts on the real reasons why she hasn't released music in so long?   it just seems so strange.


I honestly think she has a lot of mental and physical health problems which she has not really disclosed in detail, so she has not been in the position to be able to promote the album or properly work on it consistently, also record label disputes involving money etc.. She wants the album to be solid and without compromising quality. So her need for perfection is really leaving things in limbo.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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So I think Sky's mom commented on the video I made where I talked about her album delays lol

Can someone confirm if this is her? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUJIecIt2F8


This is what she said~

Comment #1: 

Actually your so off. It was a a idea from micheal.jackson. next venice is where shes from and it wasnt a rich neighborhood. When she grew up. Next shes not privilege white girl shes latina and native American i know ok she didn't grow up rich im her mother. You think you know my daughter your facts are off. Lol and Sky's a artist and actress and model and a. Writer and done pretty well. And my daughter did mot use men as props. Im sorry but you do sound hateful maybe find a real job i oh nasty cherry don't really song. Maybe get clue its gimmick nasty cherry research the bad little better jokes on you .oh how many people have watched your dumb video .


Comment #2:

Actually she does do pretty well her income is fine she has film shes also in twilight zone and other films coming. Out so you clearly need to do some real research


I am confused and um yeah...  :scoff:

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So I think Sky's mom commented on the video I made where I talked about her album delays lol

Can someone confirm if this is her? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUJIecIt2F8


This is what she said~

Comment #1: 

Actually your so off. It was a a idea from micheal.jackson. next venice is where shes from and it wasnt a rich neighborhood. When she grew up. Next shes not privilege white girl shes latina and native American i know ok she didn't grow up rich im her mother. You think you know my daughter your facts are off. Lol and Sky's a artist and actress and model and a. Writer and done pretty well. And my daughter did mot use men as props. Im sorry but you do sound hateful maybe find a real job i oh nasty cherry don't really song. Maybe get clue its gimmick nasty cherry research the bad little better jokes on you .oh how many people have watched your dumb video .


Comment #2:

Actually she does do pretty well her income is fine she has film shes also in twilight zone and other films coming. Out so you clearly need to do some real research


I am confused and um yeah...  :scoff:

i feel like this was actually sky hereself writing these lol   :oic2:


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So I think Sky's mom commented on the video I made where I talked about her album delays lol

Can someone confirm if this is her? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUJIecIt2F8


This is what she said~

Comment #1: 

Actually your so off. It was a a idea from micheal.jackson. next venice is where shes from and it wasnt a rich neighborhood. When she grew up. Next shes not privilege white girl shes latina and native American i know ok she didn't grow up rich im her mother. You think you know my daughter your facts are off. Lol and Sky's a artist and actress and model and a. Writer and done pretty well. And my daughter did mot use men as props. Im sorry but you do sound hateful maybe find a real job i oh nasty cherry don't really song. Maybe get clue its gimmick nasty cherry research the bad little better jokes on you .oh how many people have watched your dumb video .


Comment #2:

Actually she does do pretty well her income is fine she has film shes also in twilight zone and other films coming. Out so you clearly need to do some real research


I am confused and um yeah...  :scoff:

well if that's really her mother..............we have to laugh

come to my house let's die together, friendships that would last forever

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I do think that is her mother. She’s been interacting with fans recently. The account name is even Tonia Lamere, which is her mothers name


I’m waiting for someone to get her to leak her daughter’s music.

“Actually nasty cherry is a gimmick to see if they can make fake singer famous that the real story behind the band ok everyone should the facts on the pretend band have you guys heard of ghost singers”



Another comment from Sky’s mother on that video. I can’t find the ones late bloomer was talking about tho.

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well if that's really her mother..............we have to laugh

Is her mom 12 or something?? lol she speaks so childishly



You are wrong and bad person and that not true at all and I know my daughter she is actually not rich but has a big house and is in many film and there is no aLbum delay and micheal jackson is still alive. Ok I go sleep now

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Can anyone upload her old eps/singles on spotify? it sucks to download 1 per 1 by youtube, not even the b-sides are there, that sucks. I mean, i know she's got a disease and she needs time to make her album and the fact she hates her old stuff, but cmon let's make a hash or something, we're done with promises, if she just keep quiet it would be better than promising every goddamn year :(

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her mom has always typed like that and i want to say i heard she wasn't mentally capable of fully typing well? idk, this was YEARS ago on twitter where we found out alot about her mom but it's been so long i forgot the specifics. it could possibly be her, she never used fake names when she would be on social media, well that i can remember.

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