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2 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

as someone w bpd i find this speculating beyond inappropriate and reckless

and lmao "6. her live fast die young tattoos" :rip:


I second this.

♬  ♥  .。.    .。.   ♥  ♬

There are violets in your eyes
There are guns that blaze around you
There are roses in between my thighs
And a fire that surrounds you

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6 minutes ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

as someone w bpd i find this speculating beyond inappropriate and reckless

and lmao "6. her live fast die young tattoos" :rip:


i was thinking... if lana has borderline personality disorder i must have it too! because i relate to her music A LOT! :rip: regardless of what behavior she displays, i don't think we could ever say for sure what's actually going on inside of her head because they're just song lyrics which are artistic & exaggerated, & none of us are doctors who know her personally


even if she did have the disorder it's nobody's business & it's not anybody's place to speculate 


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This is extremely weird. Digging through her music trying to find symptoms to diagnose her with a disorder is invasive and incredibly creepy. It's her life, not ours. We should not be digging this deep into lyrics to try and fit them into a puzzle to get a conclusion. It is obvious you're looking for evidence to fit a narrative and not looking at evidence and coming to a conclusion which makes this 100x more fucking weird. If she has BPD and wanted us to know, she would share it and that's good for her if she's comfortable with that. If she has it and doesn't want us to know, then that's her right. What is the point of this? 

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wha...what happened? i am so confused... :oprah2:

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1 minute ago, Whore of Tropico said:

wha...what happened? i am so confused... :oprah2:

they did a whole indepth analysis on lana's discography and lana herself because they thought lana had bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder :dorothy2:

god loves you

but not enough

to save you

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This thread is (or I guess was) a very clear example of why acting like you know celebrities personally when you don't isn't cool. And saying "I'm not trying to diagnose" doesn't make it okay either, especially if you go on to do exactly that 


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